Remus Lupin- A Dad 🧡💚

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WARNING ⚠: Birth, Reggie being a boss bitch but also a tosser, Sirius being a supportive friend, Lily being the best girl ever, Dad James, not quite wife yet reader, mentions of Remus being a werewolf, he's scared to be a dad, there's a baby

"What if I'm not as good as everyone expects me to be? What if I mess up? I could hurt them.. I'm a werewolf, Pads, I can't be a dad." Remus holds his breath, shaking in Sirius' arms.
"Hey I came as soon as I heard. Lily's here?" James runs up beside him, panting slightly. Suddenly Peter appears as well.
"Hey, Prongs, Wormy. Yeah, Lily's in there with her now, Moony just wanted to calm down a minute before he went back in. Very considerate of him to not want to stress his wife out." Sirius still has a hold on the man much taller than himself.
"Hey, Remus, if it eases your mind a little they don't think she's ready to give birth just yet." Lily pops out of the room. "James, you made it."
"Of course I did, Harry's with Petunia." He grabs his wife and hugs her.
"She isn't my wife." Remus says monotone.
"What are you on about mate?" Peter nudges him.
"She's not my wife. She's just my fiancé. I mean- that sounds awful, she's not just my fiancé-" Remus rambles.
"Hey, sit down for a minute." Lily grabs his hand, leading him to a chair. "It's going to be okay. We know what you mean, and so does she. Just because she isn't your wife yet doesn't mean anything. You still love her, right?" He nods fervently.
"Of course I still love her. I always will." His hands shake as he traces the scars, trying to calm himself the way she has since they were all kids. "But I don't want to hurt them… The baby, it- she's going to be so tiny."
"Sorry I'm late, baby status?" Regulus walks in cooly, cutting him off.
"Unborn, still." Sirius updates his brother.
"Lily, I'm a werewolf."
"Remus, you're still her partner." She looks at him and softly puts a hand on his shoulder. "Have you hurt her? Since the day you met, have you hurt her?"
"No, I couldn't imagine how I'd feel if I had."
"So I know you're not going to hurt your baby."
"Thanks, Lil."
Sirius hugs Remus from behind as a nurse walks out of the room. "Which one of you is Mr. Lupin?"
"That'd be this guy." James points to Remus.
"And Mr. Potter?" He raises his own hand now. "And I assume you-" She addresses Lily, the only woman in the vicinity. "Are Mrs. Potter?"
"I am."
"Miss Potter is asking for you three." And with that she walks away. Remus is the first at the door, swinging it open and nearly hitting James.
"Hey, are you alright?"
"I'm fine, Rem. How are you?" He sighs, smiling at the nickname.
"I'm okay, Lily helped a lot. Sirius, Pete and Reggie are here too, they're waiting outside."
She nods. "Jamsey."
"I'm right here. What's up kiddo?"
"You don't have to if you don't want to but would you stay with me?"
"Of course I'll stay if you want me to. Moony's gonna stay too and Lily said if you want her to talk to you she'd be more than happy to." James holds his sister's hand. "Is there a reason you want me to stay?"
"You've held my hand through everything I've been through and you'll be holding my hand when Rem and I get married, it just feels right. You're my best friend Jamesy." (Y/n) looks up at her brother. He tries to look away before the tears spill down his face but fails. "Don't cry. Look, Remmy isn't even crying and it's his baby."
"Not crying but just about had a panic attack in the waiting area." Lily speaks.
"I promise it was nothing, darling." He reassures, stroking her hair.
"Why? What happened, my love?"
"I was just worried about hurting her. I am still a werewolf."
"Oh Remus. You've never hurt me and we've been together since we met in first year."
"That's what Lily said." He smiles lovingly at the girl in the bed. His plan has always been to marry her and have kids but it still seems surreal.
"I'm glad you're better now. Would someone let Peter and the Black's in?"
Lily reaches the door and opens it slightly, motioning the other three in.
"It's a party in here! I brought you some fire whiskey for after she's born. Don't worry Uncle Reggie has it covered." Regulus is the first to enter the room, dropping two small bottles of fire whiskey into the diaper bag. (Y/n) can't help but smile.
"All I brought was a chocolate bar for Moony and he already ate it. My gift to you, Miss Potter-soon-to-be-Lupin, comes after the arrival of our newest Marauder."
"I didn't bring anything, this was very sudden and I was very late… I guess not so late because Reggie was later than me but still I didn't have any time to prepare and I thought a balloon reading 'congratulations it's a girl' might not be the best gift." Peter states, looking nearly as anxious as Remus.
"But it's okay, because you're here." (Y/n) smiles at every one of them.
"I brought Lily, please don't yell at me." James feels the need to remind his sister that he's not being a nuisance for once.
"I suppose I didn't really bring anything… The diaper bag, I guess. And I'm the one that put you in this position in the first place, but I love you." Remus cringes from her bedside.
"And I you, my Moony." Her nickname causes his heart to jump but it floods him with relief at the same time, she's not mad at him. Yet anyway. "Unfortunately I can't let all of you stay with me while I'm delivering but you're all more than welcome to come back as soon as they'll allow it. You're her uncles."
"Hell yeah we are." Sirius grins, high fiving Peter and Regulus. The group of them stands around and waits, cracking jokes and making each other laugh for a while.
"I'm going to ask you gentlemen to turn your backs for a moment." A nurse walks in.
"I'm actually not feeling anything, I'm not ready to be checked at the moment." (Y/n) says, looking from Remus to the nurse.
"It'll just be quick, I promise."
"No, thank you." She continues to put her gloves on.
"Hey, nuh-uh. She said no. I'm sure one of us can find you if she is ready before you come back." Regulus and Lily block the nurse from either side while Remus comforts his fiancé who is nearly in tears.
"Shh, Lily and Reggie took care of it, you're okay, darling. When you're ready just tell one of us."
"I got you honey, it's your body, you know what you need." Lily stands next to James on the other side of the bed. After a few more minutes of laughter (Y/n) feels a sharp pain and winces.
"Damn you Remus Lupin!" She squeezes her eyes shut and breathes. Everyone other than Lily is looking at Remus. Of course Sirius and James burst into fits of laughter. "It's not funny, shut the hell up." Remus rubs her back as she sits up. "Don't you touch me. This started with a back rub." He looks up at Lily, unsure of what to do now. She laughs lightly before motioning for him to take (Y/n)'s hand. When she finally lets herself rest against the pillow again Lily speaks.
"I believe you might want to be checked. If you're dilated enough you can push."
"I can go-" James begins
"You said you'd stay." His sister pleads. "Reggie-"
"Say no more." He carefully slips out the door to find a nurse. About five minutes later he returns with a different lady than last time.
"Lily, Lily… Ow."
"Shhh, you're okay honey, Remus has you, you're alright."
"You're doing so well, love." Remus rubs her knuckles, kissing her forehead.
"Is there anyone you would like to leave before we start pushing?"
"Wait- all of them can stay?"
"If you'd like them too." The nurse responds and (Y/n) looks at the guys. They all shrug.
"Well, do you want to stay or not?!" She raises her voice.
"You're kinda the one pushing out a whole child here, it's up to you." Reggie speaks first.
"Regulus, as soon as this baby is out of me I'm going to kill you. Get out." He scrambles for the door, Sirius and Peter following.
"Whatever you do, do not tell her to be quiet or calm down." James whispers to Remus.
"Are you ready, dear? You're fully dilated." The nurse speaks softly.
"Rem, I'm scared. I know I said I was fine and it was gonna be okay but I'm scared." The young girl starts breathing shallowly.
"Remember deep breaths sweetheart, good." Lily reminds (Y/n) to breathe deeply again.
"Hey, we're going to be fine, we're gonna be just fine, we can do this. You can do this. You're still the same strong girl I met in that castle years ago. She was confident she could handle having a baby and you're still her. I'm right here, love." She pulls him closer to her and squeezes his hand. She hadn't realized she let go of James. He couldn't blame her, she needed her partner. James would always be her brother, he'd always be there for her but this was their moment. He places his hand on his wife's back, giving her his support in supporting his sister.
"Can you push for me?" The nurse asks as (Y/n) winces with another contraction.
"Keep breathing." Remus looks down lovingly at his fiancé. She pushes and breathes and pushes again. This continues for the next 5 and a half hours, Remus whispering how proud of her he is, how she's doing so well and Lily reminding her to breathe. Finally, the moment she thought would never come, (Y/n) hears her baby cry. She collapses against Remus and cries.
"You did so amazing, princess. I love you so so much." He brushes the hair out of her face and presses a kiss to her sweaty forehead. James knocks on the door three times, letting the three outside know she's been born.
"She's beautiful, (Y/n)." Lily takes a step back, allowing James to be seen again.
"Jamesy, I'm so sor-"
"You needed him. I'll always be here for you, but you needed Moony. He's your partner, the one you chose, I'm just your brother." James smiles sweetly at his younger twin. "I love you so much, and he's right, you did amazing." He kisses the top of her head and steps out of the way so she can hold her baby. Lily grabs James' hand and drags him out the door after her.
"She's perfect. Baby Lupin seems perfectly healthy, no serious complications with (Y/n) and Remus handled everything really well." She announces to the three men waiting outside.
"Does she have a name yet?" Sirius asks excitedly.
"Yes and no. Remus and (Y/n) have a name picked out but they haven't told anyone yet." James scowls. "No, not even our mother knows."

"Oh Remus, she has your eyes." His fiancé looks between him and their new baby.
"She's certainly beautiful, just like her mummy. Amelia Grace Lupin, you're gorgeous." Remus says, stroking the baby's tiny fist.
"Oh, Rem-" (Y/n) has tears in her eyes. "You're going to be the best dad ever." After both parents have held her the nurse takes Amelia to be cleaned up and put in the nursery so they can rest. Of course their friends standing outside see the little girl once she's taken out and they all coo at her. The door is opened and they're allowed in once again. "Hey Reg, sorry I yelled at you."
"Are you kidding me? You just pushed a whole human out of you and you're apologizing for yelling at me because I was acting like a tosser?" He scoffs. "Thank you, but honestly I deserved it."
"What's her name!?" Sirius is practically vibrating with excitement.
"Amelia Grace Lupin. Well, they want to do a paternity test to prove Rem is the father so until then they're calling her Baby Potter." (Y/n) seems pretty upset by the fact but her fiancé rubs her shoulder gently.
"She's baby Lupin, love, no worries."
"That's an adorable name, it suits her well." Peter speaks softly.
"Thank you, Petey." Remus smiles at his pals. "You guys think you can handle being uncles again? Baby Harry and now Baby Amelia?"
"Being an uncle is the easiest job in the world. Especially when you're Uncle Padfoot." Sirius says gleefully.
"Uncle Wormy has gotten used to it by now. I'm going to teach both of your children how to be just like us."
"Well, I'm going to be taking them to Honeydukes." Reggie says.
"Jamsey, this is new for you."
"If I can be a dad, I'm sure being Uncle Jamsey can't be much harder. And as for you, Moony. Well, you've been the perfect Uncle Moony for my Harry, I'm sure you'll be an even better dad for Amelia."
"Thanks, Prongs." Remus hugs him tightly, a tear slipping down his cheek. A while later Amelia is brought back in for a feeding and (Y/n) and Remus introduce her to everyone.
"So, I have good news." The nurse speaks and gains everyone's attention at once. "The paternity results came back and we can officially call her Baby Lupin."
"I never had any doubts." (Y/n) cradles her baby, leaning into Remus' side. Their friends cheer quietly as the baby is asleep again.
"I want to get a picture." Lily moves around everyone and stands in front of the new parents. "Say cheese." The camera shutters and after waiting a few minutes the Polaroid is developed. Lily places it on a nearby stand with a baby book. "We're gonna go, you make sure you get some rest, I'm gonna feed these guys and I'll be back later, I might bring James back too."
"Bye Lils, thank you for everything." (Y/n) grabs Amelia's tiny hand and waves goodbye to everyone. "Bye-bye Auntie Lily, bye-bye Uncle Jamsey, bye-bye Uncle Padfoot, bye-bye Uncle Wormy, bye-bye Uncle Reg. We love you, thank you all so much."
"We love you guys too." Lily says as she quietly closes the door.
"Come lay with us, Daddy." (Y/n) and Remus have already taken to calling each other mum and dad for the sake of their little one.
"Of course, Mummy." (Y/n) scoots over and Remus slides into bed next to her, holding her in his arms while she holds Amelia. "I love you both so much, my beautiful girls."
"I love you, Rem."

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