Kalin Kessler x reader idea part two (Dark Signers arc)

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A vast majority of this takes from the YuGiOh! Tag Force game(s), so if it sounds different than the previous chapter (which took a lot from the anime), that's why.

It starts off when Kalin was put in the Facility. He was brutally beaten, he wasn't allowed any visitors, his deck was taken away, and his food is withheld. (I'm pretty sure a lot of this stuff is illegal, but I won't dwell on it). He's curled up in a ball in the corner of his cell and he's practically on death's door. He almost gives up on it all, when suddenly he hears something.

A few minutes earlier... (Y/N)'s POV
"Please, let me see him!"

"Sorry, Miss, we can't allow you to see him. He's not allowed to have any visitors either."

"What?! You can't do this to him!"

"As a matter of fact, we can." (Police can actually do that, I looked it up to make sure). "Listen, Miss, just take some deep breaths, count to ten, turn around and walk away."

"Okay, okay, fine. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7-" you stopped at 7 to take the man by surprise and nail him in the gut. (Fun fact: the human liver can be ruptured in one punch. Just thought I'd bring that up, since that's what you (almost) do to the poor guy). You start running through the Facility, shouting Kalin's name, looking for him. And you left the poor security officer with a very sore gut on the floor, groaning in pain.

"Aaaaaoooooo! Aw man!" (Let's called the security officer Jerry for the sake of the story). Another officer (for the sake of the story, let's call him Steve) came running in to see Jerry on the floor.

"Jerry! What happened?" Steve shouted

"Aaahhh... ooohhhh. S-stop that... crazy lady..." Jerry said, as he weakly pointed in the direction (Y/N) just ran. Steve sounds an alarm and tells other officers what's going on.

Meanwhile, over here...

"Kalin!! Kalin, where are you?" You were running anywhere and everywhere to find him. Until...

"(Y.../N)...?" He weekly muttered. You heard it, and quickly turned around.

"Kalin?! Oh my God! What did they do to you?!" He doesn't respond, he just weakly grins, seeing that you are the only one who didn't abandon him. "It's okay, I'm going to get you out!" You pull out a lock pick to at least attempt to help him. But, the other officers find you and put a stop to it. They break the lock pick and and try to restrain you, again. You pull out a box cutter to try and ward them off. Sadly, that fails, as they take the box cutter and impale both of your hands (this becomes important in the Crash Town arc) and you scream in pain, and that's what gets his attention the most. Kalin sees and/or hears the whole thing go down and becomes even more upset. He sees/hears you getting dragged away, in pain, and and he's powerless to do anything. Then he dies and becomes a dark signer. Fast forward some time

⬆️⬆️ The video above pretty much sums up what you do (with him), so watch it if you want things to make more sense.

Fast forward to (after) the fourth and final duel. You win, he collapses, you hold him, and you two share some touching final moments. You two basically talk about the past, the good times you had with the team, and maybe you two almost spill how you feel, you stay with him in his final moments, and he finally dies (for the second time) and turns to dust. You start crying as you look at the picture of your old picture of the team. You decide that it's time for a change in your life.

Side note: this is what I feel like he would actually do to wake you up (based on the above shown video)

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