Kalin Kessler x reader idea (3)

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          You and Kalin and are having a movie night. It's your turn to choose, and you chose either The Green Mile or The Shawshank Redemption (if you haven't seen either of these movies, watch them right now. They are incredible works of art). And as you watch, Kalin starts to cry, because it reminded him of his time at the facility and all of the horrible things that happened to him there. And then you comfort him.

          I keep writing stuff with Kalin because, in my opinion, he's the most underrated 5D's character. And besides there's hardly any X Readers with him online. And if there are any, they're incomplete. So I just want to see more stuff with my favorite 5D's husbando. And that's how new fanfiction writers are made everyday. They make the stories that they want to see.

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