Royalty P2

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Just hard smut. Maybe some slightly un con? Maybe

You woke up. Your eyes were sore from crying all night. You felt terrible after thinking about everything you've done Tomura. He's done so much for you, and all he's asked for in return is your body. And yet he prefers to pleasure you instead of himself. You have to apologize to him some how. And words won't do it. You've seen the way he eyes your thighs. They are thicker than average.

So you made a plan.
"I'll go to him naked and offer my body as an apology. I'll do the disgusting thing i don't want to do."

"Sit on his face"

You made your way to his royal room only in a very short (color) dress. You couldn't even count how many maids, and other servants eyed you. The dress was so tight and see through you might as well be walking through the halls naked.
You stood at his door nervous rethinking your actions.
"What if he doesn't want me anymore."
"What if he gives me back to my parents and demands his money back"
"Am I going to be returned?"
"I feel so bad for kicking him, I have to do this"
You knocked three times.
"Y-your majesty" you called out.
But had no reply.
You tried the door handle and it was unlocked so you opened the door as quietly as you could.
He stood naked eyeing you down. His hair was wet so he must have just finished showering. His eyes widened looking at you. Specifically your thick thighs. You eyed him all the way from his head to his large, but somehow soft penis. You felt yourself get wet. You rubbed your thighs together keeping your eyes locked on his penis.
"So, are you going to come in or just stare at my cock?"
His words pushed you out of your thoughts.
"Oh!" Your eyes widened and you blushed.
You walked in and closed the door. You couldn't believe what you were just about to do. You walked over to him and got on your knees with your hands behind your back in a very submissive position.
"I'm so sorry I kicked you sir. Please forgive me. You haven't spoken to me all day. And I haven't even eaten. I'm sorry for what I did. Please forgive me"
You blushed, and tried to keep eye contacted with him even though his growing penis Was basically in your face.
He smirked at you.
"I think you owe me an apology for something else too." He said.
Your face flushed with embarrassment. The hairbrush.
"I'm sorry about the hairbrush s-sir." You said with a guilty look on your face.
"That's cute and all, but that's not a worthy apology."
You internally rolled your eyes.
"I'm sorry f-for fucking Myself with my hairbrush, after I declined sex With you." You said. You couldn't hold eye contact anymore.
"Well I don't forgive you."
Your eyes widened.
He grabbed you and threw you on his bed. You knew what was about to happen but you didn't try to stop him. But then you remembered.
"Wait please let me tell you one more thing." You screamed out.
He looked at you. He looked pretty pissed.
"You better not cock block me again bitch." He spoke harshly. He only ever cursed when he was angry.
"I promise I won't. I just want to make it up to you! Please let me sit on your face." Your face turned red and you turned away.
His face softened and he looked surprised.
"You want to sit on my face?"
"Yes please your highness"
You cringed.
He got off of you and laid on his bed. He pointed to his mouth.
"Come sit princess." "I'll forgive you if you taste as sweet as you look." You didn't think it was possible to blush more then you did. You took off your dress and climbed on his chest. He looked at you impatiently. You sighed softly and placed your thighs on either sides of his head.
"I can do this." You thought to yourself.
You began to lower yourself on his head when he stopped you by grabbing your thighs.
"I won't be doing any of the work. I'm simply going to stick my tongue out. You'll have to use your hips if you want to cum"
You made a sour face. He pulled your thighs down fast, you plopped on his face, soaking it with your wetness. Your eyes widened. You quickly got to rolling your hips. Sitting on him with all your weight. You threw your head back. You moaned out a string of 'im sorrys', 'I love you' and curses. Your legs trembled. You didn't even realize you started bouncing on his face just to get more friction. He grabbed your hips holding you in place. You looked at him confused. You screamed out when he shoved his tongue in you.
"W-what happened to me doing all the work!" You moaned out.
He ignored you and sucked on your clit moving his tongue side to side as fast as he could. You threw your head back so far you saw his penis, hard as a rock.
"It's probably hurting by now." You thought. Ignoring his tight grip on your thighs you turned over getting in 69 with him. With no hesitation you took all of him in. You've never sucked him before and hes huge. You cried out and gagged. You know your making him proud when he slaps your thighs gently. You smiled. Loving every second of his tongue thrusting in you. You flinched when you felt his tongue travel up to your a.
"W-wait not ther-! NGH" you moaned out. He shoved two fingers in your ass And one in your pussy. Thrusting both rapidly. You stroked his dick No longer having enough strength or composure to suck him. Your eyes rolled to the back of your head. The knot in your stomach started to untangle and you know you were going to squirt on him. You were to exhausted to hold yourself up anymore. You rested your head on his dick Huffing out and small kitten licking it. You came but it wasn't a squirt this time. It was a thick sweet white cum, real cum. You felt his tongue clean you. He smacked your thighs twice fast. You remembered your training from when you first met him. You pushed all the energy you could to turn around and look at him. Your face was covered in spit and your eyes were doughy. He smiled at you
"My pretty princess" he rubbed your cheek. He picked you up gently laying you on his bed. He kissed you on your lips. He rarely did, but when he did it was amazing. You felt something large rub your entrance. You really didn't want to go again. But you want him to forgive you. You miss your princess treatment. He thrusted in you slowly but softly. His pace increased when you loosened signaling he hit that spot that made you go mad. You didn't know much about sex before you met him besides your masturbating so you didn't know why that spot felt so good. He's the only one that could find it.
Your eyes rolled to the back of your head again. You felt like he was going to break your.
"Breath princess. Do I need to go softer?"
His words helped you gain composure again.
"Please Tomura i want you to breed me." You screamed out so loud your sure the whole palace could hear. His eyes widened. But he smiled at you.
"Anything for you princess." He whispered in your ear.
He moaned in your ear. His thrusts became a little more sloppy but he still hit that spot in your gut. He was almost as tired as you were. You body shook violently. The knot unraveled in your stomach again. You screamed tears streaming down your face. His teeth dug into your neck drawing blood. It rolled down your shoulder blades, beading up. He licked it clean. You came when he whispered in your ear
"Cum for me princess, please?"
His voice threw you over the edge. You reached up to hold on to his back. You whinced feeling unfamiliar scars. Probably from the woman he did it with instead of you. He buried himself deep inside of you. He bit your neck again. Muffling his moans as he came deep inside your guts.
"Good girl" he whispered to you.
Your vision started to get blurry. You passed out. The last thing you remember is feeling him thrust into you again.

You were woken up by one of the maids.
"Hello miss Y/N. Ive prepared a Bath for you" she spoke softly. Your face flushed recalling the events last night. You got up to follow the maid but fell down.
"What the fuck." She looked at you shockingly. The prince doesn't like vulgar language.
You looked pissed. Your legs were so sore and your pussy throbbed, it was filled with so much cum you might as well be a sock. The maid ran over to you to help you up. Another maid came running in with a towel and wrapped it around you. They helped you walk to the princes bathroom. Tomura was there sitting in his ginormous bathtub. Candles that smelt like strawberries were lit. The bubbles were so big and fluffy looking, you really wanted to jump in.
"Hello princess." He spoke.
"H-hello." You were to embarrassed to look at him. You felt so vulnerable under his gaze. The maids assisted you to the tub and helped you get in. You looked at him. He smiled at you warmly. You tried to smile back but felt to ashamed to.
"Come here." He said. Your eyes snapped towards him.
"Yes your highness." You scooted over to him. You felt his hand squeeze your thighs.

"Round four love?"
Your face flushed.
"What does he mean by round 4? We only went 2 times.. right?" You thought
"Anything for you sir." You replied. Pushing away the nerves in your stomach.
He grabbed your chin staring into your (color) eyes.
"Your so beautiful" he whispered. You leaned in to kiss him. You swirled your tongue around his. You climbed on his lap still not breaking the kiss.

<no more smut in this chapter haha>

He walked you to his room and let you pick out clothes to wear. He helped you get dressed and then held you bridal style all the way to the dining hall. The servants had made breakfast. You were starving.
It was eggs and bacon. Just the way you like them cooked. And an option between waffles, pancakes, toast, or cinnamon rolls. They were all covered in fruits and chocolate syrups.
You chose (option) and grabbed some hash browns.
"Your not going to eat your highness?" You asked him.
"I'm not hungry. You eat your fill princess." He smiled at you.
You smiled back. And scarfed down your food.
When you finished he took you up to his room so you could rest and cuddle together.

Yeah hes butt fucking you in the next chapter 🫶

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