Chapter 28

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We first met on Friday evening and now it's Monday morning. I can't believe how much has happened in that time. How easily Sienna has worked her way under my skin.

Those first two days I spent with Sienna went by unbelievably slowly in relation to the next two days.

Our last two days together.

From Monday though, things jump into high gear. We leave on Wednesday morning and everyone knows the last couple of days of a holiday always fly in. You want to hold onto them, make them last, but you sadly have no control over them.

On Monday morning, we're both a little hungover, sunburned and exhausted from spending a lot of the night awake. Although it doesn't stop us repeating the antics of the previous night, obviously.

I have the car until Tuesday morning so once we have recovered from our sore heads, I suggest we go to Argostoli. "We can drive over and leave the car there. I can run and get it in the morning."

"Oh, so you're a runner?" Sienna asks, raising her eyebrows admiringly as she blatantly perves on my body. "That explains a lot."

"Stop it." I can't help but smile though. I like her ogling me. "Just to warn you, the walk back from Argostoli is pretty steep."

"I'm sure I can manage," Sienna says airily. "I've been to the gym at least three times in the last six months."

We head to Argostoli via the coast road as I have a feeling Sienna will like the lighthouse on the way.

I was right. "Oh, this is seriously cool," she says, after we've parked nearby and wandered up the man-made peninsula to where the white structure lies at the water's edge. It's like no lighthouse I've ever seen, with its round structure and numerous columns but it's awesome.

"Look, I match!" Sienna poses in front of the building in her white strappy dress. She runs over with her phone. "Take a photo of me? I need to Instagram this shit."

"Of course." I snap one of her with her phone and then I can't resist taking one of her with my own phone. I need that memory of her leaning against one of the columns and smiling at me coyly to be real.

"That for the spank bank once you get home?" She asks me, grinning. "Oh Joe, if you need a photo, I'm sure I could do so much better than that." She winks as she grabs her phone back off me and wanders around the lighthouse to grab another picture of it from a different angle.

While I try desperately to control my libido.

Sienna has grabbed a couple of cans of Fanta Limon from her fridge before we headed out and we sit by the lighthouse in the bright sunshine and drink them, relaxing for a few minutes. Sienna lays her head on my shoulder contentedly and I find myself playing with her hair. "That's nice," she sighs. I press a kiss on her head too before I release her and we head back to the car. I'm very aware of the fact I'm acting like a boyfriend but I can't stop myself somehow.

I don't think I want to.

In Argostoli we wander over the De Bosset Bridge and back before Sienna spots pedalos. "Oh, we should hire one of those!" she exclaims excitedly. "I read somewhere that you might see a giant sea turtle."

"Let's do it."

We head to the kiosk to hire one and set off through the water. "God, I'm tired of pedalling already," Sienna groans after about ten minutes. "And now I'm worrying that a sea turtle is going to appear right next to me and give me the fright of my life."

We drift along for a few moments, making sure we're not close to any land or other boats.

"So why did you move back to Glasgow?" Sienna asks suddenly, taking a sip from her bottle of water.

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