Jason Todd x reader idea

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This one takes place in the Arkhamverse.

It starts with Reader-Chan in a slightly poverish neighborhood. She wants/needs some money. So she looks through a newspaper to see if there are any kind of high paying (one time) jobs. She finds an ad from the Gotham newspaper that says they will pay $5,000 to anyone who can go into Arkham Asylum and find Robin to put the rumors about him (is he dead or alive) to rest (and take pictures of him and record some audio). Reader-Chan, not thinking things through, decides it's a good idea. So, she grabs a camera, a tape recorder, her coin purse (she'll take the bus there), her Swiss Army Knife (because it's Gotham and a girl needs to defend herself), and braves the journey that will change her life. Fast forward to when Reader-Chan gets there. She's already nervous and she hasn't even set foot inside. So she turns on the tape recorder and starts taking (narrator style, also because she needed audio). Fast forward to Reader-Chan, just before she finds Jason. I have two ideas for how RC finding him goes down.

Idea 1: She's climbing on pipes and crawling through the vents to avoid getting caught.

"Hello? Is someone there?" she hears. She gasps. 'Oh God, I'm going to get caught!' Reader-Chan thinks. She try's crawling through the vents a little bit faster to try and escape. That was not a good idea; she fell through the vents and onto the cold, hard floor. And in a very convenient spot, too.

Idea 2: She wanders aimlessly through the asylum, when she hears a bunch of thugs that are about to beat up Jason.

"Huh Huh Huh. I'm gunna enjoy hittin' ya, Robin." Reader-Chan hears something and follows the sound. It leads her to a dark room with a bunch of thugs dressed up in (poorly made) Batman costumes, holding brutish weapons, surrounding a guy hunched over in a wheelchair. She picks up a metal pipe that was near her feet.

"Hey, you leave him alone right now!!" Reader-Chan shouts. All of the thugs turn her way in unison, with angry looks on their faces. She backs down bit "p-please...?" They charge at her, one at a time, but miraculously, she defeats all of them (mostly by swinging the metal pipe around like an ape).

No matter what is chosen, Reader-Chan rescues Jason

"Don't panic, I'm here to rescue you!"

"Oh God... th-thank you." She strolls over to him to cut him out of the rope. But she notices the other thing he's tied up in a little too late. She grabs hold of the rope to get a good grip on to cut it, only to get a painful surprise: razor wire.

"OOWWW!" she shouted. Her hands had small but deep cuts almost all over them. She took a second look at the rope and saw the wire. Reader-Chan tries cutting it again, but hears someone coming, so she just wheels him and herself away and out of the situation. Fast forward to Reader-Chan and Jason escaping Arkham. She goes a little bit further out to the trail that leads to Arkham. "Oh my God, a pay phone! I never thought I'd be so happy to see one of those!" She takes out her coin purse, puts some coins in the slot and dials for the police.

"911, what's your emergency?"

"Yes, hello, I'm outside of Arkham Asylum, and I have Robin with me, and I need the police, Batman and maybe an ambulance."

"Alright, we'll be there as soon as possible. I also have to ask you, what are you doing at Arkham Asylum? And why do you have Robin with you?"

"Oh, well that's actually a really long and slightly embarrassing story."

"Alright, you can tell the officers when they get there."

"Okay... uh, thank you, bye." She hangs up the phone, drags herself up to the wheelchair, and plops down beside it with a deep, heavy sigh of relief. Then the adrenaline crash happens and Reader-Chan starts crying. Robin asks her what's wrong, she tells him the crap that's going down in her life, then he tells her the crap he's dealing with, then they end up crying together. Time skip to when the police and Batman (he gets there first) get there. He takes Jason and thanks you for what you have done and leaves with Jason. The police ask her what she's doing at Arkham, she tells them everything, and they drive her home. She's in bed thinking about the hectic night, but she's also excited that she'll get a huge hunk of cash when she turns in the photos (and some audio) of Robin.

Meanwhile, at Wayne Manor/the Batcave, Jason (rightfully so) is mad at Bruce for not being able to find him, but Reader-Chan, a (maybe) teenage girl, could. "A f**king wannabe-journalist chick did what you couldn't!"

"It's not like that, Jason, and you know it!" After a lot of arguing and misunderstandings, he leaves Bruce and either he becomes the Arkham Knight as a pre Red Hood, or he just becomes Red Hood flat out. Regardless of what he chooses, he also makes it a mission of his to find the one who saved him.

Meanwhile over here (what (Y/N)/Reader-Chan is up to)... she goes to the office of the newspaper guy who promised a large sum of money for whoever took pictures of Robin in Arkham Asylum. She has the pictures ready and presents them to the guy. Sadly, things didn't go as she thought they would. See, instead of the $5000 the ad had promised, she was only given $250.
"Wait, where's the rest of it?"

"The money? You see kid, since you're not a professional, you should really get only that, you feel me?"

"W-what? But the ad... it said $5000 for anyone who... I risked my life that night! I almost died, I have proof!"

"Alright kid, listen. One; shut up and quit making a scene! Two, either take the money I'm offering you and we'll publish your 'work' or keep them and get out!"

"You know what? Fine, I will keep the pictures! Screw you anyway!" And with that, Reader-Chan storms out with news worthy pictures, no money and a lot of anger. So she sets off to try and find another newspaper that will buy her pictures, but with no success. So she goes home. A few days later, she overhears her parents talking about their financial problems, yaddah yaddah yaddah, and eventually, she decides that a little money is better than no money at all. So she goes back to the office of the newspaper guy to ask for the money and give him the pictures. However, when she went to see him, she was greeted by his assistant, who's also his wife. She (the newspaper guys wife) tells her (Reader-Chan) that her husband went home early. But, she gave her the address of the house. So she took the bus and went to his house. She was walking up to the door, but she looked at the front window. It turns out the newspaper guy went home early to cheat on his wife. Reader-Chan sees this and takes a picture with her phone, and runs away. When she's back home, she uses her phone to text the pictures to the guy, saying if he doesn't give her $1,500 per week, she'll tell his wife. Fearing for his reputation, and his wife leaving him, he accepts and starts sending her the money. Reader-Chan gives quite a bit of it to her parents to help them out, but she doesn't tell them where or who it's from. She just puts the cash in an envelope, and gives it to her parents under the guise that someone wanted her to give it to them. Regardless, all three of you got some money. After a while, the newspaper guy texted you back, claiming that you didn't actually know him, that you were bluffing and that you wouldn't tell his wife, so he stopped sending you money. After he did that, she told his wife. The two of them (the newspaper guy and his wife) went to court, got a divorce, and he basically lost everything. The wife, however, was grateful to Reader-Chan that she told her and gave her some of the money. From that day forward, Reader-Chan basically started her own business, where she found out people's horrible secrets and basically blackmailed them into giving her money or she would tell the police/general public, but only bad people, like corrupt people in positions of power.

Time skip a little bit to the events of Batman: Arkham Knight. She kind of gets caught in the crossfire of everything. In the chaos of everyone leaving Gotham before Scarecrow's attack, Reader-Chan gets left behind. After a bit of panicking, she ultimately decides to cover as much of the crazy night as she could for the newspaper (and hopefully get paid tons of money for it). She walks around, takes pictures off news worthy things, documenting on a tape recorder, but gets caught by Jason. He recognizes her (but she doesn't recognize him) and takes her with him, he also grants her protection from everything. She's basically  in double the danger. She's trying to find out more secrets to keep her financially stable, but she's also been taken by the Arkham Knight, so she can't really do anything. Basically, things get really crazy. She also gets involved in the Red Hood DLC.

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