Behind UA by the dumpsters👏 RENOVATED

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NOT SMUT (sorry lol)
Angst 😇
Hey lol I read it and changed stuff

Shigaraki rested on a wall behind UA waiting for someone to arrive. Aizawa texted him to come see him. He was having a very rough day with all those problem children, and other things like insomnia. Shigaraki showed up when school ended and all the kids disappeared.
Aizawa looked exhausted. Shigaraki knew exactly why when he saw the look on his face.
"Hey eraser" Shigaraki said while running up to him. Aizawa laid limp. He grabbed Shigaraki and hugged him as tight as he could while resting his chin on his shoulder. Shigaraki wrapped his arms around him with one GLOVED hand on his head.
"I don't know why I feel so tired, sorry..I'm putting all my weight on you, you just feel so warm..I guess" Aizawa said with a sigh.
"It's okay I know how you feel, you can talk to me about what happened if you want" shigaraki was hoping to cheer him up.
" I love you, always know that" Shigaraki muttered but loud enough he could hear. He wasn't hoping or expecting Aizawa to say it back. Instead Aizawa lifted his head off his chin and looked at him directly in his eyes. Shigaraki looked away and blushed at the sudden eye contact.
"Look at me" Aizawa said firmly was taking to one of his students. Shigaraki glared at him. Then quickly looked away, he couldn't stand eye contact. Aizawa grabbed him by his chin and kissed him. Shigaraki pushed him away slightly.
"What?... what was that for?" Aizawa said completely dumbfounded.
"Listen eraser, you only kiss me when your 'upset' or 'sad' I feel like your toying with me again" Shigaraki said while looking sort of devastated.
"Shigaraki we both know that isn't true" Aizawa said.
"I'm not toying with you I-"
"You what eraser, you love me? I'm not going to be your crying pillow. I'm always here when you need me. But I feel like you only need me when somethings wrong.You only wanna talk to me when somethings wrong. Your... your confusing me" Shigaraki was trying not to cry but each word he said made him drop a tear.
"Do you even see me as your boyfriend?"Shigaraki muttered. He definitely was being somewhat dramatic but he had all these feelings built up.
"Shigaraki I'm sorry, I do care about your feelings. I love you, I really do"
"You love me?..." Shigaraki was the one completely dumbfounded now. Those words... those words hurt Shigaraki, a lot.
"Do you really mean it? Or are you just saying it to make me feel better" Shigaraki looked at Aizawa with pure concern and anger in his eyes. This time he locked eye contact out of nothing but 'anger'.
Aizawa didn't really know what to say anymore. Most of the stuff Shigaraki said was true. Aizawa just needed someone to cry on. Was he mentally prepared for a real relationship? Or is he just hurt and confused like Shigaraki is...?

I'm ending it here because this is more of an experiment if I don't get over 20 views I'll stop writing in this book!<333

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