Jack Frost x reader idea

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This is an idea of a story I got because I was inspired by the recent winter storm that's covering a lot of America, my home town included. Here's my idea: the reader can hear Jack, but she can't see him. They're first introduced to each other similar to how Jack brought the snow day to Burgess. When Jamie's book flew out of his hand, Jack said it looked interesting. I was thinking that something similar/the same thing would happen. Reader-Chan would be walking along, Jack would bring some winter wind and (accidentally) blows the book out of her hand. The book falls to the ground, and she runs to pick it up. Jack sees the cover, it reads 'Great Beings of Myths and Legends'. As Reader-Chan picks it up, he comments on it, saying it looks interesting. Reader-Chan hears this and is quick to turn around and respond to whomever said it. But to her surprise, no one is there. She looks around in confusion and slight fear. Jack notices this and unknowingly says something out loud, maybe something like 'Wait, did she just hear me?' or something like that. And Reader-Chan hears that, and calls out 'Who's there?' And Jack catches on and tries to do more (directly speaking to her, making physical contact). And while she can hear him, and she can feel him if he makes contact with her (she will feel very cold at that spot, as if ice is directly touching her skin, like a ghost)), she can not see him. Another big part of Reader-Chan's character is that she absolutely loves the snow, winter, and cold weather. I think that this could be some kind of deeper connection sort of thing. So she kind of feels as though Jack is a magical disembodied voice, or some kind of form of guidance. The final big part of their connection is that when Reader-Chan turns around to look for the source of the voice, Jack kind of has a deja-vu moment, he has that thought, like 'Have I seen her face somewhere before?'.

The second part of the story is that Jack learns that they actually had a past together. When Jack was alive, so was Reader-Chan. They were friends (and later romantically involved), and then Jack died. So, it turns out that Reader-Chan is the reincarnation of her past life with Jack. And this is found out when Jack is in the snowy plains. I was kind of also thinking that Reader-Chan would be there, in the chasm, when he finds out, but she won't be able to hear him, because she got hit by the arrow. Maybe instead of Pitch using Baby Tooth to get Jack to give him the staff, he would use Reader-Chan. Maybe he has the power to pull people from their dreams, or something.

Here's an explanation on why she won't be able to hear him: in the first battle against Pitch Black, before she got caught in the crossfire, she touches dream sand and there's like an 'astral projection' kind of thing and she floats around in the area, thinking it's a dream. Later on into the battle, Pitch Black notices her presence and sees that she's not having a nightmare, so he decides to fix that, so he shoots the giant arrow that he did with Sandman. She gets hit by it, her 'astral projection' falls back to her body and she wakes up.

Later on, Reader-Chan is finally able to see Jack. She might as well be 'the Last Light' in this one. So because of that, he flies to where she is to get her to believe. And then, there's a fluff moment where he makes the frost pattern in the window. And instead of making a snow rabbit, he'd make an Arctic Fox. Because foxes pounce when they hunt, so it pounce on her face then make the snow fall. Reader-Chan would then pull out her book and flip to the section on Jack Frost, knowing that only he could do something like that. Then, they're have a sweet moment together (I like to think the scene would go like this)

RC: I know it wasn't a dream, it couldn't have been! (She's talking about when she was trapped in the chasm with Jack).
She's going through some kind of a crisis, questioning what's real and what's not, wondering if she's going crazy or not. Jack sees her and has an idea. He frosts over the window, and Reader-Chan hears it. Then she gets confused and opens the window.
RC: What? (walks over to the window) Frost patterns? (opens the window to check the temperature) It's not below freezing. (then Jack traces a fox in the frost) *gasp* (the arctic fox starts prancing around in a spiral, they both laugh. The fox gets close to Reader-Chan and pounces on her face/nose and it starts to snow in her room as the sparkles surround her eyes.) Wait a minute, hold on (speed-walks over to book on her bedside table, she picks up the book, opens it and quickly flips through the pages) frost patterns in above freezing weather, an arctic fox, causing snowfall in a contained area. This could only be the work of... Jack Frost.

Jack: Did she just say -?

RC: Jack... Frost?

Jack: She did! She said-

RC: (completely turns around) Jack Frost?!

Jack: That's right! But-but that's me! Jack Frost! That's my name! You said my name! (Reader-Chan is staring at him, still surprised at what she's seeing.) Wait, c-can you hear me?

RC: Y...yes

Jack: Can- can you... can you see me?

RC: (slowly walking towards him. She reaches her hand out to touch his chest, or his cheek to see if what she's seeing is actually real. When she touches him, her hand instinctually pulls back because of how cold Jack actually is). *gasp* Oh my gosh! *breathing shakily* You're... Jack Frost?

Jack: She sees me! She actually sees me! Ha Ha! (backflips)

RC: Huh... (her head tilts to the side)

Jack: What?

RC: You look... different than I imagined. (She then explains how she thought he would look by showing him various illustrations in her book. Jack then explains the entire situation of what's going on with the Guardians and Pitch Black.

The final part is during the final battle. I can't decide which is better so I'll give birth of them

One: They protect each other throughout the final battle, and at the end of the battle at the frozen pond, Reader-Chan pulls Jack into a tight hug, and thanking him for believing in her.
Two: Pitch Black is about to strike Jack with something very harmful, but Reader-Chan jumps in the way and takes the hit instead (think of it like Zuko protecting Katara in the final Agni Kai in Avatar: The Last Airbender). The strike critically injures her (and she might die from it). But if she does die from it, she comes back to life as a Guardian (for obvious reasons). If she doesn't die, I guess she and Jack share a very deep moment together.

Shoutout to @-konandbon- for trying to guess who I was using for this chapter

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