Peter Parker x reader (kind of)

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Alright, so I got this idea when I was listening to a reading of the ten part fan fiction of Peter Parker and the reader called 'I Want You Back'. They were all narrated by a YouTuber called Lil Space Freckles, I highly recommend you watch/listen to her videos and/or subscribing to her. Anyway, back to my idea. Basically, it's about Peter kind of 'abandoning' the reader; blowing her off on dates, not seeing or talking to her. So she goes to his apartment to break up with him and there's a big fight. That's where I kind of got my idea. What if it were Reader-Chan who caused the events of No Way Home? Alright, so here's kind of a small sneak peek of what I think should happen:
I was getting closer to the bottom floor, I couldn't let anyone see me like this. I tried to put on the best 'I totally didn't just have a horrible break-up and I'm definitely not forlorn' face and just speed-walked out of the building as fast as I could. I found the nearby alley, hid behind some trash cans and let the tears and sobs out. Oh God, I hope no one sees or hears this. Meanwhile, in the same alley, there's some rustling and similar sounds coming from somewhere, but you couldn't hear it over the sound of your crying. It heard the crying and sensed the sadness. It crawled closer, and closer, until... "Hello, human."

*gasp* 'Oh God, is someone here?!' You thought to yourself.

"No, no, there is nobody here. But I want to talk about you, human."

"Wait, w-what? What do you mean 'nobody is here'? Where are you, and why are you calling me 'human'? And-"

"Be silent, human! I will be asking the questions and doing the speaking! Now... your sadness, I've never felt anything like it. What has caused you so much pain?'

*sniffle* "I just... I broke up with my boyfriend, and it didn't go the way I hoped it would. I hoped it would just be a mutual agreement that we should just be friends, *sob, cry* but something went wrong, and now... it just hurts so much!" You said as tears and cries of dejection tore through.

"Awww, poor, sweet, little human. How could he do such a thing to you? You haven't done anything wrong."

*sniffle* "I know that! I know I haven't done anything wrong! He's the one who's always blowing me off! And if he actually manages to show up, he's several hours late!"

"Oh my, that is very rude of him to do."

"Yeah! We've been best friends for years! I've been there for him, through thick and thin, the good times and the bad times! And what do I get in return? A whole lot of nothing, but loneliness and empty promises! I mean, 'I promise I'll make it up to you', 'I'll be there next time'?! If I had a dollar every time he said one of those to me, I'd be the richest person alive!"

'Oh my Knull, dear human, you've done so much for him, and he has done nothing but let you down! Don't you think he deserves a little pain as well?'  Then, something snapped. You took your head off your knees.

"You know what? Yeah. I don't have to take what he's dishing out anymore!" You clenched your fists.

'Excellent! As a matter of fact, I might have an idea of what to do already.'

"Such as?"

'You already know his deepest, darkest secret. Why not let it slip through the grapevine?'

"You know what? Yeah." You muttered, then you slowly stood up. "You'll regret what you've done to us, Peter Parker (or Spiderman, I don't which one sounds more malefic)." You said grimly, as you grinned ominously, followed by a sinister chuckle. You continued your walk home.

Timeskip to when you're home brought to you by Tempo (if you don't know who that is, she's a Marvel (of course) character that has the power to manipulate time).

One day, Spider-Man is swinging around the city, when suddenly at the Daily Bugle, "Breaking news! One brave citizen has found out the secret identity of the Spider-Man!" This caught Peter's attention very quickly.

"Wait, what?!" He stopped swinging and landed on the nearest roof. "But-but that's impossible! No one else knows my identity! The only people who would know are the Avengers, and...". It finally clicks with him. "(Y/N)?! Why would she do this?!"

"So tell me, Miss (Y/N), why have you decided to come forward with a secret of this magnitude?" The Interviewer asked.

"Well, it was at the end of our relationship that I realized how awful of a person he really is. He only cares about his superhero life, not his civilian life. He's been nothing but selfish to the people who have helped him so much, myself included. He just lets everyone down." (Y/N) said with anger, while facing the camera, almost to say this directly to Peter's face. "And I think it's about time the world know who he is!"

"No, no, no! This can't be happening!" Peter shouted. He started swinging to the T.V. studio as fast as he could to try and stop (Y/N) from saying anything else. But it was too late.

"Spider-Man's real name is Peter Parker!" (Y/N) shouted as she held up a picture of him.

"NOOO!" He shouted as his secret was finally out. He could already see and hear people crowding around him below and people yelling at him on the street. He swung away to wherever he could so no one would find him. He quickly ripped off his mask to breathe a lot more. "This can't be happening, this can't be happening!" He started hyperventilating. A million thoughts in his head were racing, but they were all crashing. "Oh God, I was so horrible to (Y/N)! How could I let things get to this?!"

TL;DR, things go very poorly for Peter, thanks to (Y/N). Can they get back together? Will the world forget Peter, or will they forget Spider-Man? And who manipulated (Y/N) into telling New York who he really is? Tune in tomorrow to find out!

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