pt2 more eraserdust

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Warning: don't read if sensitive to weird kinks.

Tomura knew it would happen. Sending such a risky explicit video to his boyfriend at work, could only end with a punishment from him. So there he laid naked, with his hands tied above his head, and his legs tied in a way they were forced open. Even as he laid blind folded, he could move, twist and turn. But he wouldn't risk aggravating his boyfriend anymore then he already was.

Tomura pov (because it's easier to write like this)
Aizawa walked into the room, holding a bowl or maybe even a plate. All I knew is it was glass, because the sound it made when he placed it on my nightstand. He gently placed his hand on my chest. I shivered at his warm touch.
I could only imagine what his sadistic punishment might be.
"Tomura" he spoke softly but stern.
"Yes?" I replied.
"I have something different. I wanted to try with you"
I hummed in response.
"If it's to much don't be afraid to tell me"
I hummed in response again.

3rd person POV
Aizawa reached in to the bowl and grabbed the biggest piece of ice. He decided to start slow, and rub the ice against his perky tits first. Tomura realized what was happening.
"Ice?" He asked him.
"Yes" Aizawa replied.

Tomura pov:
It felt so cold. My nipples hardened, I could tell because the ice felt much more rough than before. I whimpered when he placed ice on both of my nipples. The area went numb.
"To much-" I told him. My face flushed completely.
"It's cold, please, I'm sorry." I got nervous. If it felt this painful on my tits. I could only imagine what he'd do with my clit. Aizawa ignored me. I think my words might've made him upset, because he immediately placed the ice on my clit. I gasped. It almost burned. (Speaking from experience lol🗿) I didn't like this whatsoever.
"Don't you think it would be fun to see how much Ice I could fit in you?" He asked me.
"What? No!" I replied.
"Please no more, I'll be good. That's not necessary" I did all I could to persuade him. He ignored my efforts.
I almost cried when I felt ice seep into my hole.
"No, no, no, no!" I tried to close my legs but the leather ties stopped me. It only got harder after the third piece of ice sunk into me. My pussy felt completely numb, and it stung. He managed to fit eight, no, nine pieces of ice into me. It burned. And when I tried to push them out, he would only shove them deeper. I could hear him grabbing something on the desk!
"No more ice, Please!" I begged real pretty just how he liked. But to my surprise it was a plug. It slid in my hole like ice. He ignored my cries and begs for him to take it out.
"Wouldn't it be fun to stuff the other, tomu?" He asked me.
"NO! Please, please don't" I begged.

The burning and stinging was unbearable. Both my pussy and ass filled, numb, cold, and plugged. I lost count of how much he stuffed in my gaping ass. My cheeks where wet with tears, my chin with spit. I could hear him grabbing something else, but I couldn't tell what it was.
"I hope you didn't think Ice was all, tomu" he told me so softly, but sternly.
"Oh god" I could only turn my head away.

It happened so quick I couldn't comprehend what it was until my pussy stung like it was hit. I screamed, even more tears rolled down my cheeks. He was spanking me. Of course, but it's never been right there.

As soon as I thought he was done, we would spank me again. I was bawling my eyes out. Begging for him to stop. I couldn't see but I knew it was bright red, I swear I felt like I was bleeding. I could feel so many welds, because they were hit first. He didn't bother holding back, spanking me with all his strength.
"Please no more!" I begged, and cried. His hands cupped my cheeks wiping my tears.
"I'm done tomu, you did so good. I think you deserve a reward."
"Huh?" It was finally over.
Or so I thought.
He pinched my clit, it stung 10 times worse than usual.
I sniffled and cried more. I felt his warm tongue slide over my clit. But that was all. He untied me but left me blindfolded. He picked me up, and sat down with me in his lap. He kissed me, and massaged my hard nipples.
"Your gonna be a good boy now, right?" He asked me.
I tried to reply, but choked on my tears. I sniffled again, wiping the snot dripping from my nose.

"Yes sir." I replied. I broke down after I spoke. Sobbing into his shoulder.

Anybody else cry? While reading?

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