Chapter 18

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I like this girl so much.

More than I've liked someone in a long time. Possibly more than I've liked anyone in forever?

She's pretty, she's sweet, she makes me laugh and now that I've kissed her, I don't want to stop.

But I'm going to have to. Stop. At some point. Because I didn't mean to get involved and, now I have, I need to make sure she knows this can't go anywhere.

We're back in the bar at the apartments, that same place I struggled to resist her earlier. Was that just a few hours ago? Did we really only meet yesterday evening? It feels impossible. It feels like I've known her for years.

Sienna places a bright blue cocktail in front of me and then drops down on the seat beside me, curling her legs up underneath her. "I got us Blue Lagoons," she explains. "I thought it was an appropriate choice given the fact we seem to be surrounded by them on this island."

"It makes sense. Thanks." I glance up from my phone, where I was checking my emails, and see her watching me. She's chewing on her lip, and her eyes are darker than normal. She looks like she wants to say something. "What is it?" I ask curiously.

She lets out a whoosh of air. "Just thinking how good you look in those glasses."

I laugh. I think this is now the second time she's made me blush. "These old things?" I joke, adjusting them self consciously.

She doesn't smile. "Yep. They're hot."

I've never really thought of them like that. But I like the fact that Sienna seems to enjoy them. Really seems to enjoy them, judging by the lustful expression on her gorgeous face.

She's edged closer now and she leans in to kiss me again. "Really. Fucking. Hot." she murmurs breathlessly between kisses, almost repeating my own words from earlier. As is apparently now the case when it comes to Sienna, I can't resist, and the kiss deepens.

"What's going on here then?" We pull apart to see Kate and Jack standing in front of us. Jack looks amused, Kate looks smug. I groan.

"So much for just being friends," Kate laughs. "What's changed since this morning?" She asks Sienna. A bit inappropriately, in my opinion but each to their own and all that.

Sienna shrugs, smiling at me. "I couldn't keep pretending I didn't fancy him," she says simply. Her admission makes me feel . . . weird. In a good way.

I smile back. "Likewise."

"Wow." Jack shakes his head. "Who would've thought it, the monk has feelings after all?"

I know my brother doesn't mean it in a bad way, but his words still sting. It seems he and Kate are, indeed, perfect for each other. Both geniuses at making other people feel uncomfortable.

"You want to join us for a drink?" Sienna offers. I can tell it's half-hearted and maybe they can too. Or maybe they're still too wrapped up in each other as they decline the offer.

"I think we're going to head to bed," Kate says, looking meaningfully at Sienna. "In Jack's apartment. You know, just in case you're wondering where I'll be."

"Kate, you're about as subtle as a sledgehammer," Sienna sighs. "Have a nice night."

"You too." Kate throws us an exaggerated wink.

"Be careful with him," Jack adds as they take their leave. "Don't want to scare him back to the monastery."

"For fucks sake," I mutter. I take my glasses off and rub my eyes.

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