024 ♡

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( This chapter might be boring I'm sorry )

"Do you like it?" Y/n asked, standing with her arms behind her back.

"No. I love it. You're so ahhhh you know? Like you're just so amazing and pretty I can't even explain." Ashtray smiled, getting up from his bed.

"Maybe you could show it?" Y/n smiled back.

"I definitely can." Ashtray grabbed her hands.

Ashtray leaning into y/n. He placed his right hand on the side of her torso, while the other went to her face. Y/n placed her arms around Ashtray's neck while the two got closer. The door flew open, causing the two to jump and separate.

"Hey n/n." Rue smiled while holding a gift bag.

"Rue!" Y/n laughed, hugging Rue.

"Okay y/n I see you." Rue laughed, twirling y/n round.

"Thank youuu. Ashtray chose it for me." Y/n chuckled.

"Cute. Here. I got you something." Rue handed y/n the gift bag.

"Aw you didn't have to Rue." Y/n looked back up at Rue.

"Uh yeah I did. It's my favorite person's birthday. Other than Lexi but you get the idea." Rue stuttered.

"Open it later though." Rue suggested.

"Whatever you say." Y/n shrugged.

"Maddy is almost here too. She asked to do your makeup too." Rue tried to finish quickly while exiting the room.

Ashtray and y/n stood in silence in the room, trying to process everything. They almost kissed, then Rue came in and ruined it. But Rue was like an older sister to her, so she didn't mind.

"Well uh." Ashtray broke the silence.

"We should go out there I guess. So Fezco doesn't suspect anything." Y/n kissed Ashtray then grabbed his hand.

The two walked into the main room, seeing tons of people. Ashtray tried to dress nice so he would look good next to y/n. He also didn't want random guys trying to "get it" from y/n. So he knew to stay next to her. The two sat on the couch, watching people dance and talk.


"Kat, are we almost  there?!" Maddy asked for the 30th time.

"Almost Maddy gosh. Can you wait?" Kat laughed.

"No. I'm so excited. I haven't been to a fucking party in so long, plus it's y/n's birthday. She gonna look bomb as fuck." Maddy sat still in her seat.

"True true. But chill girl, we're almost there." Kat smiled.

"Fine. When we get there, I'm gonna rock this whole fucking party. Quenn Maddy in the fucking palace." Maddy pretended to wave to her "subjects".

"You are something else Maddy." Kat burst out laughing.


Twin Flames (Ashtray x fem! Reader)Where stories live. Discover now