Chapter 19: Back

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Barry's P.O.V.

"Here. I brought you dinner." Joe said, placing the plate of food next to me and grabbing the full plate of lunch. "You need to eat, son."

I looked at my window then turned to him, "I lost her, Joe."

I stayed with Joe after everything happened. I didn't want to be alone, afraid I would do something I'd regret. The thing is, losing someone is never a good feeling. Losing my mom took me 15 years to deal with. I haven't dealt with my dad's death and now the woman I love was stripped away from me. This is hard to deal with and right now, I feel no one knows how it feels. Joe sat on the bed as I stood near the window. "Bar, what's on your mind?"

What's on my mind?

I don't know.

I regret everything. I should've searched for her when I had the chance. I should've stopped everything with Iris. I should've been with Y/n, if it meant I would be happy and she would be safe. I wanted to be with her but everyone, including her, told me Iris and I were meant for each other. Iris and I are not meant for each other. I want to be with Y/n. And I hate myself for not realizing sooner. I could've been the one to wait for her on the aisle. I could've been the one to have children with her. I could've been the one to grow old with her.

Joe snapped me out of my thoughts, "Barry?"

"I should've loved her. I should've shown her how much I loved her. Now she's gone and I can't do anything about it."

I looked at Joe, who looked back at me. "But you can do something about it. I may not be good with all this science stuff, Barry, but you are. You will find a way to get Y/n back."

Realization hit me. If the Speed Force is stable, I can swap someone in Y/n's position. She would be here with me. I sped to STAR Labs, leaving Joe confused in my room.

"Guys?" I spoke out looking for my friends. I haven't seen them since that day, so I was worried when I didn't find anyone in the cortex. I sped towards Cisco's lab to find him asleep on his desk and Caitlyn lightly snoring on the floor near him. Papers sprawled around them with weird writings and complicated equations. "Guys?" They both stood shocked and scared. Their eyes landed on me and their bodies relaxed. Caitlyn kindly whispered as she wiped the sleep from her eyes, "What's up, Barry?"

"I know how we can get Y/n back!"

I wiped the clear board and began to draw a plan.


Your P.O.V.

I laid on the hospital bed while Savitar talked with our 10 month old daughter. He kept whispering sweet nothings while I tried to sleep. He weirdly stood up from his relaxed position and worriedly spoke, "He's looking for a way to get you out."

I sat up confused, "What?"

Savitar laid D/n in her crib and began grabbing some things and packing them in a bag, "Barry. He found a way to get you out of here." I looked at him packing only my and D/n's things when I finally realized, "We're not leaving without you."

He abruptly stopped and looked towards me, "You have no choice." Tears were begging to pour from my eyes, "Yes, I do!" I held on to his arms, trying to stop him from packing any further, "I'm not going!" Savitar roughly held my arms and sat me on the bed, "Yes! Yes, you are!"

My wings appeared and I levitated off the ground. All the anger finally arose as my body began to grow in size. My power was never as strong as it was now because of different circumstances. "No, we're not!"

Savitar stopped packing and looked at my furious features, "Y/n, please. This place is unsafe for you and D/n." As if on queue, D/n began crying, snapping me from my form. I walked to our dear baby and carried her in my arms. "Barry is going to be here any second now." He finished packing our things and stood in front of a blank wall. I stood behind him, confused and upset. After a few seconds a portal opened revealing Barry and his two friends behind him.

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