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What is Love?

Is it when we enjoy something so much and never grow old of it? Is it when we feel a different way about someone or something? I believe the word "Love" is overused. English is already going down the drain with people creating horrible meanings for sweet words. For example the word "Gay". Before, the word "gay" was for being happy or being in a happy marrige. Now we insult people with it. It's pretty fucking sad how we take something positive and sweet, then turn it negative and sour.

Love can be sweet. People say "If it isn't sweet, it's not Love." Love can't be love with sourness. Love can't just be love without sweetness. Love is a complicated topic really. But I can tell you one thing, Love is truly a word of God himself. Love builds and breaks connections for the better. The sourness helps us create trust for one another. The sweetness brings out the way we feel about someone. Without the two combined, how can love be love?

Love is beautiful, yet ugly. Love is heaven, yet hell. Life wouldn't be life with problems and conflicts. Love wouldn't be love with problems and conflicts. Life is a blessing. Love is a blessing. Finding the person who makes you feel good about yourself is a blessing. The person who makes you go crazy inside when they're near. The person who you can fight and forgive and go back to how things were. The person who can change and you would still love them. Not for their looks, but for them. Their soul, their spirit, their pride.

I think humans overlook the little things about a person. Just the tiny details about a person's personality can go a long way. Going from the way they talk, the way they eat, the way they breathe. The way their heartbeat can be heard pumping louder and louder when someone they adore is near. The way they speak so highly of you, even when you aren't around. The way they can stare at you for hours, only perciving you as beautiful. That's what Love is, at least to me.

When you "Love" someone or something, you just simply can't live without it.


I think... I love Ashtray? From head to toe. From his "hair" to his air Jordan's with my name signed on the left shoe. His voice is a melody I will never get tired of. Him smiling is a sight I can enjoy til I grow old. His touch is something that just drives me crazy. His eyes can make the whole world freeze, just to stare at me.

What me and him have, is something to beautiful to throw away. What we have, is as rare as an emerald. We have our ups and downs like every other friends, but the way it makes our bond stronger is beautiful. I like to call it "Forbidden Love". It's cheesy, I know, but it truly is.

His "brother" Fezco took me in at the age 11. He never made a rule for us to not fall in love with each other, he just expected us to be mature enough to know. We definitely aren't blood related, but we're still family. I never saw Ashtray as a brother, or sibling of course. That would be straight up disgusting.

But I only see him as, eventually, the love of my life. Or just best friends, whatever he prefers. I'll be fine with whatever.


She's a work of god. An angel sent from heaven. How can such a beautiful person, go through the most fucked-up shit of all time? She didn't deserve that, she deserves the world. She's a pure soul, a positive mark on this world.

You would think after having a shit life that she would be a toxic person. She fucking strong, powerful, something I love about her. No matter how fucking hard it gets, she's always smiling. I pretend her smiles are for me, for me to know she's happy no matter what. Her eyes say it all. She can smile while her eyes overflow with the trauma of her childhood. Her eyes light up when I see her. I like when we sit outside, on the roof of the gas station. Especially at night.

Twin Flames (Ashtray x fem! Reader)Where stories live. Discover now