Steddie- How's Your Head 🧡

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Steve Harrington x Eddie Munson
"How's your head?"
"haven't had any complaints yet"
"Excuse me?"

"Eddie." Steve crouches next to the unconscious metal head sprawled out in the field. "Eddie, man, come on."
"Eddie?" Dustin's hopeful voice is small, much smaller than it's ever been.
"Damnit, Eddie!" Going against Robin's previous advice Steve grabs the boy's arm, shaking him just a little. "Eddie, wake up." Steve swears he saw his face twitch. "If this is some kind of joke you're playing, Munson, so help me."
"Would you stop screaming? You're hurting my head." Eddie groans, before attempting to roll onto his side. Steve allows himself to fall to his knees, body losing all the tension he held with Eddie's unconsciousness.
"Jesus christ, you're okay." No matter how odd it might look Steve can't bring himself to let go of Eddie's arm just yet. He thought they'd lost him.
"M'fine, Harrington, don't get your panties in a twist." Another groan comes from Eddie as he tries to sit up. Dustin drops to his side, fingers carefully brushing his hair away from the gash on his forehead.
"You have a boo-boo." Nearly everyone can tell it's his last ditch attempt to lighten the mood.
"Thanks, kid." Eddie chuckles, patting his curly haired friend. "Harrington?"
"Huh?" Steve meets Eddie's eyes before dropping to his lips briefly.
"You can let go of me now." He directs his gaze to where Steve's hand rests on his arm. Steve follows and releases him with a guilty look.
"Sorry, I just- you weren't coming around." Never has Steve lost his cool before, what the hell?
"It's fine, dude." Eddie holds an unusual nonchalance, one that Steve usually manages. Steve simply nods. Robin, who stands a bit away from the herd of boys on the ground with Nancy, lets out a laugh that causes Eddie to cover his ears. Nancy's laughing too, just much quieter than Robin. "What's so funny?"
"Nothing! Nothing is funny, we really shouldn't be laughing, we need to get somewhere safe." Nancy exclaims before Robin can out their conversation.
"Well, we can't go to my place. Harrington, how close is yours?" As he speaks Eddie attempts to stand with the help of Dustin. The smaller boy isn't much good at keeping his taller friend upright so with little contemplation Steve steps in.
Allowing Eddie to lean against his side as he wraps his arm around him he answers. "The Bye-rs don't live there anymore… Yeah, my place is the next closest, it's still a long walk." Steve gulps as Eddie shifts more weight onto himself. "Think you can make it, big boy?" Dustin lets out a snort at the comment.
"Guess there's only one way to find out. Lead the way." Eddie still relies on Steve to help keep himself upright even though he should be arguing he can do it on his own.
"Right, Nance, you want to lead?" Steve tries not to think about how Eddie's fingertips dig into his arm.
Nancy agrees, her Robin and Dustin taking the lead, allowing Eddie and Steve to fall in behind them. After a while of walking Steve feels like his body is on fire from the inside. His flesh burns with every movement, every brush of his jacket, every twitch of his fingers, any tendril of hair that reaches out to tickle his face. His whole body is on fire but the parts of him that meet with Eddie feel like molten lava. He's never felt this way before, it's strange but he doesn't think he hates it.
"You're quiet, Harrington, Penny for your thoughts." Eddie keeps his voice low, it just feels right given the situation.
"Just, thinking."
"Wow, that's new for you, isn't it?" Steve can't help but chuckle at the snide comment.
"Maybe. What I was thinking about definitely is. I don't really want to talk about it though. Seems pretty stupid given everything that's happened lately." Eddie nods, respecting Steve's wish. The group continues walking, Nancy checking on everyone every few minutes.
"Nice place, Steve." Robin seems in genuine awe.
"Eh, s'not really me, I just live here, y'know." His friends step aside to let him open the door, following after he leads Eddie inside. "All my shit and the shower is upstairs, do you think-"
"I'm pretty steady now Harrington, tis but a flesh wound." Eddie announces, finally letting go of Steve. Every point of contact now feels frigid, ice cold, but he disregards the feeling as he tramples up the stairs behind Dustin.
"Sure, kid, make yourself at home. Want a sandwich?"
"Really? A sandwich sounds amazing, I'm star- You were being sarcastic, weren't you?" Dustin feels a little foolish for believing him.
"A little, but if you're hungry you know where the food is." Steve gives him a smile, nodding that it's okay. "You two can follow if you'd like, pretty much anything is fair game. I'm just gonna find Eddie some clothes and show him the shower." Robin seems distracted by the contents of Steve's room but Nancy and Dustin make their way to the kitchen. "Hopefully sweatpants and a t-shirt will do, I don't think my jeans would fit, no offense." Steve digs through his closet while Robin paws through his music collection.
"None taken Harrington, you do have wider hips than I do." Eddie shoots him a wink as he takes the clothes from him. Shaking his head with confusion, Steve leads him to the bathroom.
"Cold, hot, that turns the shower on. Towels and linens are in the closet." A small cupboard is opened quickly, revealing towels, sheets, wash clothes and blankets. "I don't have that 5 in 1 bullshit so, shampoo, conditioner, body-"
"You think I use 5 in 1?" Eddie seems mildly offended.
"Sorry. I just- It's… y'know, it's cheaper. I'm sorry, that was rude. I'll get outta here. Oh uh, how's your head?"
"Haven't had any complaints about it yet." A smug smile settles on his lips as he looks Steve up and down.
Steve's skin blazes again. "Excuse me?"
"Huh? Oh, it's fine." Eddie nods.
"Good, good." Steve steps out of the bathroom, shutting the door behind him.
"5 in 1?" Robin snorts from Steve's room.
"Shut up."
"'How's your head?' 'NO COMPLAINTS'?! He certainly was not talking about his boo-boo." She chuckles, throwing herself onto the bed.
"What do you mean?" Steve quirks his eyebrow.
"He was insinuating he gives good head."
"Oh-." Steve sits next to Robin. "Hey so, can I tell you something?" Robin nods. "I think… I think maybe I might like Eddie."
"No shit, dingus. You're over being mad at him for stealing Dustin because we almost died."
"No, Rob, I mean like like Eddie."
"But, Steve, Eddie's a dude." Robin grins, not bothering to front that she's clueless.
"Okay, don't patronize me. He's just… I dunno, he's just not so bad. And he's terribly pretty. Is that weird? That's weird."
"Y'know-" Eddie's voice startles the two. "I don't think you're so bad yourself, Harrington, and uh- you're pretty pretty too." A blush settles across his cheeks with the statement which makes Steve think he's about to go into cardiac arrest.
"I'm really glad you queer-dos could figure that out. I'm gonna go get some food and make sure your son stays downstairs." Robin announces, vaulting herself off the bed.
"You should rest." Steve gestures Eddie towards his bed and as the metal head sinks into the plush of his tousled blankets he stands to leave.
"Could you stay?" Eddie sounds meek, afraid.
"Yeah, yeah no problem I can stay." Steve sits again, keeping a small distance.
"Y'know, for 'King Steve' you're pretty oblivious sometimes. Cuddle me, you idiot." The smirk can be heard in his voice as Steve slowly wraps himself around Eddie's back.

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