Spencer Reid- The Proposal 💚

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WARNING ⚠: swears, mentions of cheating, marriage proposal, g*n, anxiety mentions

"Spence?" I quickly look through the house for my boyfriend. "Bubba, where are you?" I'm beginning to get slightly worried, checking the cabinet I see his gun is there so he has to be home. Upon searching the entirety of the downstairs I make my way to the basement door. "Spence, if you're down there say something." I shout into the darkness, I don't think he would be sitting in the pitch black for any reason... unless he has a migraine. No, the basement wouldn't have been locked. I silently wander upstairs, fully prepared to see my love's lanky frame splayed out on the floor. He wouldn't have had time to grab his gun if someone snuck up on him. It's too late when I finally register the pounding in my chest. My legs feel as though they could give out underneath me and my whole body is shaking. I'm having an anxiety attack. "Spencer, I need you." I've only made it to the first landing but I stop and try to get my breathing under control. "SPENCER WALTER REID, YOU'D BETTER BE DEAD." The fear that laces my voice proves how much I hope that isn't true.
"Baby? You okay?" He finally pokes his head around the corner and I let my body collapse to the floor. "Love-" Rushing towards me he's able to halfway catch me before I hit my head.
"You scared me to death." I smack him in the chest, pushing him away from me.
"My gun is in the cabinet downstairs, I'm perfectly fine. Sorta." He rubs his chest where I pushed him.
"You could have answered. I was worried sick; I checked the basement. I checked the LOCKED basement." I've noticed my breathing is getting better, knowing h3s okay.
"I didn't want you coming upstairs yet." My mind goes foggy. What? Is he cheating on me? That's the only thing that makes sense for him not wanting me upstairs. "Did you hear me?"
"I heard you say you didn't want me upstairs yet, what are you hiding, Spencer?" Rarely ever do I call him Spencer, it's far too formal in my opinion. "Are you cheating on me?" I push myself off the floor and head upstairs.
"No no no, this isn't how it was supposed to happen-" He tries to push himself between me and our bedroom door.
"I wasn't supposed to find out or I wasn't supposed to find out this way? In our house, Spencer, really? In our fucking bed? Move, I'd like to go pack." Pushing him aside I keep my eyes on the floor as I enter the room.
"Fuck-" Spencer curses under his breath. He grabs my hand and I yank it from his grip before spinning around to face him.
"Don't-" As I turn I can see him on one knee, something small in one hand, the other rubbing his face.
"Will you marry me?"
"Will I marry you? What is this, some kind of a joke?" I cross my arms over my chest, slightly uncomfortable with everything.
"Look around and ask yourself if it's a joke." He fully stands, gesturing to the room. Rose petals, pink and red, rest haphazardly on the bed, pictures of the two of us occupying every tiny open space. A box of my favorite chocolates sits on my dresser and I tear up at just the thought of how much he had to go through to get them, they're not easy to aquire. I look at him.
"You weren't supposed to find out. And especially not like this. I'm sorry." His eyes fall away from mine almost as quickly as they met.
"God you must hate me." I throw my arms in the air, fully crying. "I'm so sorry." Moving towards me he opens his arms, offering to hold me. I fall against his solid chest and immediately lose myself in his warmth and smell of comfort.
"I don't hate you. I could never ever hate you. However, we will be having a conversation about the accused cheating. I still want to marry you though, if you could forgive me for not answering you when you were calling for me." He speaks softly but clearly, rocking us gently.
"Yes. I will marry you. I'm sorry, Spence, I'm so sorry."
"It's gonna be okay love, we're gonna be okay." He moves some pictures before sitting on the edge of the bed. I sit with him, my head in his neck, too embarrassed to look at him properly. "Do you really think I'd cheat on you? Did you know that statistically 8 out of 10 partners that accuse their significant other of cheating are actually the one doing the cheating?"
"Spence, five minutes ago I expected to see you lifeless on the floor simply due to the fact you hadn't answered. It was nowhere near my first thought, not even close, not until you said something. I've been overthinking a lot again and I know I said I'd tell you if it got bad again but you've been so busy with work..." The warm tears trickle down my cheeks and I do nothing to stop them. I feel so guilty for not telling him but how is he supposed to focus on unsubs if he's worried about me.
"I am never, ever, too busy to worry about you. It's me and you baby, every day and for the rest of our lives. I can worry about you and not let it distract me from my job." His large hand comes gently to my face, wiping away any stray tear.
"God I love you, Spencer." I press quick tiny kisses against the underside of his jaw until he decides it's his turn.
"I love you." It's simple but I make note of how he still doesn't say 'too'. He never has said 'I love you too' always just 'I love you', he doesn't love me in addition to loving him, he would love me even if I didn't, and it continues to make my heart flutter. "What do you say you put on a fancy dress and get all dolled up and we can go out so I can give you a real proposal? Huh?" I nod at him slightly before looking at the bed, still disappointed and embarrassed I messed it up. "I know what you're thinking, darling. And you didn't know, you can't help it when you get like this and I understand. I'm just glad you told me so I can help you." He hugs me tightly, kissing my cheek, and my jaw, my neck, and shoulder.
"You gonna get yourself all excited before dinner?" I stroke his hair, looking at him.
"No, I want you to properly be my fiancé before we make love." A slender finger taps my nose.
"You're gonna be my husband." It's almost as if the realization just hit me and of course he can't help but laugh.
"Yeah, that's kinda how this marriage thing works. Even better yet-" He gets quiet before whispering, "you'll be my wife."
I let out a light squeal. "I've always wanted to be a wife. I'll finally be able to say 'let me ask my husband' 'I'll talk to my husband'. My husband. My husband."
"You're absolutely precious." He stands, placing me back on the floor. I tiptoe and give him a kiss before I move to the closet to find something to wear. I pull out a gray cocktail dress with a lace top. It's simple but not plain, it's one Spencer helped me pick the first time we went to dinner with his coworkers. I put it to my chest, pulling out the skirt before letting it fall back. It's probably my favorite dress I own. I lay it on the bed and move on to fixing my hair. I notice Spence behind me in the mirror pulling out ties to match one to my dress and smile to myself. I decide on a half crown braid and am able to complete it rather quickly, finishing with a sea salt texture spray.
"Beb, need kiss." I shamelessly make grabby hands at the man standing on the other side of the room and of course he makes his way to me, no questions asked.
"Oh my baby needs a kiss, does she?" I nod at his teasing. "How do we ask nicely, doll?"
"Pleeeeease, kissy." Some people might call it weird or childish but Spencer and I have always been this way, to us it's just silliness. He presses his lips against mine, pulling my body flush with his.
"Mm better?" He hums as he pulls away.
"Nother please." And my request is fulfilled once more. "Thanks beb." I pat his butt before returning to my full length mirror to quickly brush on some make up. I keep it simple with just mascara, a tiny bit of highlight and some lip gloss. I strip my clothes and toss them into the hamper before I step into my dress. I smooth the dress over my frame before attempting to zip it. No matter what angle I go from I can't manage to reach the zipper. "Lovie boy, I need your help please." After a moment Spencer stands in the doorway, looking sexy as ever and smelling twice as delicious. "I can't zip myself." I chuckle. He moves behind me, both of us facing the mirror. Brushing my hair to one side he's extra tender as one hand moves up my back while the other rests on my waist. Once I'm zipped he refuses to let go, both hands firmly on my hips. He places several mind numbing kisses to the back of my neck and it takes all I can to not beg him to skip dinner. "You have to stop, Spence, we have to make it to dinner." I shudder with each kiss.
"It's not my fault you look absolutely gorgeous." Kissing my neck once more he finally releases me from his grasp. "Almost ready?"
"Yeah, I just need jewelry and heels. If you're done could you grab my Mary Jane pumps out of the closet, pretty please?" I slip on a plain gold necklace as he rumbles through the closet. Taking one last look at my outfit I sit on the bed to put my shoes on.
"Nuh uh, give me your foot."
"You're too much, Spence." He grins and slips the shoe onto my foot in a manner seemingly too dainty for a man before doing the buckle. "Not too tight?"
"Perfect." Doing the same to the other he stands, brushing off his pants regardless of there being no debris.
"My lady." His arm is held out for me to wrap mine around and I can't help but smile at how spoiled I am. "You look gorgeous, in case I haven't already told you." He smiles at me, knowing he already has.
"We're taking my jeep, right?" I ask as we stand in the garage.
"We absolutely can." He opens the door on the passenger side and waits for me to climb in before reaching over me to click in the seatbelt. A chaste kiss is pressed to my lips as he closes the door. Making his way around the front of the jeep he finally comes to his door. "You taste incredible." He licks the strawberry cream gloss from his lips. Hopefully he doesn't decide to tease all night.

Lmk if y'all want a pt 2 either on the date or after

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