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Extremely non consensul
Stalker shiggy 🗿

Tomura disintegrated the window to Aizawas apartment. It was about 3 in the morning. And shockingly Aizawa was sound asleep. Tomura snuck in quietly making his way to Aizawas room. Once there, he disintegrated the door nob. He pushed the door open quietly. A smile crept on his face when he saw his husband sleeping. He walked toward him, taking his backpack off. He unzipped it and looked inside for a bottle containing a weird colored liquid. He sucked up the liquid with a shot, and injected it into Aizawas neck.
"That way he'll put up less of a fight" he mumbled to himself. He searched through his backpack again grabbing a small pink phone controlled vibrater. He placed it on the nightstand near his bed. He searched in his backpack once more grabbing a blindfold, a roll of tape, and some handcuffs, and gloves. He put the gloves on his hands. He took the handcuffs and cautiously grabbed Aizawas hands handcuffing both together and to the nightstand. To his surprise he stayed right asleep. Luckily enough, his husband slept with his hair tied up. That made putting the blindfold on much easier. All that was left was to tape his mouth. Which gave him a heart attack, as he was slowly unrolling the tape he realized how loud it was.
"Oops." He spoke maybe to loud. Aizawa stirred in his sleep. Tomura completely ignored that the sleeping man was about to awaken. He took out his phone, snapping a photo of his hard work making sure to USE the flash. Then he opened the vibrater app, he tested which setting he'd use beforehand. He stuffed the pink toy in his pocket, then climbed over his sleeping husband. He waited for him to fall deeper into sleep. He reached into his own pants, stroking himself while watching his sleeping husband. He let his whimpers and moans run free, now trying to suppress any of them. Growing impatient, he crawled over to his husband going behind him to spoon him. Tomura smelled his neck breathing in his sweaty but minty smell. He trailed his hands over the other man's thighs going all the way up until he reached his pants line. He moved his hand, and reached into his pocket to grab the pink toy. He dropped it into Aizawas underwear
"Oops." He said sarcastically. He turned it on using his phone, then put his phone into his pocket with no intention to turn it off. His hands roamed his body more. Aizawa started to stir in his sleep again, his breathing going heavy. Tomura grinded against his muscular thighs, moaning into Aizawas ear.
And then he woke. He pulled on his wrist only to find them handcuffed. He would have easily been able to break out, if it wasn't for the injection Tomura gave him earlier. Aizawa felt unbelievably horny even though he almost cried frightened. He couldn't scream or speak because the tape blocked his mouth. But most importantly, he couldn't see. He was vulnerable and he knew it. Without his quirk, and this strange weakness flowing through him, he was unable to do anything towards his captor. And he couldn't ignore the tiny vibration in his pants.
"Your finally awake, love?" Tomura whispered in his ear. Aizawa jumped. He knew who it was. He was shaking, tears rolled down his cheeks.
"If you cry I'll only enjoy this more." He spoke so softly. Tomura grabbed his shoulders flipping him on his back. Aizawa couldn't fight back, he attempted to kick him only to fail. Tomura reached into his pants, took out the vibratier then stroked him.
"Only a tiny vibrater and it's already standing up on its own? You slut. Your fucking enjoying this aren't you?"Tomura laughed at him. Whatever Tomura gave him was kicking in fast, his mind was cloudy and he desperately craved more friction. Aizawa thrusted his hips into his hands. Muffled trapped moans escaped his lips, and more tears rolled down his cheeks. He took Aizawas pants off, then his underwear. He bit his lip looking at his veiny pink tip. He spit on it, using his spit as lube because he didn't have any.
"I would suck you off, but I'm just to impatient right now. Maybe you'll get lucky and I'll give you the best bj next time" He smiled at him as if he could see. Tomura climbed off of him to take his pants off. He wasnt wearing any underwear. He climbed back on top of him.
"If your a good boy I'll remove the tape and the blindfold. K?" He spoke to him in such a happy tone. He lowered himself on his dick, throwing his head back. A visible belly bump formed. He let out a loud mewl. He bounced slowly, but hard. He stroked himself. He cursed and whimpered fucking himself on the 7 inches burried in his stomach. Then he got a 'smart' idea. He paused. Ignoring Aizawas attempt to thrust into him. He snatched the tape off, a visible read mark left behind. Aizawa whimpered in pain. Then he reached into his pants on the floor searching for his pockets and grabbing his phone. He set up his camera to film their lustful actions. He scooted the night stand closer, then placed his phone sideways on it.
"What are you doing?" Aizawa asked, stuttering and mumbling over his words.
"Shut the fuck up" Tomura slapped him, hard. Making sure the camera caught it. Aizawa hissed in pain.
"Im filming, I mean. It would be a shame if this went on the media wouldn't it? Underground cop and teacher eraser letting a criminal bounce on his slutty hard cock" he giggled. Aizawas face changed drastically, from pleasure to worried. Tomura took of his hoodie and shirt. Completely naked in the camera. He started bouncing on his dick faster, Making sure the camera caught everything. Every time Aizawas balls came in contact with his ass he made a dramatic "Mphm" sound. He let his tongue fall out, and his eyes roll back.
"Gonna cum- gonna cum-" he stroked himself faster. Still bouncing hard and fast. He placed his free hand on Aizawas hard abs, stabilizing himself. Aizawa couldn't help but moan filling the knot in his stomach. He thrusted his hips into Tomura, making his dick burry it's self even deeper in his stomach.
"So fucking good" Tomura mumbled words, most Aizawa couldn't undertand.
"Oh fuck, oh fuck" Tomura was so close to cumming. He could tell Aizawa was too. Tomura came first, 6 strands of sticky white stuff hit Aizawas face. Aizawa gagged at the sour smell and taste. His bouncing became sloppy. He threw his head forward moaning loudly (but dramatically) when he felt warm liquid feel his stomach.
"Next time, it won't be me doing all the work." Tomura panted.
"There won't be a next time! Aizawa stuttered. His vision was blurry and his head was spinning.
"Sure sure, then I guess you won't mind me leaking this sex tape" Tomura rolled his eyes.
"Wait- I" Aizawa tried to speak but Tomura placed the tape back on his mouth and the blindfold back on his eyes. Aizawa struggled as much as he could, but failed again. Tomura got off of him, he stopped the video and put his clothes back on.
"Im leaving you like this, the 'medicine' should wear off in a couple of hours, you should sleep until then"
"Your just leaving me here?!" Aizawa tried to tell him. But it just came out muffled
"Byeee" Tomura waved to him, as if he could see.

He did in fact leak the tape.
Poor Aizawa. Future ruined.

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