Fred Weasley- Got You Home 💛

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WARNING ⚠: lemon! cameras, knives, bindings

*one attachment from my queen*
I miss you ♡
Damnit. please don't do this right now angel, I'm at work
I know, but I want you
just wait, I'll be home soon
but that's not soon enough, it's like four hours
sorry love, I gotta go, kisses
bye fred.

I look over the message again before slipping my phone into my desk drawer. She's upset, she never says "bye", uses periods or calls me Fred. As I adjust myself in my chair a knock sounds at the door. "Come in."
"Mr. Weasley." I look up and see my twin standing across from me.
"Mr. Weasley." As I greet him my mind drags me back to the text from minutes ago. "George, are you meant to be working today?"
"No, why?" He looks a bit confused.
"I need you to take over for me, I'm needed at home, it's an emergency. Thanks, love you." I grab my phone from the drawer and my coat from the back of the chair. I hold it in front of me as I stand.
"Sure, love you too." He takes a seat in my chair and I leave. I try not to run into anyone as I exit the building, the thought of her in the mirror burned in my brain making my trousers uncomfortably tight. I briefly consider calling her but eventually decide a surprise might be more exciting. The drive home seems short, I'm not sure I was even thinking about it. I turn my key in the lock and slowly push open the door.
"My love, I'm home." It's quiet in the house, I hang my jacket and head towards the stairs leading to our room. My belt has my focus as I begin up the stairs but I stop half way as I notice it's much darker than it should be. As I look up to inspect the light I find it blocked by her figure at the top of the stairs. "Get in the room now. Fucking tease."
"It got you home didn't it?" Her hands roam over her body as she makes eye contact with me.
"I said now, or you're getting a punishment." I begin up the stairs again, two at a time this time.
She's leaned against the wall when I get to our room. "Please?" Her voice and her eyes beg for me.
"Tell me what you want, angel." I approach her and tip her chin up towards me.
"You." That's enough for me. I grab the back of her thighs and lift her against the wall as she wraps her legs around me. "Kiss?" She lifts her head and I kiss her neck before leaving a small hickey. Her fingers are laced in my hair keeping me close to her neck. I can hear her slightly whimper which only turns me on more and makes me want to hear more. As I kiss and nibble her neck and ear I lay her on the bed, kissing down her chest, working the lace off her body. "You… are… perfect. you know that?" I trail down her chest, kissing everywhere between words. I slide my hands under her and slowly pull off the revealing lace underwear. She lifts her hips in the hopes of getting rid of them faster. "That isn't going to work, young lady."
"Why not?" She pulls me up face to face with her.
I brush a strand of hair behind her ear. "You get to have more fun if you're a good girl." She nods before answering.
"Yes sir."
"Stay." I quickly sort through the drawer of toys and other items. "What do you want a little bit of, princess?"
She takes a moment to consider. "Can we use your favorite toys?" A smirk grows on my face as I pull out a pair of ties and a blindfold first. Laying them on the bed I turn back around to find some lube.
She's sat up now, looking at me and a slight whimper falls from her lips. "Good girl. Lay down and give me your arm." She provides without any hesitation even though she knows what's coming. I tie one of her wrists to the bedpost before moving to the other and doing the same there. "Lift your head, angel." She does quietly and I slip the blindfold on and secure it. "Perfect, such a good girl for me already." Her legs are pulled tightly together as I trail a hand from her ankle up the inside of her thigh and to her hip. The noises that she makes from that small action alone makes me even more excited for what I'm about to do. I set the camera up as quietly as possible and click record. "Beautiful girl, just another thing before we get started. Do you still know the safeword?"
"Very good. And do you still consent to my knives?"
"Yes, Freddie. Please."
"Very nice. Where should I even start, all of this, just for me. God." I shake off my shirt and step out of my trousers. By now my hard on was visible anyway. I crawl up the bottom of the bed until I'm hovering over her midsection before dropping to my forearms to leave kisses and hickies across her underwear line. Her breathy giggle makes me smile as I pull away to center myself between her legs. Holding her legs apart I blow a breath of cold air over her clit.
"Mhm, Fred." She tugs on the ties, forgetting for a second that they're there. "I need out, please let me go so I can touch you." I pause a moment, letting the sensation die down.
"Nuh uh princess, you've a lot more waiting to do." Grabbing the bottle of lube I open it and squirt some in my hand before quietly rubbing them together to warm it.
"Freddie. Do you think I co- holy fucking hell. No warning, no warm up? Just gonna-aahhh."
"You were saying?" Her legs start to close as I circle my thumb over her clit. I keep my fingers still inside of her as I coax them back open. "Good girl." I can hear the whines she's desperately trying to hide. Beginning again I decide to tease. "Come on princess, let me hear you."
"Freddie, pleaseeee." She moves her hips trying to get any friction she can but stops when I roughly thrust inside of her. I just know if I could see her eyes they'd be rolled back in her head right now. The noises coming from her are unholy but so fucking hot.
"And just from my fingers too. You're such a good doll." After a bit more of toying with her I can hear her breath get heavy and fast. "Don't even think about it."
"Please, you can't just do this and expect me not t-"
"I said no." I pull my hand away, wiping it on the sheets.
"Please untie me at least? Or take off the blindfold at least. I want to see how undone you've come." Well, she's got one thing right, I've certainly come undone. As I slip the blindfold off I shield her eyes from the harsh lights. "Oh you poor thing. You're a mess." She nods at the precum that's soaked through my boxers.
"You don't get to talk to me like that and get away with it, darling. I'm not going to be gentle." I waste no time in discarding them.
"At least hold my hand if you're going to fuck me that hard." She looks up at me and I can't look her in the face and say no, especially not when she's been so good.
"Fine." I untie her and she sits up slightly, reaching for my hand. As I start to climb on top of her she notices the camera.
"Did you record that?"
"Yeah, and I'm gonna record the rest of it too. Don't worry, it's just for us, doll." I lace my fingers with hers and press her hand into the bed roughly. "Are you ready?" She nods and I line up with her entrance, teasing her a bit with the tip before thrusting into her and bottoming out. I kiss her neck up to her lips and slip my tongue in her mouth. She moans in the back of her throat before pulling away. With the hand that's not pinned to the bed she digs her nails into my back. "Bloody hell." Once I can tell that both of us are close I pull out and kiss her on the forehead. "Are you sure you want this? This isn't something we can undo. If we break up-"
"Freddie, we're not going to break up. I want to be with you forever. Just do it, please. I want it and I know you do too." She grabs my hand and rubs her thumb over it gently.
"Okay. Okay. If you need me to stop-" My breathing is still heavy from nearing my release. She kisses me, catching me off guard.
"Fucking carve your name in my thigh already you pussy." I grab my pocket knife and flip it open. I bite my lip and steady myself before touching the blade to her delicate skin. She winces and I stop. "No, no, keep going, it's okay."
"You're incredible. I love you so much." I continue, taking my time to enjoy it but making sure she's not in too much pain. She groans and grabs my opposite arm.
"Almost done, my love. You're doing amazing, such a good girl. You're perfect. Four letters to go." As I finish up I can see a tear run down her cheek. "Oh angel, I'm sorry. It's your turn but you don't have to if you don't want to." I offer the knife to her. Surprisingly she takes it and elegantly etches her name into my hip. It stings a little but not too bad. "You did fucking amazing, I'm so goddamn proud of you. Let me help you take the edge off." I lean her against the pillows at the headboard. "Legs apart." The command is followed and I lay face down between her legs, kissing and licking at her core. At one point she ends up with both of her legs over my shoulders while I suck her clit as she plays with my hair. Occasionally a moan escapes that vibrates against her and causes her to shift slightly.
"Baby, I'm close."
"How do you want to finish?"
"Inside?" She questions, the look on her face prepared to pout if I say no.
"Fuck yes." I drag her down in the bed so I can get at her from a proper angle. She lets out a weak moan when I enter her again. "Come on, love, I can tell you're close." I feel her clench around me as I hold her against my chest. A string of profanities follows her orgasm and I keep going until I hit mine. With a few more thrusts I'm cumming and she moans as my cum mixes with hers. I wait as long as possible before pulling out and falling beside her to watch the mess of cum spill out from between her legs. "Bloody hell, you look beautiful like that, you know?" She giggles seemingly innocently. Before I know it her fingers are being held to my mouth with a mixture of myself and her covering them. I suck them clean and pull her in for a kiss immediately after. "How do we taste?"
"Good. Really good."

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