Mid ass title

986 7 4

I love this ship so much.
Uhh fluff I think
Requested but I forgot by who

"I finally have my hands on you eraser" Shigaraki said grinning that very disturbing smile. Eraserhead couldn't open his eyes because something was on his eye lids. He was blindfolded. He also took notice to his agonizing headache. He was on his back, tied by his hands and his legs, most likely to a bed.
"Shigaraki is that you? Let me go this Instant" Aizawa said. he couldn't activate his quirk with the blindfold on. Shigaraki could disintegrate him at any moment. Aizawa hated to admit it but he was anxious.
"Let go of you? After all the trouble I went through to get you here.." Shigaraki scratched at his neck.
"What to do with you..." Shigaraki mumbled.
"Hmmmm" Shigaraki hummed as he climbed on top of Aizawa. He took of the blindfold. It took Aizawa a minute for his eyes to adjust to the light in Shigaraki's room. He looked up only to be met with a familiar face.
"Shigaraki..." Aizawa sighed. Shigaraki grabbed a knife from his drawer. Aizawa's eyes widened.
"I think Ill give you a scar you can't erase." Shigaraki giggled. He felt like toga for a moment.
"Get it eraser? Erase, eraserhead"
Shigaraki slid the knife down from his upper chest slicing open his shirt.
"Wow..you have abs" Shigaraki said. He brushed his hands against his abs, occasionally squeezing one. Aizawa shivered. He began to get disgusted, he tried his hardest to slither away from the others touch. But of course the chains stopped him.
Shigaraki took the knife and slowly began to carve his name 'tomura shigaraki' in his lower stomach. Aizawa hissed and shook his head.
"You fucking piece of shit. Aizawa screamed.
"That's a little harsh...considering your the one tied up" Shigaraki smiled a psychotic smile.
"It burns" Aizawa groaned and squeezed his eyes shut. Shigaraki put the knife to his mouth and licked up all his blood. Aizawas new wound gushed blood, all over his bed and sheets, and even some getting on the floor. Shigaraki was Definitely feeling like toga now.
"Is this the rush? Is this what toga talks about, it feels amazing! I want to hurt him more" shigaraki thought to himself. His thoughts were interrupted by someone knocking on the door.
"Young Master? Are you alright you've been up in your room for a while, you should come socialize a bit" Kurogiri said.
Shigaraki groaned in annoyance
"Just give me a minute" Shigaraki said. He got off Aizawa and grabbed a a roll of duct tape
"Your not actually gonna do what I think your gonna do right" Aizawa sighed heavily. He was panting like crazy. Blood was still gushing everywhere.
"I can't let the others find you. Your mine" Shigaraki mumbled.
"Your implying I'll s-scream? How reckless do y-you think I am. Aizawa rolled his eyes. Shigaraki walked towards him and peeled the duck tape off.
"Don't even try to escape" Shigaraki whispered.
"Wait" Aizawa said sucking in his stomach trying to avoid thinking about the pain.
"Hm?" Shigaraki hummed in response.
"Your not gonna take care of the wound? I'll die of blood loss" Aizawa said. He was already feeling a little lightheaded.
"Oh." Shigaraki said. He bent down and started to lick the wound.
"N-not like that!" Aizawa said. Shigarakis saliva made the wound burn even more. Aizawa could feel his eyes water from the burning sensation of his tongue. Shigaraki smeared his tongue all over his name. He even squeezed his stomach to get more blood out.
"There, all clean" Shigaraki kissed his stomach. Then looked at Aizawa. His face was red and he had this horrible look on his face.
"That's not what I meant by 'care' for my wound" Aizawa said. He was trying to get his breathing under control.
"Be thankful I even did something" Shigaraki said in an annoyed tone.
He put the duck tape over his mouth and pulled the blindfold over his eyes.

Maybe I'll make a part 2 or something like that.
689 words

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