Sam Winchester- My First Time 💛

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WARNING ⚠: Lemon!!

The door to the bunker slams shut causing me to jump. I pull out my gun and carefully peek around the corner. The culprit soon comes into view and I lower my gun as I realize its just them. My boyfriend stands still at the door as Dean walks down the hall towards his room.

"Heya, trigger." He nods to the gun in my hand.

"Shoot first, ask questions later. You learn a thing or two, being a demon hunters girlfriend." I shrug, putting my gun away. "Lovely boy, I have something I wanted to tell you." Dean walks to his room, eventually replaced by Sam's much larger figure.

"I hate my job." He presses a kiss to my forehead.

"Long day, bub?"

He nods. "Remind me again why I do this?" I smile at him and he nods again, slowly this time. "Right, because I'd do anything to keep that beautiful smile safe."

I pull him down into a kiss before moving him to sit in the chair I previously occupied. I drag my hand up his chest as I walk around the back of the chair. "So the thing I wanted to tell you." I lean down and whisper against his neck. "I want you, Sammy. I'm ready. I planned on telling you today anyway, but it seems like you really need it." His face contorts into a smirk and he pulls me around in front of him.

"Are you 100% sure? This isnt something we can undo." He mumbles against my neck as I sit in his lap.

"Yes, Sam, I'm sure. I want you. It's been on my mind all day and I know it'll get you to relax. And I know you're going to tell me you need a shower so why not just have a little fun while were at it?" I try not to shiver too much when he nips at my neck, leaving small love bites here and there. "Sa-"

He cuts me off. "I need you to be quiet, princess. Good girl." His lips are attached to my neck again and I can't stop myself from grinding on him slightly. Sliding his hand up the side of my shirt he grips my hip, pushing my waistband down slightly.

"Sammy-" I groan, impatient for him at this point.

"What, princess?"

"I need you." I whine, feeling him grow under me.

"Fuck." He sighs against my neck, not hiding how he's really feeling. "Why didn't you just say so?" Before I have a moment more to beg hes lifted us both and started making his way to the bathroom, kissing my neck and collarbone the whole way. I'm placed on the counter, losing most of the contact I had with him moments ago. "Strip."

"Make me." Those aren't the words I planned on coming out but it's too late now. He rolls his eyes and practically tears my shirt over my head. He's a little gentler when he pulls me off the counter, hands moving to undo the button on my jeans. I unclip my bra, letting it fall down my arms and right in his way. A throaty growl comes from him as he unzips my jeans, pulling them to the floor as he kneels in front of me. His fingers dance along the waistband of my underwear and I nod, giving him permission. Sliding them to my knees he lets them join my other clothes on the floor before standing again, letting me unbutton his flannel. As I unbutton his shirt and begin sliding it down his arms he undoes his belt, unbuttoning his pants as well. He cant shake himself out of his boxers fast enough as he grabs me, pulling me into a kiss.

"You're gorgeous, you know that?"

"I do now." I kiss his neck and chest as we move into the shower. I'm spun around so my back is against his chest. His large calloused hands roam my body leaving a trail of flames in their wake. "Sammy-" A breath catches in my throat as he grabs one of my breasts. I reach up behind me and meet his hair, tangling my fingers in the brown mop as he sucks on the sweet spot on my neck. His other hand slides effortlessly to the center of my hips, right above my heat. "For the love of all things unholy, Sam, touch me." He answers my plea, effortlessly slipping his middle finger inside me. I've masturbated before but my fingers are nowhere near the size of his. I'm left at a loss for words as he pumps his finger in and out before adding another. It takes me a second to adjust and he can tell. Sam waits for my go ahead, kissing and nipping my neck. "Go." And he does, finding my clit at the same time. As he slowly pumps his fingers his thumb gently rubs circles on my clit. I bite my lip, letting out a moan.

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