Fred Weasley- Merry Christmas 💚

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WARNING ⚠: tiny make out with Freddie in front of the fam, mentions of a toxic relationship in the past

"Mrs. Weasley, lovely to see you. Ginny." I hug them, wondering if it's too soon to ask if my boyfriend is home yet.
"Hello, dear! Fred said you should be here this morning. He's just popped out with George to Diagon Alley quickly for a few things. Do make yourself at home." Mrs. Weasley smiles, gesturing to the living room. I make myself comfortable on the loveseat with my knees tucked into my chest. Pulling the small blanket off the couch and into my lap I slowly drift to sleep. In what feels like a short amount of time a body is leaned against mine. Before I can open my eyes I hear their voice.
"Beautiful isn't she, mum?" Fred speaks softly, probably as to not wake me. I can't suppress a smile as his hand meets my knee to rub gently. Slowly I open my eyes and tip my head to look up at him. The next time he looks down at me his eyes meet mine and he looks slightly worried for a second before I smile at him.
"Did I wake you, little bear?"
I give a small nod before speaking. "But it's okay, waking up to your voice is-" I stop myself before I can out us to his mum. "Certainly something I could get used to." I give him another soft smile and he hugs me against his side. For a while we sit and talk, well, they talk and I mostly listen.
"So, have you and Fred kissed yet?" Ginny questions excitedly.
I glance at him, unsure if he wants to tell the truth or make himself seem cool. "Actually, Ginny, no, we have not." He's decided on the truth.
"That's lame, you guys have been dating almost a year and haven't kissed? I've kissed Potter.."
"Well, see, Fred has been waiting on me. I haven't even said the thing yet." I announce, now feeling quite silly.
"Fred has told us all about how crazy in love with you he is." Mrs. Weasley smiles.
"Oh I'm sure he has, he tells me every night." My cheeks burn and I feel incredibly embarrassed. Fred seems to notice right away as my body goes stiff next to his.
"Hey, mum?" Her attention is drawn away from me and placed on him. "I think we're going to go for a walk. Yell when it's dinner?" With a nod we're released and I'm being pulled out the door.
"You alright? You know you can say it whenever you're ready, I won't force you." His fingers lace through mine as we walk.
"I know, sweet boy."
"Good. I do really love you though. If you'd let me, I'd spend the rest of my life with you."
I stop walking abruptly. "Freddie, you don't have to say that..." My heart begins to pound and I know soon my palms will get sweaty.
"I know, but I mean it." He must have noticed it because he lets go of my hands and holds me at arms length by my shoulders. "Listen to me, I know he said it, he wanted a family and all the good things and he didn't mean it. He said I love you and you said it back. It makes me hurt to know I wasn't the one to say it first and mean it. But I do mean it, when I say I want to hear 'I now pronounce you husband and wife' and when I get to kiss you. And walking into our wedding reception being announced as Mr and Mrs Fred Weasley, getting to look beside me and seeing you, I want it. I want the long nights at the hospital, holding your hand, telling you that you're doing amazing. Hearing our babies cry for the first time, seeing you hold them. The three am 'daddy, I throwed up' and whatever the hell else life throws at us. I want it to be you, I always have, I love you, and I mean it." By the time he's finished the both of us have tears streaming down our faces.
"I love you, Freddie, I love you." The words come out in barely a whisper but he hears them and pulls me tight against his chest, pressing his nose into my hair.
"Godric, you have no idea how long I've waited to hear that. I'd wait a million more years too." He begins swaying gently as he speaks.
"You don't have to, I'm sorry I made you wait so long. I just-" I'm cut off.
"I know, love. You wanted to make sure I wasn't going to be like him I swear to you, on George's life."
"That's a big risk."
"It's not a risk at all, because I mean it."
"Thank you."
"Of course, little bear. Would you like to accompany me inside? It's pretty chilly out here."
"I'd love to, as long as I get to snuggle with you."
He rolls his eyes. "As if not snuggling is even an option."
Once the two of us are back inside we take the empty space on the loveseat. Fred lays down before pulling me on top of him.
"I love you." I whisper in his ear as I snuggle further into his chest. My hand that rests against his cheek allows me to note that his face has gotten very warm and a quick glance reveals the red surging through him.
"Why are you so blushy?" George asks as he flops onto the other sofa.
"No reason..."
"I told him I love him." I announce with a satisfied smile. I can hear Ginny and Molly in the kitchen squealing to each other.
"Well that certainly is something huh? Now we just wait for the first kiss and start planning the wedding." Fred attempts to find something to throw at his twin but is unsuccessful. "I give it a week."
George can be however doubtful he wants, the truth is, I've had this planned since we left Hogwarts for Christmas break. And my whole plan will come together in two days.

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