Peter Parker- Never a Secret 🧡

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WARNING ⚠: insecure Peter

"Pst, Parker." I half whisper trying to gain my best friends attention.

"Pst, (y/l/n)." He whispers back knowing its me. Surprisingly I'm the only person that calls him by his last name, everyone else calls him Penis Parker or just Peter. Neither of us are super popular, or even a little popular for that matter, but Pete gets bullied a lot more than I do. Class is almost over and that means itll be lunch soon.

"What are we doing for lunch?" I keep my voice low, trying not to get busted in the last five minutes of class.

"Dunno, gotta ask Ha-"

"Mr. Parker, is there something important you need to interrupt my teaching for?" Ms Dice lets out in her shrill, annoying voice.

"No ma'am." He quietly responds, forgetting the rest of the conversation with me. I assume he was going to say we have to ask Harry. I pass him a note, asking if he wanted to ask the other boy.

"And now miss (y/l/n) is passing notes." Dice says again.

:No ma'am, just giving Par- Peter my notes to copy. He wasnt paying attention." I manage, trying not to laugh at the disapproving look she gives him. Finally, after too many close encounters, class is dismissed. Peter and I pack up and wait until everyone else is out, even Dice.

"As I was saying, before you got me in trouble- twice, you have to ask Harry. May didn't give me money so its cafeteria food for me."

"Why would I want to go get lunch with just Harry? Peter, You're my best friend, and my boyfriend at least you were the last I knew." I go to continue but he interrupts.

"Still am, unless you're breaking up with me."

"I'm not breaking up with you, you idiot, I love you." I grab for his hand and pull him to the side of the nearly empty hallway. "So why would I want to go get lunch, with Harry, alone?"

"You don't like cafeteria food." He won't look at me as soon as I chuckle.

"Oh my sweet Petey boy, you're the cutest. Did you know that?" I quickly glance around, making sure Harry isn't around before pressing a kiss to his cheek. "It's not my first pick but I'll eat it, especially if it means I get to be with you."

"I got so lucky in the girlfriend department."

"Peter, you have a girlfriend?" Harry walks up to us.

"I was talking about (y/n), girl space friend. Not a romantic involvement." As the two of them talk we begin to walk, Peters hand swinging in mine. It's not something either of us think about anymore, weve held hands since we were little.

"Cafeteria lunch? Parker doesnt have any money today." I ask Harry, in a silence.

"Or could one of us just cover it?" Harry offers, looking first at Peter, then at me.

"No, I won't let you guys do that. I'm fine with my lunch here if you guys want to go out." Peter offers once again.

"Shut up, Parker. If you're not going I'm staying here. Harry, you can go if you want." I shoot Peter a look of concern before Harry responds.

"I think I’m gonna go out, sorry guys, my stomach cannot handle this stuff."

"It's okay, we got each other." I wave him off as he heads out the building. Peter and I walk into the cafeteria and find our spot, sitting our bags down and getting in line. "Do I make you insecure in our relationship, Pete?"

"Why would you think that?"

"Please just answer my question. Do I make you feel insecure in our relationship?" I repeat myself, looking into his eyes.

"I mean, being a secret isn't exactly what I wanted."

"Peter Benjamin Parker. You are no secret. Just because Harry doesnt know, means nothing." I look at the line in front of us and the semi-deserted lunch room deciding to ask a question. "Who all knew Peter and I were a couple?" Hands shoot up all over the room and Peter takes a moment to look around. An astounding number of people Peter thought didn't know of his existence raise their hands as well. As we look towards the other side of the room, near the doors, Harry pops his head back in and raises his hand. Both Peter and I thought we had been a little more sneaky around him. "You were never a secret, Parker."

He doesnt say anything, just slips his arm around my waist while the other cups my face. Pulling me flush against his body he attacks me with a passionate kiss and I let my mouth fall open slightly as our lips dance together. Both of us are unaware of the cheering around us until he pulls away to catch his breath. "I love you."

"Mhm, kiss me again." I say with a grin and to my surprise he does.

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