017 ♥︎

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(Spelling might be a little short, sorry)


"Just pick a fucking purse bro, It's not that fucking hard man." Fezco complained like a baby.

"If it's so easy then you pick." Ashtray shushed Fezco, causing him to roll his eyes.

As the two stood in silence, footsteps could be heard making their way to them. Clicking getting louder each step. Almost like an echo throughout the whole store. The steps stop, earning the eyes of Fezco and Ashtray.

"Fezco?" Lexi slightly tilted her head.

"Wassup Beau- I mean Hey Lexi." Fezco stuttered, side hugging her.

Fezco always cussed in his sentences, sometimes he didn't notice it. With Lexi, he felt like he didn't have to be big and bad to have her love. She was just happy with the thought of Fezco. He was happy with the thought of her too.

"Why are you of all people in this kind of store?" Lexi laughed, releasing from the hug.

"I'm here with my lil bro Ashtray over here looking at these uh dresses for my lil sis y/n's birthday in a couple days." Fezco explained, still red in the face.

"How sweet Fezzzz!!!" Lexi smilied.

"Nah it's really nothing." Fezco scratched the back of his neck.

"We need help choosing this shit." Ashtray blurted, playing with the hem of his jacket.

"Well if Fezco doesn't mind, I can help if you'd like?" Lexi asked, looking back to Fezco.

"Uhhhh of course you can help Lexi, we really need it." Fezco sighed, side eyeing Ashtray.

"Soo have you gotten a dress for her to match with the purse?" Lexi asked, watching Fezco and Ashtray exchange looks.

"Looks like we're starting from scratch." Lexi sighed, leading both boys to the dress aisle.

They didn't walk too far from the purse section. Lexi seemed happy and lost track of why she even came to the store. Fezco and her "secretly" held hands, thinking Ashtray couldn't see.

"I think I've met y/n once or twice, but never talked. Only when I had too. What colors does she like or match her skintone?" Lexi asked, letting go of Fezco's hand.

"I don't-"

"She likes every color but neon ones and she looks amazing in dark colors." Ashtray interrupted Fezco, not moving his gaze from his phone.

"This is gonna be harder than I thought." Lexi exhaled.


"You look pretty Ashtray, we just need a figure to try the dresses on." Lexi laughed, zipping the back zipper.

"Y/n is smaller and more uh you know pretty. I feel like this is a fucking setup." Ashtray walked out the dressing room in an elegant dark blue dress.

"MAN THIS IS THE BEST DAY OF MA LIFE!" Fezco laughed, pulling his phone out. He could barely hold it right from all his laughing.

"Ay put that shit away. VIP access only bruh." Ashtray ran back into the dressing room.

"Come on lemme video this shit for y/n, she'd fucking love it." Fezco begged, earning permission from Ashtray.

"Fine. Only for y/n tho." Ashtray slouched while Fezco took pictures of him.


Lexi ended up choosing everything for y/n, with maybe some help from Ashtray. The two chose a pitch-black dress that had a silky material, matching heels that had a silver mini heart on the ends as a brand marking, with a beautiful leather kates spade purse.

"She's gonna make me broke damn." Fezco scanned his credit card.

"Oh no, we need a card too-"

"Hell no, we'll go to Dollar General fir that shit." Fezco blurted, carrying the bags.

He placed them in the trunk unlocking the door for the other two. He got in starting the car, then driving off.

"Yo Lexi, how'd you fuckin get here with no car?" Fezco asked.

"My sister Cassie dropped me off, I told her I would ride with you sorryyy." Lexi smiled.

"Nah nah you cool, I don't mind spending time with you." Fezco flirted, without using curse words.


All three achieved what they needed, enjoying the time spent together. Lexi got to know Ashtray more too. Fezco invited her to the party, promising to call her for details.

Fezco dropped Lexi off at her doorstep, earning a goodbye kiss. She said her goodbyes to Ashtray also, gently shutting the door behind her.

"I'm a walking W man." Fezco held his face where Lexi kissed him.

"You finally found a girl who's not with you for drugs." Ashtray commented, just to the passenger seat.

"She's amazing. She makes me wanna stop smoking, cursing, even this lameass drug dealing shit. God I think I'm in love with her." Fezco began to drive back to their home.


Twin Flames (Ashtray x fem! Reader)Where stories live. Discover now