Theo Nott - Warm me? 💛

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WARNING ⚠: not quite lemon but not lime either, little bit of sexual content, cockwarming Theodore bc it's been on my mind all day

"Teddy?" I poke my head into his home office after hearing a frustrated grunt.
"Sorry, princess, I didn't mean to bother you." He barely looks up from the pile of papers on his desk.
"It's quite alright, I was just coming to ask if there was anything I could do for you." I fully step into the doorway, wearing nothing but his shirt and my underwear.
"There might be. Come warm me?" He pushes back from his desk. I nod, giving him a sweet smile as I make my way across the room. Making quick work his belt is undone and his pants are unbuttoned. He strokes himself a few times before motioning me into his lap. I push my underwear aside and slowly sink onto his length. He lets out a low groan and relaxes into his chair. "You feel incredible."
"M'glad I could help, love. Just pretend I'm not even here." I rest my chin in the crook of his neck as he slides the chair back towards the desk. His chin rests on my shoulder as he continues with paperwork, letting out another sigh. I feel him twitch inside of me and I let out an involuntary whimper. "Sorry, sorry."
"Y'okay?" He pulls away to look at me.
"Mhm, you just moved, I wasn't expecting it." I smile, pressing a kiss to his lips. He nods and returns to his work once again.

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