Cedric Diggory- Just Sleeping 🧡

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WARNING ⚠: mentions Ced d*ing, comfort

I knock on the door of his room and wait for an answer of some sort. Eventually the door swings open and he stands there in a t shirt and his boxers, rubbing his eyes.
"What do you need, darling? It's late."
"I know, I'm really sorry. I just couldn't sleep on my own in there." I point down the hall a ways to the open door of the room I was just in.
"House is pretty big huh? I understand, sleeping in a new place isn't always easy, especially when it's new and much larger than you're used to." He looks lovingly at me. "Would you like me to come sleep with you?"
"I don't want to make you sleep in a guest room in your own home. I was just thinking maybe you could sit with me until I fall asleep?" I shuffle my feet. He seems to think for a moment.
"What if you came and slept in here with me? You'd be able to sleep, I'd still be with you and you wouldn't have to make me sleep in a guest room."
"Your dad wouldn't be upset?"
"Well, he let you stay over, didn't he?"
"Well, yes, but staying over in the guest room and sleeping in his teenage son's room are pretty different." I fiddle with the hem of my shirt. "I wouldn't want him to think anything has happened."
"If we were going to fool around here we would have already done it at the school. I'm not going to pretend that falling asleep without you in my arms is easy. I've gotten so used to falling asleep with you on the couch in the commons area it's a little odd when you're not right there when I open my eyes." He leans against the doorframe now, arms crossed over his chest. I bite my lip, not wanting to seem too eager.
"You really think it'll be okay?"
"I think my dad trusts me. I could even call in a house elf if you'd like, just as a witness."
"I just think sleeping with you might help. I don't think we need a house elf, do we?"
"It's up to you, if you're worried about my dad getting on us for sleeping together I'm sure Markey or Popsey wouldn't mind sitting in, they're the most trusted elves." He blinks very slowly, I can tell he's tired.
"Let's just go to sleep. We can deal with your dad in the morning if we need to." He nods slightly and extends an arm to wrap around me. He stops long enough for me to crawl into the vacant side of his bed before he climbs in himself. In a very short amount of time the two of us make ourselves comfortable in the other's arms before quickly dozing off.

"Cedric, NO!!!" All I can do is scream. It happened so fast, I'm not sure what even happened, all I know is he's gone... I stare at his lifeless body and hold myself as tears stream down my face.
"Baby." I ignore whoever is trying to get my attention. "Hey beautiful girl, if you can hear me I need you to do me a huge favor okay? I need you to wake up baby doll, you're having a nightmare and I can't help unless you wake up, I'm right here." I try to move but it's useless until I feel my hand brush against something. "Shh, that's it, keep going, almost out."

As I drag my eyes open I see Cedric next to me, stroking my hair and face, speaking so softly. "Oh my godric, I love you so much." I hug him tightly around his neck. "I was so scared."
"I know little one, but you're okay, I'm okay and you got out of there so quickly. I'm so proud of you." He kisses my forehead softly.
"I could hear you, only I didn't know it was you."
"The important thing is, you listened. We still have a little while until breakfast, would you like to try to go back to sleep?" I nod and lay my head on his shoulder. I find my fingers ghosting across his skin as if I'm trying to make sure he's still there. "You're alright, love, nothings going to happen to me. I love you so so much." As he talks my breathing continues to slow, falling into rhythm with his. My eyes begin to feel heavy and his soft words and warm breath are making it increasingly difficult to stay awake any longer. Just before I slip away from consciousness I press a kiss to his cheek. "Thank you."

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