Marauders- Loved by Four 💚

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WARNING ⚠: poly!relationship, the word slut, slight bullying, mentions of not feeling hungry

“Hey Remus, can I ask you something?” I sit next to him on the couch. He closes his book and lays it in his lap, giving me his full attention. “How do you know when you love someone?”
“I think you know you love someone when you’d be willing to give up anything for them. If you’re willing to do anything for them it’s a pretty good chance you’re in love with them. Why do you ask?”
“How would you deal with loving more than one person? Like, as more than friends. You could see yourself with all of them.” I try not to appear nervous as I continue questioning him, avoiding his return question.
“All of them? How many are there?” He shakes his head. “I don’t mean to pry, it doesn't matter. I’d say you have to think about who you’d be your best self with.”
“But, Rem, what if I’m my best self with everyone? They’re all perfect, I love them all so much, and I know picking one would hurt them and their friendship with each other.” I desperately try to explain without saying their names, if I slip up I’m screwed.
“Have you looked into or thought about a poly relationship? If they’re into that, it might be your best option.” He shifts and for a second his knee touches mine and I have to stop myself from assuming he knows who I’m talking about.
“So I just ask them? ‘Hey I really like you but I also have a crush on your three best mates, I think we should all date’? I dunno, Remus, what if it ends badly and they don’t even want to be friends anymore?” I try not to panic at the thought as it bounces around my head.
“Just ask them what their thoughts are on poly relationships. And if you’re friends I doubt they’ll change their minds about you.”
“What are your thoughts about poly relationships?” I ask, hoping he doesn’t catch on.
“I think it can be a beautiful thing with the right people involved. And it sounds like you’d have a great relationship, being close with them already and all. I’ve thought about it with a few of my mates but I'm not sure it’d go over well, considering I don’t even know their sexualities or views about it.” He looks from me down to his hands as he fiddles with his fingers.
“You could always ask them. You never know, it might end really well for you. Thank you, for talking to me about this. I think I’m going to ask them what they think, who knows, maybe they’ll say yes.” I stand to walk away.
“Hey, no problem, I hope it goes well for you.” He waves and opens his book and continues reading.
I head to my room thinking about the possibilities if they say yes. Even if all of them don’t agree or have feelings for me, I could still be with some of them, right? As I get ready for bed I’m still thinking, I know most of them are bisexual, and they flirt with each other all the time, that could just be a friend thing though. As I lay in bed I decide who I’m going to ask first. If I ask him and it goes badly I can just play it off as a joke, he doesn’t take things too seriously that often. Eventually I fall asleep but not without dreaming about them. The four of them sit on the sofa across from me, I decided I’m going to ask all of them at once. “So I need you guys to be completely honest, would you guys consider dating me?”
“Like- what do you mean?” Of course Remus would be the one to ask.
“I mean like all at once. Like a polycule.” I bite my lip, now is when he puts two and two together.
“That’s why you asked? I definitely would.” Remus confirms with no hesitation.
“I’m down to try anything once.” Sirius shrugs with a grin.
“James, Peter?” Sirius, Remus and I look between the two that have been quiet.
“I’d get to date you AND Sirius?” James looks shocked.
“And Remus, and Pete if he says yes.”
“I’m not sure, I’ve established I’m asexual but I’m not sure about romantically yet.” Peter grimaces.
“Okay but the bisexual in me is screaming. Yes I want in.” James scoffs like it shouldn’t have even been a question in the first place.
“Peter, would you be okay with the rest of us being in a relationship? You’re also free to change your mind. I’d like a closed relationship with the exception of Peter. He hasn’t said no but he hasn’t said yes either. Is everyone else okay with that?” The trio nods at me and I can’t help but give them a soft smile.
“Yeah, thank you for extending the invitation should I change my mind.” Peter smiles now.
“So the four of us are girlfriend and boyfriends now?” I question, not really sure how this works. An aggressive knocking wakes me from my sleep. Too bad it was only a dream, I wish things in real life could be so simple. "Can I help you?" I stand and open the door, coming face to face with Sirius.
"We're gonna be late. Let's go."
"Okay but I have something to ask you once I'm dressed." I let him in before going to change into my uniform. Once I'm done and gather my things we head downstairs. "So, Sirius, just out of curiosity what do you think about polyamorus relationships?"
"I think that it could be fun if it was with the right people, like with Remus and maybe someone else, I'd personally only do it with people I know and am friends with. But it's not a bad idea."
"So you know I've had a big crush on the four of you, right?" I glance at him as we walk.
"I have known that to be true for a minute." He glances back.
"And I talked to Remus about it yesterday and he said sorta the same thing. He said a few of his mates, he didn't name names. But what I'm getting at is would you, willingly, be in a relationship with me and our friends?" I'm careful not to look in his direction, afraid any eye contact may ruin my chances.
"I think it's something for me to think about. I don't want to say yes or no right away, give me a little time to think about it?" He stops walking, causing me to do the same. I look at him quickly, trying to read his face. His long hair partly covers his eyes but they sparkle with the soft smile he gives. "Does that sound good?"
"Yeah, of course, I wasn't expecting anything right away. But don't tell the others, please. I want to ask them, I'm just not sure how yet." We start walking again.
"Don't tell the others what?" Remus wanders up on the other side of me. I look at Sirius and back at Remus when he smiles sweetly.
"Well, you know how we talked about being in a poly relationship last night? I wanted to ask you if it's something you'd be willing to try with us, me and James, Peter and Sirius, if they say yes? I don't expect an answer this minute, you have plenty of time to think about it."
"Well I'd love to think about it. You know I think you're absolutely gorgeous and even if the rest of them say no I'd be more than happy to take you out." He nudges me with his elbow and somehow the laugh that escapes him manages to make it sound even more sincere.
"And I Know Sirius has a huge crush on me, so even if everyone else says no, maybe we could try just the three of us, if that's something you'd be interested in. Just something to think about." The three of us enter the classroom and take our seats. I look to Peter's seat across the room and see he made it to class on time. James, however, is nowhere to be found.
"Mr Potter?" Professor Garten says, taking attendance. "Mr Potter?" She sounds even less thrilled the second time. Just then James bursts through the door, panting.
"Sorry I-" Gasping for air he chokes. "Sorry I'm late. I had a mishap in the shower, nearly died." I can't help but laugh at the boy. His soaked curls hang over his forehead and somewhat into his eyes but he quickly brushes them away and takes his seat, still breathing heavily. He sits in the opposite corner of the room from Peter which totally ruined my plans of asking. I wish we wouldn't have gotten separated. All of us used to sit together, me in the middle, Remus and Sirius next to me, James behind, and Peter in front, but apparently Garten thought that we were too rowdy and our pranks were unacceptable and too much, so she separated us. I'm feeling a little more confident about asking since I've talked to Remus and Sirius. While thinking about it isn't a definite yes it's not a no either. Class seems to drag on, I don't pay attention for most of it but I know Remus will give me the notes later. We're dismissed and Peter waits at his desk by the door for the rest of us. I get to him first and wait with him, trying to make small talk until James gets over here.
"How's it going?" I unwrap a butterscotch candy and pop it in my mouth, remembering to save one out for the four of them. I hand Peter one as he speaks.
"It's been alright- thank you- homework has been a little crazy lately but I manage. It feels like we haven't hung out in forever."
"Peter, we sit together at lunch every day." James grins as he walks up. A glance to the back of the room proves Sirius and Remus are headed our way. Once the five of us are together they go to take off.
"Actually I was wondering if I could ask Peter and James a question. You two can stay though." I gesture to Sirius and Remus.
"Sure what's up, kid?" James has always called me kid, he's exactly 3 days older.
"I was wondering, since I can't decide between the four of you, if there was a possibility I could date all of you." I roll my hands together as I anxiously await a response.
"Like at the same time?" Peter questions.
"Definitely." James' face is graced with his iconic half grin.
"You don't want to think about it?" I look at him, shocked he's given an answer already.
"I have thought about it. It's something I've considered asking, I just didn't know if everyone would be cool with it." He shrugs, like it's no big deal.
"So you want to date all four of us, at the same time?" Peter seems to be stuck on that part. "How does that work?"
"You are all my boyfriends, and if you're interested you can choose to be romantically involved with any one of the guys." I look at the others and address them as a group. "If we decide to do this I'd like it to be a closed relationship." Remus and Sirius nod.
"Of course." James smiles.
"I'd have to think about this." Peter sounds almost apologetic.
"No worries, Remmy and Sirius said they wanted some time to think too. Just whatever you decide let me know, please. And don't feel bad if it isn't something you want to do." I put my hand on his shoulder. "It's not going to change anything if you don't want to do this." He nods, a silent thank you, and looks towards the door. We all follow and head towards the great hall to lunch. There's some small conversation here and there, about nothing in particular really. I kick my feet under the table, careful not to kick anyone. At least until Remus stretches his legs out and I kick him. "Oh merlin, Rem, I'm so sorry."
"What flirting with me wasn't enough, you have to play footsies too?" A smile spreads across his face as he knows he's accomplished what he wanted. I turn red with embarrassment.
"That's not what I was doing."
"Are you sure this isn't all a tactic to get me to say yes?"
"Damn you Remus John." I bury my head in my arms as I feel my face get hotter. Remus has always teased but now I have a reason to react.
"Damn Sirius, not me. And by the way, I was going to say yes anyway." I look up at him in disbelief and he winks, causing my heart to jump. I kinda figured that would be his answer given what he said earlier. Two out of four so far and the other two said they'd think about it. Those sound like pretty good odds to me. Lunch is over and now we all head to separate classes, with the exception of me and Remus. That's why he's usually my study partner, that and he's bloody intelligent. Not that the rest of my friends aren't but they fool around too much while studying. Professor Hartford has us working in pairs today for potions, naturally I choose to work with Remus. We put our things at the table and begin gathering the ingredients listed on the page. I watch the boy carefully, admiring him. He's so kind to everyone, always helping the shorter students reach things they can't, and watching out so no one gets shoved or stepped on. I love him. He returns to the table, placing things carefully so he knows what is what.
"I got beakers and measuring things." I put them with the other things carefully so none of the glass breaks. Hovering over the book we take turns reading ingredients and placing them in the pot. I point to the book. "Did you already add this?"
"I thought you did."
"I might have, I don't remember."
"Okay, hold on." He skims the book, reading under his breath. "The potion will turn blue after adding mugwort. No, we haven't."
"Thank Godric you're smart, Rem." I smile at him as he looks at me.
"You are so pretty. I mean, you're smart too, I'm sure you could have figured it out. But also you're very pretty." His eyes travel my face, down my nose to my lips and back up to meet my eyes again.
"Thank you, Rem." I can't help but blush.
"Here, we're almost finished. Add this and stir for five minutes." He hands me a small vile.
"All of it?" I'm answered with a nod. I add the last ingredient and begin stirring, stealing glances at him as he writes something.
"You're staring." His sudden comment causes me to jump.
"Am not. You just think it's funny to tease because I asked you to be my boyfriend."
"Why wouldn't I? Watching you get flustered is cute. We're done. Professor." He raises his hand and I place the spoon on the table. Hartford comes to check our work.
"This is incredible, well done. 20 points to Gryffindor. You two may be excused after you clean up." We clean up our station before gathering our things and heading out of class.
"Hey but seriously, if it makes you uncomfortable I'll stop." Remus stops walking and looks at me.
"It doesn't, I just never imagined you'd actually like me like this. I mean I guess I thought nothing of the teasing, sorry I didn't catch on sooner." I open my arms, offering him a hug. His arms are wrapped around me as he pulls my body flush against his. A soft kiss is delivered to my forehead before he lets me go.
"You're perfectly fine." He reaches for my hand, intertwining our fingers before we begin walking again. "Why'd you decide to ask me?"
"No offense, Rem, but you're not the quickest to catch on."
"Neither are you. I was talking about you and Sirius last night, when I said a few of my mates. Of course that was when I thought my flirting was landing." He chuckles.
"Well, first of all, I'm straight, but I think you're right about the polyamory. And second, it's definitely landing now." I swing our arms gently as we walk. We've made our way to James' class which should be letting out any minute. The two of us stand there, staring at each other until the door flies open and students begin pouring out. James grabs my other hand.
"Come on lovers, let's go find Pete." He drags us towards Peter's classroom down the hall and we find him waiting outside the door for us.
"Hey!" I smile at him. He waves but doesn't say anything, hopefully he's just thinking.
"Never fear, Sirius is here. I've made up my mind. If James and Remus are in, so am I."
"So the four of us, No rush Petey, seriously." I comment as Sirius hugs me from behind.
"Eh what the hell, I can always get out?" Peter finally speaks.
"Absolutely!" The four of us agree in unison.
"I'm in." I let go of Remus and James and hug Peter tightly.
"While I'm so glad we could all make up our minds about this, we'll have to talk more later, I have to get to class." I kiss Peter's cheek, moving around the small circle of boys. Sirius, then James and finally Remus except by now I'm a little reckless and catch the corner of his mouth. "Sor-" He kisses me back, fully capturing my lips.
"No sorry, we're dating now." Grinning, he lets me go. "We'll see you after class."
"Okay, I love you guys." I wave to the four of them as I walk away. Quickly I glance back at them to see them all staring and blowing kisses, causing my heart to dance. I'm by no means the coolest person at school but I'm sure plenty of people will be jealous of me having four of the most attractive men at Hogwarts at my will. I walk onto the classroom and sit down in my seat, taking my book out. It’s a little crazy to think about, I’m dating all four of my best friends, and they’re just cool with it.
“Oh my godric, did you see her? She just, like, kissed all of them and then made out with Lupin.” I don’t even bother to look and see who is talking, I know it’s just one of the popular girls, and from the sounds of it one that’s obsessed with my Moony. My Moony, I like how that sounds. I choose to just ignore them, until it gets to be too much. "She's such a slut." I start thinking maybe they're right, maybe I shouldn't be with all of them, it's kinda selfish of me. I let class go by, paying no attention to the professor or the notes on the board. I don't pay attention to the rest of my classes either. I just wait to be released for dinner. I managed to avoid my boys after my classes but there's no way I'll be able to avoid them now.
"Hey! we missed you after class, where'd you go?" Sirius asks through a mouthful of food.
"Gross, chew first." I sit down in my usual spot. "I just wanted to be alone. That's all."
"Feeling alright, pumpkin?" Peter takes a moment to look up at me.
"Yeah, yeah, I'm… fine. Thanks, loves." I push my vegetables around my plate with my spoon.
"No you're not, angel, what's wrong?"
"Nothing, Jamesy, I'm okay."
"While you think you can get away with lying to the two of them you will tell me the truth or I'll tickle you. You're not okay, princess, and I can tell. Don't try to lie." Remus puts down his fork and covers my hand with his.
"It's nothing, bubba, really. I'll be okay." I give him a weak smile, hoping he'll let it go.
"Nope, try again."
"Just some girls, there's nothing any of you can do about it, just mean girls." I shrug, pretending it's no big deal.
"What'd they say?" Sirius and Peter ask at the same time.
"Just something about how I kissed all of you, and then I apparently 'made out with Lupin'. They called me a slut. It made me think about how selfish it is of me to want all four of you." I put my head down on the table, trying not to cry.
"It's not selfish at all, and even if it was, we're the ones who decided we wanted this." James reaches over and rubs my arm.
"Did it bother any of you when I kissed her back?" Remus addresses the boys and it's quiet for a moment.
"I can't tell if you're mad at him or shaking your heads no." I mumble.
"No, none of us were mad, I promise." Sirius leans on my back, hugging me.
"You're not a slut, pumpkin." Peter kisses my temple.
"You should eat a little, sugar." Sirius lets go of me and focuses on his food once more.
"I'm not really hungry, Siri."
"You need to eat." The lack of a pet name tells me Remus is done being nice.
"Fine, I'll eat something." I sit up and look around our group. Every one of them gives me a soft smile.
"Good, I love you." Remus pushes a glass of pumpkin juice towards me.
"I love you, Rem. And you too, Sirius. And Petey. And of course I love you too Jamesy." They all chime back with their own I love yous and honestly it makes me feel a little better. "You guys are the sweetest. I'm so lucky to be loved by you. Do you think maybe after dinner we could cuddle?"
"I think I call dibs on holding (y/n)." Remus quips, raising his hand.
"I'll hold Remus." Sirius says, nearly choking on a bit of pumpkin pastie.
"I'm cuddling Sirius." James glances around for any objection.
"Good cause I wanna hold Pete." I smile at him and he gives one in return. We finish our dinners quickly and exit the hall and head for the Gryffindor commons area. The five of us sit on the sofa in our established order and turn into a cuddle puddle. At some point Peter's legs are over mine, I'm halfway in Remus' lap, Sirius is holding my hand and James' fingers are tangled in my hair.
Peter stands. "Hey, I love you but I'm super tired, I'm gonna try to get some sleep." He leans down and kisses my forehead but I grab him before he can stand upright again and kiss him properly.
"Love you, Petey, goodnight." I turn around in Remus' lap, still holding Sirius' hand to run my free hand through James' hair. 
After a while I feel myself start to get drowsy, laying my head on Remus' shoulder I eventually fall asleep.
"Hey, sugar, wake up, we're gonna take you to your room." Sirius wakes me and Remus stands, still holding me. James and Sirius follow him up to my room, presumably to say goodnight. Once we're in my room Remus puts me down and picks out a pair of pajamas for me, waiting for me to change. I head to the bathroom and hear them mumbling something to each other but I don't care enough to listen to them. I change into my pajamas and throw my dirty clothes in my hamper before brushing my teeth. Finally I head back into my room and see the three of them sitting on my bed.
"Oh my pretty boys." I gush at them as I climb under my covers. James takes a second to straighten the blankets over me before kissing me softly.
"Goodnight, beautiful angel." He steps back for Sirius to say his goodnight.
"Sleep well, sugar." He quickly pecks my lips twice and gives me a hug, rubbing my back momentarily before he too steps away for Remus.
"Goodnight, princess, sweet dreams." He brushes a strand of hair out of my face before pressing his lips against mine. "I love you."
"I love you guys too." I struggle to keep my eyes open at this point. I watch them walk out the door, blowing kisses as they do so. Just before James slips out the door he makes sure it's locked and pulls it closed behind him. I'm the luckiest girl at Hogwarts, I think to myself as I fall asleep for the second time this evening.

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