Steddie - Shotgun 🧡💚

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"Gonna smoke with me, pretty boy?" Eddie stares up lovingly at Steve, waving a joint at him.
"I would, I miss getting high with you, but my lungs are giving me hell today." Steve leans down and kisses him before laying across his lap with his face snuggled into Eddie's stomach.
"D'you have your inhaler? I have an idea if you think you can handle it." Eddie cautiously brushes Steve's hair from his face, pressing soft kisses to the boy's forehead.
"Yeah, and you have one here, member? What's your idea?"
"Have you ever shotgunned a smoke?" Eddie rests his hand on Steve's chest, mindlessly rubbing in circles.
Steve brings his own hand up to toy with the metalhead's rings. "Can't say I have, have you?"
"Once with Chrissy Cunningham. It was her first time, she was nervous, yada yada. Basically, I'll take a hit and exhale it into your mouth, doesn't have to be directly in if you think you can't take it."
"So what you're saying is, you do the smoking, I get to kiss you, I get secondhand buzzed?"
"You could say that. You wanna try? You don't have to, Stevie." Eddie looks at him with an outpouring of love.
"I don't mind trying, I know you always smoke before bed." Steve sits up and passes Eddie his lighter. He begs his lungs to not be shitty for like twenty minutes.
Eddie makes a noise of contentment and thinks before speaking again. "Gimme kiss?" Steve obliges, climbing into Eddie's lap to straddle him. "I love you, Steve."
"I love you, Eddie." After giving him one more kiss Eddie lights his joint and takes a long drag. Holding his breath a minute he exhales halfway, knowing that hit was far too big for his boyfriend to take. Steve leans in, lips brushing against Eddie's as he inhales, sucking the smoke from Eddie's mouth. Eddie takes another hit, holding it before breathing out into the space above Steve's head.
"Feel okay?"
"Like breathing."
"Hell yeah! Not to be sappy and shit but this might mean you can smoke with me more." Eddie announces before pressing the joint to his lips again. Steve leans in, ready to take this one as soon as Eddie opens his mouth. It's slightly bigger than the last but still his lungs feel okay, his chest doesn't ache. After every few hits Eddie checks in with his boyfriend, making sure he's still feeling fine.
"I want a big one, last one." Steve proclaims.
"Are you sure?" The metalhead only gets a nod in response. He takes a final drag, breathing out into Steve's mouth before crushing out the last bit. Steve handles it well for a second before he starts to cough. "You okay, babe? Inhaler?" Eddie rubs calming circles on his back, helping him sit straight, lifting his arms over his head.
"No inhaler. Stupid lungs, sorry I wasted your last hit." Steve looks down at the space between them.
Eddie lifts his chin with two fingers. "Not a waste, you wanted to try it. Now we know you can smoke with me, you just can't take big hits. Little hits for my little Stevie bear." He presses a kiss to his lips, once, twice, three times.
Steve can feel his buzz already settling in. "Can we go cuddle?"
"Come here little baby." Eddie lifts the both of them easily, making his way to his room. Steve is placed on the end of the bed. "Do you want Metallica or Iron Maiden?" He rifles through his band tees until he gets Steve's quiet answer of 'Iron Maiden'.
"Here, take this off, sweetheart." Steve wears a wide, lazy smile as Eddie undresses him. Once his shirt is switched out for Eddie's too big band tee he's helped out of his jeans and laid on the bed. "I'll be right there, in just a second, okay?" Eddie quickly puts his own pajama shirt on, opting for a pair of flannel pants instead of just his boxers as well. Sure he's seen Steve in various states of undress but something about him lying there in his boxers and Eddie's tee-shirt made the boy's heart swell, he really did love this kid. He slides into bed next to him, pecking his forehead. "G'night Stevie, love you."
"Night Eds, love you more."

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