Fantasy smut

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Sorry it's taking me forever to update I'm trying to find the motivation to write again. Anyways dollifictaion p2 cumming soon.

"A quest? Well shit, just the thing I needed to cure my boredom." Tomura said to the man behind the counter.
"How much I owe ya?" Tomura asked.
"5 coins, take it or leave it." The man replied.
"Damn that's all I got left. Here ya go."
"Thank you, come again!"
Tomura opened up the paper. It seemed to be a map of sorts. With a path that lead up to a big red X.
"Looks like I'm heading to the flower kingdom."

"Ugh how much longer do I have to wonder out here" tomura said, leaning against a tree.

Following the map, it had lead him to a beautiful flowery meadow, with a beautiful field covered with flowers.

"I still haven't found the big red 'x' anywhere. I guess I'll just take a break" he wondered off to the middle of the field, laying in the flowers.

The flower kingdom was filled with mystery. All anyone from other kingdoms knew, was that it was the most beautiful kingdom. With millions of different flowers of different sizes, colors, smells, and even taste.

Tomura had failed to realize he was laying on the big red x he was searching for. And it was in fact a trap.

The first flowery vine snatched him by his throat pinning him down to the floor.
"Oww! What the fuck?!" He tried to pull the vine off his throat but the thorns cut  into his hands, causing him to snatch them back. The second flowery vine grabbed both of his wrists and pinned them above his head. He struggled to escape. His brain began to lose oxygen, and stars danced around his vision. The third flowery vine snapped both of his legs wide open. The last flowery vine melted off all of his clothes using some sort of flowery acid.

A thick yellow tentacle appeared from the ground, slithering its way over his tight unused hole, all the way up to his mouth. Tomura whimpered when the tentacle slithered over his clit.
Two more flowery vines appeared from the ground forcing his jaw to pop open. Tears rolled off his face. The tentacles slithered down his throat, thrusting in and out with an inhumanly fast pace.
He gagged, and his body jerked. He felt like his eyes were gonna pop out of his skull.

Another tentacle appeared from the ground, this one was purple with light green specs decorating it. The purple tentacle latched on to his thighs sucking and biting, feasting on his blood. It then moved to his clit. Sucking and nibbling on the sensitive bead. His thighs jerked in response. The yellow tentacle pulled out of his throat, busting a load of bright pink flowery cum all over his face. The purple tentacle slithered its way up to his perky tits and sucked and nibbled on his nipples.

The flowery vine around his throat had loosened before the yellow tentacle entered his throat. He had manage to regain consciousness. However now he was moaning and crying out curses as the purple tentacle sucked on every part of his body. The yellow tentacle had made its way down to his sloppy wet cunt, slowly sliding its way into his hole. Tomura was now babbling, and crying out nonsense.
"Mhmm! S-stop! Please s-stop! AhhHh"
His attempts to stop the tentacles from playing with him were futile. They payed him no attention. The yellow one forced itself into his hole, tearing him open. Tomura let out the most blood curling scream as he felt a strong pop in his pelvis. The yellow tentacle began to ruthlessly pound into him with no remorse. The purple one had forced its way into his mouth silencing his screams and cries.

A blue tentacle burst up from the ground. It was covered with orange splotches. The blue one immediately headed for his asshole. Shoving his way in and tearing him open. Blood splattered all over his thighs and the gorgeous flowers below him. With all three of his holes filled he felt so full and used.

Eventually the pain subsided, and all he could do was lie there and take it. His body spasmed, trembled and desperately tried to wiggle away from the tentacles fucking him. The purple tentacle slid out of his mouth, busting a load of neon green, glowing, flowery cum all over his tits and face. His eyes rolled to the back of his head, and he arched off the ground. Spit pooled out of his mouth covering his neck and chin. His tongue, swollen from the thrusting hung out of his mouth. His poor teared clit squirted all over the tentacles ruthlessly fucking him. The purple tentacle seemed to caress his body licking and sucking on every bleeding bite mark. The yellow and blue tentacle pulled out of him. He had finally thought it was over, before the flowery vines had flipped him over, pinning him back to the ground. His back was arched his plump ass was spread and put on display for the tentacles, and his face was forced into the dirt and flowers. The tentacles entered back into him and ruthlessly pounded him yet again. He moaned out and cried, his entire body spasming.
"Agh agh agh!"
He had tried to pull his wrist out the vines but they only tightened up, cutting off his blood flow. The purple tentacle shoved its way into his mouth again thrusting into his throat. He would've threw up if his body would've let him. But all he could focus on was feeling his unused cunt be brutally pounded at inhuman speeds. His entire body jerked forward with each hard thrust. A "Mhph" escaped his mouth with every thrust of the purple tentacle down his throat.

Just when he thought it couldn't get any worse all three of the tentacles fucking him started to vibrate. The one in his cunt vibrated fast, causing his clit to squirt all over the flowers again. His pussy leaked creamy white cum covering the yellow tentacle fucking him. The one in his ass felt like sandpaper grinding against his soft plump ass.

A hot pink tentacle slithered its way out the ground and it seemed to watch him patiently, as if it was waiting for its turn. The hot pink tentacle than decided to spank his ass and thighs painting them till they bruised.  The purple one pulled out of his throat and quickly moved to caress every bloodied bruise on his thighs and ass cheeks. His eyes went crossed and his mouth hung open. He looked completely out of it. Stars decorated his vision once more. He slowly began to lose consciousness again.

Then it all stopped, the tentacles fucking his ass and cunt had stopped. They began to expand. He thought we was going to rip open. But a huge load of colorful flowery semen bursted into his holes. Filling him up, both tentacles pulled out. The vines released him and he collapsed to the ground. The tentacles slowly retreated back to into the ground. His body wouldn't stop spasming and jerking everywhere. He could feel the cum leak out, painting his thighs, which were now dark purple and green from the ruthless pounding and spanking.

Tomuras eyes snapped open and he threw himself off his bed. He hit the floor with a thud.
"What the actual fuck, was that." He screamed out. It was just a dream. A very wet dream. He looked down at the huge wet patch in his shorts.
"God damnit!" He groaned out. He shoved his hands in his pants and grabbed his dick and started rubbing it. He threw his head back and closed his eyes, trying desperately to remember the dream. However it didn't take long for him to cum all over his hand.
He should definitely stop playing those fantasy hentai games.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 11 ⏰

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