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Y/n woke up around 6am, looking around to see her surroundings. She felt warm arms around her body. She finally realized that she was still in Ashtray's room. She looked over to Ashtray, seeing him sleeping peacefully on y/n's stomach, hands wrapped around her waist.

"Oh..my..god.." Y/n was shocked. She only remembered kissing Ashtray for a little bit but not staying. She didn't mind though. Seeing him like this made her feel special to him. She laid back down, taking one last peek of her sleeping Ashtray.


"Yo, get the fuck up. I'm expecting some weird skinny bitch to come over wit his girl in like three fuckin hours. I made food also, so go eat too." Fezco shouted from his room.

Ashtray and Y/n slowly got up, forgetting most of last night. Well, one of them kinda forgot.

"You slept in here?" Ashtray asked, realizing he was lying on her stomach. He jumped up, sitting next to her.

"Ashtray we literally made out for 2 hours last night. You also did this." Y/n mumbled, pointing to her neck.

Ashtray gave her a hickey? He didn't even know he could do that. Actually, that's a lie. He used to practice on his arm just in case he got the chance to use his skills on someone special. Someone special as in y/n.

"Oh fuck. I'm sorry, but that's sick as fuck. You should be proud of me for that. First time doing it to someone other than m- actually nevermind...sorry." Ashtray bragged.

"Shut up, how am I going to hide it from Fezco?" Y/n panicked.

"Uhhhh just say someone else gave it to you." Ashtray suggested, earning a soft punch from y/n.

"That's worse. Fezco would beat someone up if I told him someone gave it to me. Thank you sooooo much Ash." Y/n rolled her eyes. She jumped off Ashtray's bed, headed towards the door.

"You're welcome. Hey where are you going? You can't just hit and leave." Ashtray laughed under his breath.

"I can because there was no "hit" Ash." Y/n left, shutting the door behind her.

She snuck into her room, quietly shutting the door. She dove into her nightstand drawers to find some left-over makeup from Maddy.

She found lashes, eyeliner, concealer that wasn't even her color, and eyeshadow.

"Oh my god." Y/n whispered, anger through the roof.

She secretly liked the hickey Ashtray gave her, but she couldn't show it to anyone but him. Because it was just their secret.

That's what she hated about secrets. You feel guilty for not telling someone, but you'd also feel guilty sharing a secret when they trusted you with it.

Trust meant alot to y/n. She only trusted 3 people, Ashtray, Fezco, and Rue. Well more as in 2 cause Rue always forgot the secrets y/n told her. She was like a high goldfish sometimes.


Y/n and Ashtray left the house so Fezco could be alone. Ashtray drove them to an ice cream shop. I know what you might say "What the fuck, an Ice Cream shop?? What are they 5?" "Ice cream is lame."
But Y/n loved ice cream.


When they were 13, Fezco took them to the same exact ice cream shop. He ordered three different flavors on one cone, mint, vanilla, and cookie dough, then made y/n try it. He's a sick fuck when it comes to food. She hates mint ice cream now. She called it "toothpaste but with diabetes in it".

She likes the plain flavors like vanilla, strawberry, chocolate, cookie dough, just not together. She liked them separately. It just didn't look as good all together. She liked cherries with it sometimes. Depended on the flavor.

Ashtray liked the same flavors as y/n. When she would get a flavor, Ashtray would get the same.


"Why'd you get strawberry? You said it was too girly because it was pink." Y/n asked, licking her ice cream.

"Shut up. I can change my mind. Plus I like the little strawberry flakes in it." Ashtray admitted, turning him and his ice cream away from y/n.

"Ok Ashtray, no need to get all defensive over ice cream." Y/n laughing, smiling at the defensive Ashtray.


Ashtray parked the car, rushing to open the door for
y/n. Being a gentleman wasn't really his thing, but y/n would brag to him about how she would love a man to do little things like that. So Ashtray began to act like one around her. Just to make her like him.

He tried not to curse a lot, tried not to smoke around her, he would even make sure his room was clean when she wanted to chill with him.

She got out of the car while Ashtray shut the door. She grabbed his arm, like always. She felt more "feminine" holding onto a male's arm. Plus people would stay away from her so she just kept doing it when she was in public.

Ashtray opened the door for y/n, following after. She grabbed his arm again, walking together towards the counter. Y/n already knew what she wanted. Ashtray was just going to copy her of course.

"How can I help you love birds?"


Twin Flames (Ashtray x fem! Reader)Where stories live. Discover now