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"Happy New Years Y/n." Ashtray repeated, hugging her back.

It still felt like a dream, when this was reality. Or just the reality we know. Government could be hiding stuff like usual, and we'd never know. But that's another topic.

"You guys are so cute. When's the wedding?" Rue teased looking at Ashtray and Y/n hugging.

"Shut up Rue." Y/n joked, releasing Ashtray from the hug.

"Oh yea, I can definitely see you guys having adorable kids." Jules added.

"Whatever." Y/n shut them up, dragging Ashtray away with her.

"HAVE FUN CUDDLING AND KISSING!" Rue yelled, causing y/n to break into a red mess.


Ashtray and y/n left to Fezco's car, just hanging in the back.

Ashtray laid on y/n's thighs, while she would attempt to play with Ashtray's mini hairs.

"Soooo." Y/n broke silence.

"Hmm?" Ashtray hummed.

"Nothing, just wanted to break the silence." Y/n admitted.

"Well we could m-" Ashtray stopped, hearing his phone go off. He reached for his pocket, seeing who it was.

"Fez💸" It read. He answered it, bringing it to his ear.

"What do you want?" He asked, still laying on y/n's thighs.

"Start the fuckin car and tell Rue that if she wanna ride, she needs to leave like now. See ya in a bit man." Fezco said over the phone, hanging up.

"Bruh and I was just falling asleep too." Ashtray sighed, getting up from his spot. He jumped over into the driver's seat, starting up the car.


Fezco was looking for Nate Jacobs. He looked everywhere to find him drinking by himself, in the kitchen. Fezco invited himself to Nate's solo party, pouring himself a drink. Nate side eyed Fezco, smirking after.

"Sup man, you havin a good time?" Fezco asked, taking a sip after.

"Uh yeah." Nate stuttered.

"Make any New Year's resolutions?" Fezco questioned him again.

" No, you?" Nate answered.

"A few." Fezco whispered.

"Last time we talked, didn't you say you wanted to kill me?" Nate faced Fezco smirking.

"Uh man, it's a new year playboy." Fezco changed topics, fist bumping with Nate.

As they fist bumped, Fezco brought a glass bottle from behind his back and hit Nate in the head with it. Nate fell back onto the kitchen counter. Fezco punched him over and over, with Nate not being able to fight back.

Nate soon fell to the floor, with Fezco still beating him up.

"OH MY GOD STOP!" Maddy and Cassie yelled, trying to get Fezco off Nate.

Fezco just pushed them, causing them to fall. He went back to back still hitting bloody Nate Jacobs. Maddy started crying and Cassie was crying also. Maddy didn't know why she would care, he's Maddy's boyfriend. Cassie had McKay.

Nate started to lose consciousness, Fezco still pounded his face. Lexi walked in, just watching. She never really got involved in things, more like a watcher or observer. Yeah, observer.

"STOP COULD YOU PLEASE STOP?! MCKAY STOP HIM!" Cassie cried, still trying to get Fezco off Nate.

Nate's face and shirt was covered in his blood. He was unconscious at this point. McKay came and pulled Fezco off Nate. McKay tried to swing at Fezco, earning a push from Fezco.

"Yo yo stop man, just stop." A random bystander said, holding his arms out in front of one another.

Cassie ran to Nate, still crying. Maddy was crying as well, but not as much as Cassie. Maddy knew Nate deserved a beating for the hell he put her through, but why did Cassie care so much?

She had never seen Cassie and Nate talk before, so why now? She just pushed that stupid thought aside and focused on a bleeding out Nate.

Fezco started walking out noticing Lexi. They made eye contact for a split second, Fezco looked away to his car.


McKay, Cassie, Maddy, and Another person carried Nate out. Jules and Rue just stared, shocked.

"Wow. Fezco can beat ass." Rue said, still shocked.

"Damn right." Jules agreed, with her jaw basically on the ground.


Fezco walked to the car, sitting in the passenger seat.

"Where's rue?" Y/n asked.

"She's going home with jules. Can you fucking drive already??" Fezco yelled at Ashtray. Ashtray started the car, driving them back home.


Twin Flames (Ashtray x fem! Reader)Where stories live. Discover now