I dinr have title ideas

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Dustbunny (miruko x shigaraki)
I've fallen in love with this ship.
Smut (MY AU😡)

Dabi and hawks have been dating for about a month now.
But lately Dabi has been leaving a bunch of visible hickeys all over his neck. Since hawks hasn't told anyone about their relationship, this bought the attention of his best friend Rumi. Hawks hates lying to her. Not like he can anyway. So he finally decided to invite Rumi to the base so she could meet Dabi and the others. He had to beg Shigaraki to let her come over but Eventually Shigaraki gave in.
Today was the day Rumi was gonna meet his boyfriend. Hawks was excited, but also nervous. Dabi thought it was a great idea. That way he could keep marking hawks in the most visible places, to let everyone, especially all those shitty heros know hawks is his property. If anyone asked about the hickeys Hawks could just have Rumi make something up to cover for him.

It was 5 minutes before Keigo and Miruko would arrive.
The real reason Shigaraki gave in is because he likes Miruko. A lot, and being a completely Man-Child virgin, he can't stop staring at her. Not like he has any manners. He doesn't even know it's considered disrespectful to stare at a woman's chest.
"They're a minute away" Dabi said excitedly.
"If she attacks anyone I'm gonna disintegrate her" Shigaraki rolled his eyes acting like he wasn't excited either.

Everyone sat in awkward silence while Hawks and Dabi made out..
Shigaraki sat two stools away  from miruko. Occasionally staring at her boobs or even her thighs. Miruko was drinking a glass of ice cold water. Kurogiri had also gave her a carrot that she was munching on.
She wasn't wearing her usual hero outfit. She dressed a little 'fancy' for the occasion, but instead found herself in the league of villains hide out. She had tight black leggings on and a dark red shirt that really revealed her upper chest.The shirt complimented her beautiful vibrant red eyes.
She kept thinking if she should support Keigo, or tell everyone. He could loose his job as the number three hero. Although Dabi is a good looking man and definitely, Hawks type. He still is a villain. She was so fogged up in her thoughts it took her a minute to realize Shigaraki staring her down.
"Y'know it's rude to stare at a ladies chest" Miruko blurted out breaking the silence. Everyones eyes except Dabi's and Hawks snapped towards him. Tomura sightly tilted his head out of confusion.
"You've been lookin' at my boobs this entire time" Miruko said while shaking her head.
"Oh..uhm sorry" Shigaraki mumbled. He turned as red as a tomato. But not cause of her calling him out. It was because he felt his pants get slightly tighter. The only two who noticed this was Miruko and Kurogiri. Her face immediately turned red too. She looked away, trying to pretend like she saw nothing.
But She needed to use the bathroom because of all that water she drunk.(😱) Perfect excuse to get away from that perv.
"I need to use the bathroom where is it?" Miruko asked, she stuttered over every word. Kurogiri found this as a perfect opportunity to make sure keigo and dabis relationship worked out.
"Tomura would you show our guest where the bathroom is" Kurogiri said quietly, but loud enough everyone could hear.
Hawks struggled to pull away from Dabi. He was gonna deny Kurogiri's request towards Miruko, but he thought of something..
"If Miruko dates Tomura, maybe I won't have to worry about her telling anyone" Hawks kept his thought in mind and waited for something to happen. Everyone including Keigo and Dabi were at staring Kurogiri. Compress was trying not to laugh, but Toga immediately bursted with laughter.
"THE BOSS HAS A CRUSH ON THE BUNNY LADY" Toga screamed out. Twice immediately started laughing as well. Shigaraki mumbled a bunch of curse words to himself. Now he was embarrassed.
"I'll show you where the bathroom is" He said. Miruko laughed to herself.
"The leader of the league of villains has a crush on me, well he's not bad looking himself. We could work on some skincare and wearing some chapstick. Then maybe he might just be worthy of dating" she thought to herself. She slid of the stool and started following Shigaraki.

Tomura standed in front of the door staring at the light at the bottom. He was waiting for Miruko to finish.
His little 'problem' down there started to hurt. He was planning on taking her back to the bar, then going to his room to masturbate, but he was wearing gray sweatpants (😳) his entire boner was already down his thigh. If he went back down there, everyone would see it. He turned red again and froze in embarrassment. He could hear the water turning on, she was washing her hands. He covered his face with one hand panicking, and of course at that very moment she opened the door. The stared at each other making eye contact. She looked down, and turned redder then her shirt. Shigaraki started mumbling words. She started getting horny at the thought he was in this current state because of her. They stared at each other in complete silence for 10 seconds. Miruko started feeling 'bold' she walked towards him and pressed herself against his boner. He whimpered quietly.
"I hope those lips aren't as crusty as they look" Miruko mumbled.
"What's that supposed to mean?" Tomura said staring at her. Miruko leaned closer in and kissed him. Poor Tomura had no idea what to do. He's never kissed anyone, but he just did what felt right. He grabbed her hips and kissed her back. She wrapped her arms around his neck. Tomura let his hands feel almost every part of her body. She moaned in the kiss. She gently pulled away.
"You got a room crusty lips" she said while trying to catch her breath.

Shigaraki sat on his bed facing Miruko. He's never had sex before.
"What are the others doing? Do they know we're about to do this?" Plenty of thoughts like that filled his head. Miruko got on her knees and made eye contact with him.
"I assume your a virgin" she said. Tomura could only nod is head out of embarrassment. She reached her hands in his pants. Tomuras eyes went wide and he started stuttering words. She grabbed his dick and pulled out of his pants.
"Well it's definitely a lot bigger than I thought it would be" Miruko mumbled. Tomura blushed at her words. She put the tip in her mouth and started swirling her tongue around. Tomura bit his lip and whimpered quietly. She got both her hands and stroked the rest of his length. She sucked faster and bobbing her head up and down his length. It became harder for Tomura to stay quiet. His whimpers became more pronounced. He felt himself get closer to his release. She felt the tip twitch in the back of her throat, signaling he was close. He threw his head back and grabbed her hair forcing his entire length in her mouth. Miruko gagged. Tomura moaned more loudly then he should of. She swallowed his bitter cum. Tomura let go of her hair and she pulled herself off.

"Did you have to force me to swallow" Miruko said sarcastically.

I'lla make part 2 promise but it's getting way to long 💀
1257 words

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