Remus Lupin- My Sharona 💛

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A/N: if you haven't heard the song "My Sharona" by The Knack go listen to it now. I mean it. Go listen. Also for this story Hogwarts is more like a University/College than a school.

Warning ⚠: lemon!, mentions of pregnancy, marijuana, alcohol

Usually the parties are huge and loud, you can never really hear the music and you can't turn around without bumping into someone. But this one was different, they limited it to strictly Gryffindors with one singular exception. That's where I come in. (Y/n) Potter, junior, Hufflepuff, twin to the infamous James Potter. They only made an exception for me because I'm the sixth Marauder and everyone knows it's not a party without the Marauders. Well, that and Remus demanded I be here or he'd snitch. Remus and I have been going steady since grade 9 in high school. He's my best friend and my rock so it's no surprise he wanted me here. I look around the room, hoping to catch a glimpse of one of the other five of us, where there's one there's bound to be more. Finally after what feels like ages of wandering around aimlessly a pair of hands wrap around my waist and lips connect to my neck. Instantly I relax against his body, not needing to question who it is at all.

"I thought you'd never show." He moves in time to the music, still holding me.

"Well I might have shown up a little earlier if I knew the hottest guy at Hogwarts was going to be hitting on me." I can't help but smile at his tactics.

"And I thought that'd be a given. Have you had a drink yet?"

"I'm not drinking tonight, for a very specific reason that I promise will make sense." He spins me around to face him as he stops moving.

"Are you pregnant?"

"What? Rem, no. I can't tell you yet, but I promise I'm not pregnant. If I thought I was you would have been the first person to know."

"Swear on James' life?"

"I swear on James' life. Why wouldn't I tell you if I thought I was pregnant? It'd be your baby."

"I dunno, I might be a little baked." He shrugs with a grin that reads 'please don't yell at me, it's better than cigarettes'. "Please don't yell, it's better than cigarettes."

"I wasn't going to. Have you had any alcohol?" He shakes his head no.

"Just smoke."

"Good. You can't drink tonight either. Promise me, Remus, not a drop." I hold out my hand with my pinky finger extended.

"Promise. I'm not sure why, but I'll do it." Finally for the first time since he found me he kisses me. "Did you find your brother yet?"

"No, I thought if I could find one of us everyone would be in the same general area."

"Well, Peter's over there." He turns us slightly to the left and leans down next to my face and points. "We're pretty sure that girl has been trying to get him to hook up with her. She clearly doesn't know Pete's ace. Sirius is over there." He points again to a different spot in the far corner. "Chatting up a couple of chicks, not sure if that's gonna end with an orgy or not."

"Oh, there's James."

"He just went to get Lily a drink, hasn't left her side since they got here. She's playing hard to get, as usual. And I am right here, looking at the most beautiful girl I've ever seen."

"Remus, you're too cute."

"Oi Remus!" Someone yells from across the room, stealing his attention. "We're lighting up."

"You're good, I'll get the next one. I'm gonna see if my girl wants anything." He waves them off and returns his attention to me.

"Your 'girl'?"

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