Chapter 5

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Since I acquired my new holiday friend, I am already feeling so much happier.

With a sort-of plan in place for how I'm going to spend the rest of the trip, it's like I have hope again. I'm going to have distractions. I'm not going to have to keep remembering the day I walked into Greg's flat over and over on a loop. I'm not going to have to think about how lonely I am, while my so-called bestie flaunts her newfound love in front of me.

And, to top it off, the person who is going to help distract me is exceedingly easy on the eye. So rather than think about my ex, I can try really hard not to end up falling for my saviour.

Which actually might be pretty difficult.

Because within the space of a couple of hours, I've learned that Joe isn't just a pretty face. He's clever. He's charming. He's funny. And, most importantly, he's kind. He's looked out for me and made sure I was okay, and I'll be forever grateful for that.

He's also somehow familiar. This feeling has crept up on me throughout the evening and I've not been able to shake it. Have we met before?

"Where do you stay?" I ask him now, forking up my last bite of lamb stifado, and sighing in delight that I'm back in a bustling restaurant after last night's lonely meal nightmare.

"Glasgow, although I only moved back a couple of years ago," he replies. "I was in London for a good few years. You're a weegie too, right?"

I nod. "Well, an honorary one anyway. Grew up a couple of miles south. Moved to the city after uni and been there ever since."

"No place quite like it." He has such a nice smile.

"I was just wondering if we'd met before somehow," I say. "There's something so familiar about you."

He freezes and it looks like a muscle in his cheek twitches as my words sink in. But he covers it with an easy shrug. "Must just have one of those faces," he says lightly.

He definitely definitely does not have one of those faces. I drop it for now though. I'm sure I'll figure it out at some point.

We both order a Metaxa, laughing when the waiter warns us we might find it strong. "Mate, we're Scottish," Joe jokes. "Have you ever tasted whisky?" The waiter nods, as if to say "fair play" and leaves us.

"We should probably make a toast," I suggest. "The start of a beautiful friendship and all that. "

"Good idea." Joe smiles again. He takes off his glasses, hooking them on his shirt pocket. Jeez, his eyes are even greener without them. They're quite mesmerising. Consider me hypnotised.

I remind myself again that I can't crush on this dude. I've sworn off all men. And it's not like Joe has given me any hint he's interested. He's way out of my league.

But holy shit is he hot.

He picks up his Metaxa and holds it up towards me. "Here's to an amazing few days in Kefalonia," he says softly. "Yamas."

"Yamas," I echo, falling into those amazing eyes as I sip. Finding myself thinking, traitorously, Greg who?

 Finding myself thinking, traitorously, Greg who?

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Is Sienna already falling for Joe? And why does he feel so familiar to her?

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