Kalin Kessler x reader idea (2)

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          I came up with this idea just a little bit ago. So in this one, the reader is Jack's sister (preferably younger, twin is acceptable), so she's pretty much included in the team automatically. Despite my bias towards siblings, Jack is 'the overprotective big brother', always 'setting up rules' around the guys when it comes to his sister, 'protecting' her from everything under the sun.

          As the enforcing/'satisfactioning' goes on, she and Kalin grow a little closer. Fast forward to when the team faces off against the final duel gang. Except in this one, Reader-Chan gets thrown off the roof instead of Yusei. Aside from that, it's kind of all the same. Except rather than laughing, they pull each other into a tight hug, as one thought they were going to die, and the other thinking their (girl)friend was about to die. After that it's the same. The guy who threw her off the roof and tried to kill her gets caught by Jack, and things do NOT go well for him. That's when they defeated all the gangs in Satellite. Kalin crossed out the last part of the map, and they all decide to celebrate.

          The team goes back to the base and they all start drinking alcoholic beverages (I feel like Crow would have access to them, as in one episode, he is seen drinking (it was removed in the dub)). Anyway, they all get drunk off their asses.

Here are some ideas of what they would act like if they all got wasted. Crow would just be passed out on the couch, and Yusei and Jack would either try to or actually be in a fist fight each other, or hugging each other/holding each other and crying, and shouting that they love each other. Or the three of them could be discussing something like politics and philosophy while drunk (because I've heard that's what guys sometimes do when they're drunk).

          Meanwhile, when Kalin and Reader-Chan get drunk, they start getting a little handsy. Then they start making out, intensely. Then they start taking off articles of clothing... as they're going to a separate room (nudge nudge, wink wink). Jack, despite being wasted, sees this. And rather than his usual 'protect his little sister' thing, he starts congratulating Kalin, telling him to 'get it on, man!'. (Yeah, he's a mix of 'not too drunk that he can't see what's going on' and 'too drunk to notice that it's his freaking sister!').

          The next morning... is absolute hell for the team, as they experience the consequences of their actions; raging headaches, barfing their guts out, and their sense so heightened, they might as well have been superheroes. Meanwhile, Kalin and Reader-Chan wake up, only to find out what they did. They panic a bit, and vow to not tell Jack. And the whole day is pretty much all of them just recovering.

          Fast forward to a few weeks later, and the team is still pretty happy that they stopped all the duel gangs. But despite that, Reader-Chan is pretty concerned about something; when was the last time she... bled? But as she's thinking of possible solutions, she remembers: the wild night they had. She clasped her hand over her mouth with a loud gasp, as her face turns pale.

Yusei: Woah, (Y/N), are you okay? You look really pale.

(Y/N): Uh... yeah, I'm fine. ... where's Kalin?

Yusei: I think he's in his room-

(Y/N): Okaythanks!

She runs to see him and tell him the news.
I like to think that this would be one of his reactions

          But since he can't say that out loud (because that would incur the wrath of Jack Atlas, an overprotective, older brother Jack Atlas no less), therefore, neither of them tell Yusei, Jack or Crow. So instead of that, maybe he would do that thing where the guy holds the girl up by her waist and spins her around, or he would just pull her into a tight hug. But the most likely outcome, to me, would be that his jaw drops and he (almost) faints, but (Y/N) catches him. Regardless of what his reaction is, he's happy.

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