Azula's Redemption idea

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I actually heard that a deleted arc in the series was an arranged marriage for Azula. I was thinking that could be her redemption arc. I think it would go like this:

It's the start of season three (shortly after Crossroads of Destiny), Ozai tells Azula about the arranged marriage. He says it's to form an alliance and make him an even more powerful ruler, as well as to continue a bloodline of powerful firebenders. She is absolutely furious about it (mainly because she thinks all other firebenders are inferior compared to her, but also because she harbors those feelings that no one actually cares about her, everyone thinks she's a monster and that she can't be loved because she's only known how to rule with fear). At night, she finds Zuko after he went to see Iroh. He sees her and begs her not to tell anyone. However, Azula tells him that's not why she's there. She tells Zuko she wants to rebel against Ozai and not get married. Reluctantly, but still slightly trusting, Zuko tells her his plan to join the Gaang and teach Aang firebending. She's taken back by it, but given what Ozai just did to her, she understands. And after hearing his plan, she tells him she wants to come along. She's so desperate to get out of the arranged marriage, she'll do anything, even swallow (some of) her pride and help the Avatar. Fast forward to Day of the Black Sun, Aang, Sokka and Toph are greeted by Azula. But this time instead of trying to stall them, she tells them everything that's going on. Of course, they don't believe her. Toph, however, let's her guard down a little and at least hears her out (because Toph sensed she was telling the truth). After the eclipse is over, Azula and Zuko both escape in the hot air balloon. Perhaps while they're following them, they could have some real close heart-to-heart brother-sister bonding time, this could actually be their life changing field trip together. (If I ever stop procrastinating and decide to write this, this is a line idea I have)

Zuko: Oh, and about what you said, at the beach, when you said mom thought you were a monster... that's not true. Mom loved you, a lot.
Azula: No, she didn't, ZuZu.
Zuko: Yes, she did. She loved you, just not some of the choices you made. She knew it was because of father's influence.
Azula: Look, I know your only saying that because you're my brother and that you're trying to make me feel better, but you really don't have to. I already know what she thinks of me, and I've made peace with it. It is the truth, after all.
Zuko: (sigh), alright, fine. Just thought you'd want to know.

Azula actually does listen a little, she's just really in denial about Ursa loving her, and doesn't want to hear the truth after what she enforced upon herself. After they finally catch up with Team Avatar, Zuko tries to convince them that they (mostly him) have changed. Azula tries a little bit, while still being Azula about it. She says she might even teach Aang lightning bending and Zuko chimes in saying he can teach lightning redirection. Fast forward to Aang and Zuko's life changing field trip episode, either she goes with Aang and Zuko or has 'girls bonding time' with Toph and Katara (the latter is probably the better choice). She tells Toph and Katara about everything that's going on and why she's doing this. Katara, of course, is very suspicious of her, and respectfully so. Fast forward to a little before Zuko and Katara's life changing field trip. Azula tries to talk to Katara, and in a moment of weakness, asks Katara what she can do to make her trust her, or at least make it up to her, after everything she's done. Katara then tells her about her mom. Then Azula tells Zuko, and then they set up the field trip. Fast forward to after the field trip, and the three of them get back to the camp. Katara and Azula bonded a little; Katara being impressed by how strong Azula is and Azula being impressed that Katara was actually willing to kill. They're finally at peace with each other. Fast forward to a little before Sozin's Comet, Azula goes back the Fire Nation for a little bit to see Mai and Ty Lee again to tell them where she was and what she's been up to. She apologizes to them for how she treated them (but is still Azula about) and makes peace with them. Fast forward to Sozin's Comet, before Ozai leaves in his fleet, Azula fights him a for a little bit, letting out all of her anger towards him, after she finally realized that he never actually loved her, just everything that came with having a firebending prodigy as a daughter. Since there's no final Agni Kai, maybe Azula helps Sokka, Suki, and Toph, and Zuko helps the White Lotus, or Vice versa. Fast forward to Zuko's coronation. Since Zuko is the older sibling, he naturally becomes the next Fire Lord. Azula is fine with him having the throne, as long as she gets to be second in command and have power over a few things.
That's just an idea that I have.

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