Remus Lupin- Meeting You 🧡

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"Sirius! Over here!!" James waves wildly and gains the attention of a boy with black hair halfway across the platform.

"James!" The boy, Sirius, runs up and hugs James tightly.

"Sirius, this is my sister, (Y/n)." I wave at him shyly.

"Nice to meet you. I'm Sirius Black." Instead of holding out a hand he puts his fist out. I'm not entirely sure what I'm meant to do until James raises my hand and forms it into a fist and knocks it against the boy's hand.

"It's alright, you'll learn." Sirius gives a half cocked grin.

"Oi, Potter!" A taller boy with brown hair waves to my brother.

"Remus!" James grabs our things and drags them over to the other boy, Sirius leaving momentarily to do the same.

"This is my sister." James gestures at me.

"Remus Lupin. You must be (Y/n), it's incredible to finally meet you. James told us a lot about you last year. Kind of disappointing you barely missed the cut off for last year. Hopefully we can still become friends." He's much different than Sirius. Sirius seems to have an arrogance about him, and a bit of rebellion too. Remus just seems confident and cool, although he's sort of quiet. It's only when I look Remus over that I realize he's holding out a hand. I quickly shake it, noting another difference between the two. Remus wears a band t-shirt instead of his uniform.

"I hope so too." Letting go of his hand I point to his shirt. "The Beatles, huh? You're either a muggle born or you really enjoyed muggle studies."

"Muggle born." He laughs and scratches the back of his neck. "You know of them?"

"I do. Jamesy and I used to listen to them every night when we shared a room."

"That's cute. We'll definitely have to talk more." He smiles sweetly at me. My heart beats quickly and I look from him to the ground.

"It's Peter." A blonde boy walks up and drops his suitcase right next to mine. James gives him a quick wave, still talking with Sirius about a class or something.

"I'm James' sister." I shake his hand as well, he seems like Remus but maybe a little less shy. Peter quickly jumps into conversation with James and Sirius, leaving Remus and I looking around.

"You're even prettier than James made you out to be."

"Huh? Oh, thank you. That's very sweet." I glance up at him, attempting not to catch his eyes. "You're quite pretty too, I like your scars." Stupid. "I didn't mean it like that, you're just-"

"Hey, it's okay kid. Thanks." We're both silent for a moment until he speaks again. "How much do you know about muggle music? I know you two are muggle born as well."

"I don't know a whole lot but I certainly have favorites."

He nods, sitting on his suitcase. "Maybe we can share music sometime."

I no longer have to look up at him. "Really? I'd love that."

"Not many people know about it but there's a small store in Hogsmeade that has tapes and vinyls. Wizarding music and muggle stuff occasionally. I'd be more than happy to show you on our first trip." His voice has gotten softer as he speaks, like he's not so sure if I'd take him up on that.

"Wow, Remus, that sounds really cool. I'd be honored to check it out with you."


"Who's checking what out?" James turns to face the two of us.

"I just asked your sister if she'd want to check out the music shop when we go to Hogsmeade."

"Absolutely not, Lupin. You are not taking my kid sister on a date to Hogsmeade."

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