Chapter 11: Help

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Your P.O.V. 

Before we walked outside, I gave Henry a big hug, "Congratulations, Henry. I'm happy for you." 
He smiled and hugged me back. "I'll see you when you come back." He replied before walking outside to find his son waiting for him. I flew back to Starling City to be met with Oliver and Felicity. 
"Hello, love birds." I spoke before they parted from each other. "We aren't 'love birds'." They said together. I laughed at their unison and walked to the training room. 

I didn't like leaving this secret place, where Oliver saved his city. I didn't even like going to the grocery store. I just stayed there, in the training room. I will admit, I did leave the place when I was invited to clubs, when I worked with Oliver during the night, or when I would do a job with Diggle as a driver. I drove rarely, but I still tried earning some money. 

Three days passed and I hadn't left the basement.

Two weeks passed and I hadn't left the basement. 

I trained every one of those days, not missing anything. I was stronger than before and I loved it. I hadn't even had an uncontrolled angry episode since the Thea incident. 

One day, Oliver and I were working at night. We found a man on the dock ready to shoot us in fear. "James, just answer the question." Oliver said calmly as he hid his face from the poor man. "Green Arrow, I don't know where the money went." Oliver nodded his head towards me signaling me to transform. 

I let my wings transform and appear, scaring the man even more. 

"Y/h/n, if you get any closer, I will shoot." James demanded. I smiled and shook my head. "I saw you. I saw you give the money to him. Don't lie." The fear in his eyes grew. "He threatened me!" 
I lightly laughed towards Oliver, "Will you? Or can I have the honors?" Oliver only nodded his head, letting me take care of the lying bastard. I took the scared man by the collar and flew him up towards the night sky. We were about 100 feet from the ground, when I finally let him drop. "Help me!!! I'll tell you everything! No, no, no, no, no, no! Help!!!" He yelped for his life. When he was a foot away from the floor, I grabbed his cheap shirt to stop him from falling. "Okay, I did give it to him, he said there was gonna be an exchange at the same club for the drugs. I promise you, I have nothing to do with the drugs." I looked towards Oliver and he lifted his hand, telling me to let him go. Before I could help the man, his shirt tore and he fell face first on the ground. "Bitch." He whispered as he cleared the blood from his cheek. I ignored him and walked to Oliver's presence when all of a sudden Oliver and I heard a gunshot. Suddenly, I felt this sharp pain on my wing. "Son of a-" I took a deep breath as I closed my left wing, stopping it from bleeding. I turned looking at James with anger pouring out of my body. Oliver shook his head, "I'm not even gonna stop her from what she'll do to you." James pointed the gun again and pulled the trigger. Nothing came out. He pulled the trigger again in fear as I walked closer to him. I was able to control my power when I was angry, but I still levitated off the ground. There were only boats at this dock, so I took everything from inside and smiled. "I'm sorry." James spoke before he pulled the trigger again. "No, you're not." My voice echoed before everything circled him. I lifted my hands making everything speed up in motion. Hearing his cries as the sharp objects circled closer to the man, my feet finally touched the ground. Everything began to touch, scratch, and scar him as they kept circling him at immense speed. After a few loud yells, Oliver and I heard nothing. I dropped all the objects and looked at the man who betrayed and lied to me. 


I guess my job is done. I walked towards Oliver and said, "Nobody messes with my wings." 

We entered the basement where Felicity sat before the computers. "Y/n! How do you feel?" She exclaimed, worried for me. "I'm fine. Oliver can take out the bullet and stitch it up. I don't have to fly everyday." I calmly reassured her as I walked towards Oliver and his box of herbs. He made an herb paste and placed it on my wing. As he helped me, I talked to Felicity about literally anything. "Barry and Iris broke up again. He started dating this girl named Patty." To be honest, I was shocked. I never saw Barry as the date-one-girl-to-an-other type of guy. "Really?" I asked her. "Yeah, she is pretty cute and quirky. She's also a cop." Felicity replied smiling. I smiled back as I thought about her. If she makes him happy, that's all I care about. It does hurt because I love him so much, but I need to be happy for him. 

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