Werewolf Jason Todd x reader

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This one, I want to be a combination of a few different things from a few different places. How the characters get to the setting of the story comes from a one shot scenario. And for the story, werewolves will just be giant wolves, rather than a human shaped wolf. For better understanding of my idea of the story, please watch/listen to this video (with headphones of course).

          I'd change it to be something happens in Gotham or to Wayne Manor, or whatever else, and all of the Batfamily have to go under the radar for a while. Since Jason and Reader-Chan are dating, he feels conflicted; he wants to make sure she's safe at all times, but he doesn't want to leave her behind. Luckily enough, Reader-Chan's grandma (and/or grandpa) has a house in a very small town that is under the radar. And by small town, I mean population of, like, 800 small. This town is (or is based on) a real place. If you think you know of it (or actually know of it), feel free to guess in the comments. So Reader-Chan tells Jason the classic line 'I know a place', they get ready to go, Reader-Chan puts the directions into the GPS (or some navigation app), and they head on their way. Several hours later, they finally make it to the small town, and Reader-Chan introduces Jason to her grandma (and/or grandpa). They get settled in, and conk out in their designated sleeping area.

          The next day, Reader-Chan shows Jason around town, and overall, they have a good day. One night, Jason takes a walk in the forest after dinner. When suddenly, he gets jumped by an angry looking animal. He's able to fight it off and get away, but not without at least some bites and scratches. He comes back to the house, and you treat his wounds. After that night, everything is relatively normal. At least, until one fateful night.

          Jason and Reader-Chan are alone in the house together. They're talking about stuff, when suddenly Jason feels pain all over his body. Reader-Chan goes upstairs to get him some pain medication. But while Reader-Chan is upstairs, something happens to Jason; he turns into a giant wolf! It's quite painful, so of course he makes some pained noises. Reader-Chan hears them, and goes back downstairs with the pain medicine and a glass of water. But when she goes to give Jason the medicine, there's a giant wolf! And for the sake of infuriating anyone who reads the story, I'm going to make it so that Reader-Chan doesn't know that Jason is a werewolf until he tells her. So she'll just think a rather large wolf (that can somehow talk) got into the house. Since this is Jason's first transformation, the animal instincts are in control, so he would never imagine in a million years that this is actually happening, or what he's about to do. The beast tells Reader-Chan to start running. She bolts out the door trying to get as far away from the creature as possible, but it's no use. It's way faster, stronger, so it easily catches up to her. It scratches the back of her leg(s), causing her to fall down. Reader-Chan tries to call out for help, for Jason, but to no avail. The beast bites her all over, thinking she's just another snack. After some time, the beast is satisfied and canters back to the house to go rest and recover its strength.

          The next morning, Jason wakes up, his body sprawled across the bed, and... he's not wearing any clothes. He looks over to the other side of the bed, only to find that his girlfriend was absent. This confused him, where else could she have gone? He calls out her name, but hears no response. He thinks she might be somewhere downstairs. So he just throws on some flannel pants and heads down. He scours the entire first floor, but he never found Reader-Chan. He then notices that the front door was unlocked, so he simply thought that she just went out somewhere. He turns on the TV in the kitchen to see the morning news. Oh boy, is he in for the shock of his life. There was a breaking news story about a victim of an animal attack, and how they were found by early morning hikers. He was mostly fairly uninterested, that is until the news anchor said the victims name. When Jason heard his girlfriends name, his heart dropped. All of his attention was on the TV. He saw the gruesome pictures of her heavily damaged body, heard about how she was in critical condition. After that, he changed into some regular clothes and sped right over to the emergency room. He darted right into her room and saw a heartbreaking sight: Reader-Chan unconscious, with stitches all over, and being hooked up to so many machines. He started talking to her sleeping form, promising her that he would find whoever/whatever did this to her, and send them straight to Hell. Little does he know.

This story has it all; it's fluffy, it's angsty, it has romance, it has drama! It has it all! If anyone wants to write this story in its entirety, you're more than welcome.

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