Jegulus- Winner Both Ways 💛

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most of my fics are x reader but I got an idea and went with it

Warning ⚠: Lemon, mlm

"You have to be quiet, Jamsy." Regulus whispered into the boy's ear, holding him against his chest. He looked at the clock, 15 minutes should be plenty long enough. His hands tangled in James' curly black locks as he kissed him. There was one thing James didn't mind about Gryffindor vs Slytherin game days. Win or lose him and Regulus always ended up tangled together in the locker room. When James won a game he'd get to see his boyfriend be rough with him, and when he lost Reg treated him like a king. If you asked him right now what the score was based on how Regulus was touching him he'd tell you he had no idea, but since he wasn't the one that caught the snitch he knew Regulus' tenderness would be long lasting. "Potter." Regulus mumbled against his lips, tugging at his hair.
"Reggie, do you love me?" James spoke quickly so as to not waste time. His hands roamed from Reggie's shoulders down his arms and to the bottom of his jersey. As James tugged the hem up slightly Regulus disconnected himself, peeling both his and James' respective jerseys off. They were neglectfully tossed aside as the two rushed to hold the other again.
"I. Do." Regulus breathed between kisses being left on James' collarbone. "Pants off." James abided by the request, slipping out of the rest of his quidditch uniform. The two stood still for a moment, admiring each other. "James Potter, you might just be the prettiest boy I've ever seen." Regulus sat on a bench, pulling his boxers to his knees. He pumped himself a few times before gesturing James into his lap. James quickly removed his boxers and sat in Reggie's lap, slowly sinking onto his length. His own hard on now clearly visible he avoided eye contact with Regulus. At least until his thumb gripped James' chin, making him look into his eyes. "Oh baby boy." Regulus cooed at him, making James shiver. James buried his head in Regulus' shoulder, his face coated with a red hot blush. "I enjoy the fact that I have the ability to make you so flustered and horny." Regulus dragged his nose up James' neck, letting his lips graze the sensitive skin.
"Reggie-" James began.
"Shush my love, give me a second." Regulus kissed him before taking James' length into his hands. While James rocked himself back and forth on Regulus' lap Reggie gave him a few good strokes. Eventually it ended up with Regulus doing all the work, James sitting in his lap being wanked and Regulus moving his hips under James to get friction.
"Godric you're amazing Reg." James praised his boyfriend, nearly finishing.
"I'm almost there, Jamsey." Regulus' eyes rolled back as his thrusts became sloppy. James could feel him twitch and came with him. "I love you, Regulus." James only ever used his full name when he was mad or really wanted to be listened to.
"I love you, James." Regulus responded, not hesitating a moment. "You need a shower, dirty boy."
"Says the one with cum in his hair." James laughed, lifting himself off Regulus' lap.
"Says the one with my jizz dripping down his leg." Regulus stood, cleaned off the bench and joined James in a shower. "You know how this goes."
"I know, babe." James kissed his lips softly. "I wait fifteen minutes after you leave."
"Good. I'll see you later. Be a good boy." Regulus kissed James once more before exiting the shower to get dressed quickly. James stayed in the water well after Regulus left him, losing track of time. Fifteen minutes passed and James still stood under the water, lost in his head.
"Prongs?" He snapped out of it upon hearing Sirius' voice.
"I'm naked." He yelled to his brother. Well, not his technical brother, James thought as he grabbed his towel. James and Sirius had met in their first year. Along with Moony. And Regulus joined the year after. Regulus and Sirius were real brothers, James' parents just adopted Sirius when he ran away, making Sirius his brother and his brother's brother his boyfriend. But Sirius didn't know about that yet. And Moony was, well, Moony.
"I was just coming to see if you were okay. You were taking a little longer than normal. Reggie told me he saw you in here last." Sirius spoke with his back towards James. James couldn't help but laugh, if only Sirius knew.
"I'm fine, just pissed. I had him, Pads, he was right there, it was right there. And he got me. I don't know what happened." James gathered his clothes and stuffed them in his practice bag.
"I'm sure you'll do better next time." Sirius bumped his arm as they headed out of the locker room.
"I think so." Or at least he hoped so. As much as he loved Reg when he was a softie he'd missed the dominance Reg held when he lost.

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