018 ♡︎

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"She's amazing. She makes me wanna stop smoking, cursing, even this lameass drug dealing shit. God I think I'm in love with her." Fezco began to drive back to their home.


"You think y/n will be mad at us when we get back?" Ashtray asked, looking out the window.

"I bet you 40 fucking bucks she's sleeping in her bed, no covers." Fezco laughed, glancing over to Ashtray.

"We were gone all day, and we left her with Rue. I feel bad, you know?" Ashtray calmly announced, not moving his gaze from the darkened sky.

"She's fine man, I trust Rue with her. Don't get all fucking worried about her, she's more of a man than you." Fezco replied, focusing on the road.

"Shut the fuck up." Ashtray rolled his eyes.


The two boys finally got home while the moon shined against their skin. Ashtray unloaded the truck and Fezco unlocked the door for them. Ashtray speedwalked to Fezco's room, hiding the items in his drug closet.

"Yo Ash, get to bed. Shower before though, thanks for comin wit me man." Fezco appreciated Ashtray as he cleaned the kitchen.

"No problem man." He thanked him, heading towards the shower.

He sat under the steaming water, letting it hit his skin. He liked cold showers, but today he needed a hot one. Him and y/n both liked almost passing out from the hot steam. Something about it made them just think more straight. The way he would get goosebumps as the water trickled down his back, reminding of y/n's touch. She was soft, and not a liquid of course.

It had barely been a full day, and he already missed her touch. When he thought about her, he described her features in past tense. Almost like she was dead, but she wasn't. I would hope not, no y/n, no story.


He finished his thoughts and his shower up, headed towards his room. He didn't feel like sleeping alone tonight, plus y/n's room was cold. He made his way down the hall, with only shorts on his body.

"Where you goin Ash?" Fezco asked, half awake on the couch.

"Y/n's room. It's hot as fuck in here." Ashtray answered, not moving his mind from his main mission.

"Aight cool." Fezco mumbled, zoning in and out of sleep.

Y/n could be a light and heavy sleeper at times. In the morning, nothing could wake her up. At night, she would wake up out of nowhere. She called her sleep schedule a "bipolar mess". She hated when she needed to get up early and she would wake up right before Fezco came to wake her up. And on days she had nothing to do, she would wake up early and not be tired until something came up.

Ashtray stumbled to y/n's room, meeting his destination. He quietly opened the door so she wouldn't hear it and wake up. He slipped through the open crack, and quietly closed behind him. He made his way to her bed, seeing Fezco was right. She laid scattered across the bed, he feet against the headboard of her bed.

"What the fuck." Ashtray whispered.

He walked towards the bed, sighing. He moved her to a normal sleeping position, moving her close to the wall he bed stood against.  Ashtray climbed in next to her, making sure to be quiet with his actions. When he finally got comfortable, y/n'a body flipped onto Ashtray's. Her hair was in the crook of his neck while her leg and arm were over his body. Ashtray smiled to himself a bit while he moved his arm around her.

Ashtray closed his eyes, remaining in his spot. Four words slipped from his mouth before he was fully asleep.

"I love you, goodnight."


Twin Flames (Ashtray x fem! Reader)Where stories live. Discover now