Moonchaser- Each Others First Kiss 💚

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WARNING ⚠: Remus x James, first kiss, mentions of drinking, James questioning his sexuality, bi Remus

It's midway through first year, James has accepted his crush on Remus, he's pretty and it's undeniable. Accepting it and telling anyone are two different things though. That is until one night they're all a little tipsy at a party thrown by the seventh years at the time. Remus just keeps getting closer and touching him and James has tried to keep himself at a distance but it's so hard. "Y'know Potter, I'd kiss you right now if I knew you were into that kind of thing." Remus has kinda always know he's bisexual, and it's not something he's ever fought himself too much on. James, however, still has no idea how he feels about liking Remus. He knew he liked the boy, thought he was gorgeous even with the long gash running across his face but James had never really looked at boys that way. The way he was supposed to look at girls, the way he did look at girls. He knew he was confused and he knew he could talk to Remus about it but not right now while his chest was pressing against James' shoulder, while his hot breath was on his neck. James turned to Remus, the firewhiskey flooding his veins making his movements entirely too slow.
"And what if think I might be?" And Remus' lips were on his. The kiss was nothing like James had expected, sloppy and a miss completely. No, Remus was firm and accurate, clearly better at handling his alcohol than James. A moment later they broke apart breath heaving into each other's mouths.
"Would you believe me if I told you you were my first kiss just now?" Remus pants, clutching at James.
"Well that's okay, you were mine." James nods, head still spinning, he just kissed Remus Lupin. "Can we talk about this more when I'm sober?" Remus nods politely still holding James close by his elbow, leaning against his chest. "Good, thanks, but I'm gonna need you to kiss me again." And Remus is more than happy to.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 28, 2022 ⏰

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