Draco Malfoy- We Call it Dating 🧡

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A light tapping on my door tears my attention away from the project I was previously working on. I stand and make my way to the door hoping that whomever it is doesn't decide to knock more aggressively and wake up the rest of the house. It's quiet when I open the door, the girl in front of me doesn't speak. "Yes? It's late, why are you still awake?" Still saying nothing she moves much closer to me and hesitantly puts a hand on my arm. Finally, after a while of staring into each other's eyes, she speaks.

"Do you think you could come cuddle on the couch for a while? I'm having a rough night."

I shake my head no and drop my arm around her shoulder, guiding her into my room. The door is shut behind us and I slip into bed discarding my pen and notebook to the floor. "Come on scaredy cat." I pull the covers back and motion her over. Slowly she approaches my bed, standing at the edge and fidgeting with the sheet. "Do you want me to cuddle you or not? I need you in my arms to do that."

"N-no, I do, I just don't want to make you think anything else is implied. I'm just having a bit of a rough time."

"I'm not gonna take advantage of you in any way. I can see that something has you upset and although I'd love to kick their ass, you, my love, need me. Come here." She finally accepts the offer and climbs into my bed while trying to maintain a space between us. "Get over here." I pull her against my side, letting my arm fall to her back. "Hush now, you're alright." She lays her head on my chest and takes a deep breath before letting out a heavy sigh. She seems relaxed almost immediately.

"Thank you, merlins sake, you don't know how lucky I am to have you as a friend."

"Friend, huh?" I scoff.

Yeah? That's what we are, right, friends? She pulls back and looks up at me.

Friends dont kiss the way we have. Friends dont see each other the way we have. Friends dont hold hands, or one another and flirt the way we do. I let my fingertips graze her bare skin as I trail my hand up and down her arm.

So what are you saying, Dray?

Im saying it has to stop. Or we need a different title. Admittedly I dont want it to stop, so I hope she chooses the latter.

So what do we call it? Because honestly, Draco, I dont think Id be the same without it.

We call it dating. We call it boyfriend girlfriend. I mean come on, we already know everything there is to know about each other, weve been on countless dates, kissed, Ive seen you naked, and we cuddle all the time. I havent slept with or kissed anyone else. Weve practically been dating this entire time, we just never really said it. Suddenly, it seems, I recall every moment thats been more than friends. I know exactly how your lips feel on mine and what you taste like. I know when were holding hands your pinky has to be on the inside. I know that every night when you go to your room you write in your journal and you read the same muggle fairytale your mom told you since you were little. I know the way your body fits in my hands, I know you were made for me. I know-

Draco, you can stop trying to convince me. She says, pressing her lips against mine. We call it dating. Once again she lays her head on my chest and snuggles into my neck. We call it dating.

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