Chapter 19

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My eyes flutter open and I realise it's morning. And an arm is looped around my waist. For once I've not shifted position during the night.

I can't help but smile as I think of last night, especially that heart-stopping kissing session on the way back to the apartments. I feel like I'm still floating on that memory a bit.

After the bar we came back to my room since Kate had oh-so-pointedly told us she'd be with Jack, and I was sure Joe wouldn't want to hear a live sex show again. Oh, and obviously I wanted Joe to be with me because . . . Well, those pesky feelings again.

But I also didn't want to rush things. Which I think Joe sensed as he didn't try to take things any further than kissing last night and eventually we drifted off to sleep in each other's arms in my single bed.

"Morning." His voice vibrates against the back of my neck, a warm growl that flows down through my veins and causes butterflies in my tummy. I can also feel his hard-on pressing into me and I already know there's no way either of us can stop where this is inevitably going.

But I'm absolutely ready for it now.

"Hey," I manage in return.

"Have we had any nipple incidents today?" He asks, amusement in his voice. "Do you need me to check for you?"

I glance down at my chest. "They're both covered," I report back.

Joe tuts. "Well, we can't have that." And with that, his fingers slide up and pull down my vest top. I bite back a gasp as he kisses the side of my neck and pulls on my nipple at the same time. "Much better," he says smugly, palming my whole breast.

I can't stop a moan escaping my lips this time. I feel him laugh against my neck and then next thing I'm flat on my back and he's looming over me. All flat stomach, and messy hair and wicked grin. His eyes have went dark again.

"Sienna," he says softly. "I'm afraid I'm going to need you to take all your clothes off." I hesitate for a moment, looking up at him in awe, thinking somehow he's became even sexier overnight. "Now," he nudges me on, an edge of command creeping into his voice.

Wordlessly, I pull my top over my head and he breathes in sharply, biting his lip as he looks at my bare breasts. "I've been thinking about these since yesterday morning. That was some sight to wake up to." He bends his head and kisses them both, and I quickly feel my arousal overriding any embarrassment.

"You seem to have forgotten to remove your other items of clothing," he says huskily, between kisses.

"You appear to be blocking my way," I argue, my breathing uneven.

"A good point." He nods, moving up to my lips and dropping a quick kiss on my mouth before he heads south, collecting my shorts and knickers on the way. And now I'm completely naked, absolutely exposed, in front of him.

He looks me up and down and licks his lips - I think an unconscious rather than deliberate gesture but it still sends lust shooting through my body. "You're gorgeous," he says simply, his eyes meeting mine, as he gently runs his hands up my thighs. Then he lowers his head between my legs and starts to taste me.

"Oh my god," I bite out, my fists clenching the bedsheets beneath me as he runs his tongue over me. He chuckles against me, which makes me feel even more sensitive, then slips a finger inside me.

He seems instinctively to know how to turn me on but prolong the pleasure so I don't immediately climax. I have a feeling he could make me orgasm far quicker if he really wanted to. He's clearly in no hurry though. And because of this I feel myself relax, let myself go rather than worrying that I'm taking too long, which has happened to me in the past.

I know I'm on the cusp of something big here and I start to shamelessly push myself against his mouth. He stills me with the palm of one hand, adds another finger inside me and increases the pressure with his lips and tongue and it drives me right over the edge. I think my eyes actually roll back in my head as I moan again, and surrender to what might be one of the best orgasms of my life.

When I open my eyes a moment or two later, struggling to get my breath back under control, he's watching me intently. "How was that for you?" He asks innocently, struggling to conceal a smile.

"It was . . . passable," I say nonchalantly, raising myself up onto my elbows. "I'll give you a 4 out of 5 on TripAdvisor." I'm lying of course. I would give him 10 out of 5 if I could.

"I'll reluctantly accept that rating for now, but please accept my assurances that I will endeavour to turn that 4 into a 5." Joe lightly traces one of my nipples with a lazy finger and winks at me. Christ, he is hot as hell. I need to return the favour.

"Take those off," I order, indicating his boxer shorts. He grins, his eyes half closed as he immediately obeys and oh Jesus . . .

He's beautiful and he's hard and he groans as I take him in my mouth. And I'm aiming for a 5 out of 5 rating first time with this one.

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