Chapter 17: Goodbye

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Your P.O.V. 

I finally found all my powers. 

In the past 2 months, I've been trying to figure out all my powers. I have my original power, invisibility, superspeed, and my mind reading abilities. I finally feel comfortable with them all, using them to help Oliver and Felicity. 

Them, Jacob, and Savitar are the only ones who know about every ability. Savitar helps train me, while Jacob just uses me. Although we got married, Jacob really didn't treat me like his wife. 

I had just finished work, so I walked to meet Savitar in our secret destination. I waited for 30 minutes before a gush of wind flew past me. "You're late." I spoke bluntly. "I'm sorry. I-I think it's time. He's figuring some things out and he's trying to find me." Savitar quickly replied worriedly. I took him seriously and asked, "Do I go home to Jacob?" He nodded his head and ran further away. I ran home and took a few breaths to seem happy and calm. 

I unlocked the door to our home and spoke out, "Honey, I'm home." Laughing at myself, I put my keys and purse in my closet and walked towards the kitchen. I wanted to play with my husband so I used my invisibility power and walked over to him. I found him with an elegant shirt and an apron that said, 'Kiss the Chef'. I walked over to him and talked quietly, "I missed you, my love." He chuckled and looked around the room, "C'mon. Y/n/n. Stop using your powers for a second." Listening to the handsome man, I let myself reappear before him. We both laughed before I gave him a sweet kiss on the lips. I held him tightly by his shirt and whispered sexually, "I gotta have fun with these powers, baby. C'mon, let's go have some fun." He roughly took my hands away from him and rudely replied, "Stop being annoying. No wonder Barry chose Iris over you." He walked away from me and finished the food he was making. As he focused on the food, I focused on my infuriated feelings towards him. Saying a few words, my voice echoed, "I… Hate.. You!" 
I flew towards him with pure anger and held his face towards the firing stove. "Don't treat me like that ever again!" His face began to slightly burn as I called for Savitar. "Savitar!!" He quickly came and saw the situation before him, "Y/n! What are you doing?!" My fury radiated from my hands and body as I pushed his face closer to the burning flames. Savitar held my shoulders making me let go of Jacob's weeping feature. "What the fu-" I yelled before he interrupted, "Y/n, let's go! Now!" I faced Jacob fully and growled, "Don't ever do that again!" 

Savitar abruptly took me outside creating the scene we planned. "Barry doesn't love you." His words still pierced my heart, but I brushed the pain off. "I told you what would happen, but you didn't listen!" He yelled. His words felt true as if he really meant it. "Iris belongs to him! Not you!" He yelled once more, making my tears fall hard. That's when I knew Barry was watching this happen. Barry yelled towards Savitar, "Savitar! You don't have to do this!" 

Savitar turned his attention from me and told Barry, "I already did." His hand vibrated through my stomach making me scream in pain. I fell on my knees, falling to my side while Savitar ran away and let Barry run over to me. "No, no, no, no. Y/n, please. Please, don't go." He held my body as my breaths shortened, "I-I love you. I want you." His lips lightly touch mine, "Don't leave me, please." He kissed my lips again as I felt the pain consume me even more. "I choose you, Y/n. Please, please. Don't leave me." He sobbed as he kissed me even more. "B-Barry…" I spoke quietly. "I'm.. I'm sorry.." I cried as the pain became unbearable. "No, no, no, no, no. Please don't say that. I-I love you..please." 

I closed my eyes, scared that I was actually going to die. What if this all went wrong? What if I died in the end? What if Savitar is too late? I took the short breaths I could, while Barry just sobbed on my shoulder, "I should've told you. I'm so sorry." 

My breaths became shorter by the second. I realized, before I could say anything, his warm body left my dying body. Would I die all alone? 


Barry's P.O.V. 

I ran. I ran to find him. I ran to defeat him. His whole plan was to kill Iris, but now I'm fast enough to defeat him. 

I saw his streak and followed him. This man has been tormenting me and now I can put a stop to it. 

I raced for a few minutes before I saw him enter the house. Is this where he could live? My body stood still as I saw him roughly take Y/n out of that house. He rudely talked to her, "Barey doesn't love you." She took the pain but he kept adding more, "I told you what would happen, but you didn't listen!" I stepped closer to them, wondering what Savitar was going to do. "Iris belongs to Barry! Not you!" That's when I realized. I had to stop what he was planning to do. "Savitar! You don't have to do this!" He turned to me and naturally said, "I already did." I raced towards him, but his hand already pierced through her stomach, "No!!!" She fell on her knees. I was too late. I focused on Iris so much that I didn't realize he changed the future. I focused on saving so much Iris that I couldn't save Y/n. "I held her cold figure in my arms, "No, no, no, no. Y/n, please. Please, don't go." I frantically talked to her, hoping she was going to live. "I-I love you.. I want you." I kissed her warm lips, hoping this was all a nightmare. My voice rose as I told her, "Don't leave me, please!" I kissed her again. How could I save Iris, but not Y/n?! How could I?! "I choose you, Y/n. Please, please, don't leave me." If Y/n lives, I want to be with her. She's mine. I love her. I can't lose her. She was always there for me. All our memories came to mind while I held the precious woman in my arms. Her quiet voice spoke, ripping my mind away from the thoughts, "B-Barry…" I looked at her face while she spoke the last words, "I'm.. I'm sorry…" She cried from pain and hurt, making me feel so guilty. I paid more attention to someone I thought I was going to end up with,  when I knew I WANTED to end up with Y/n. I sobbed, kissing her features, "No, no, no, no, no. Please, don't say that. I should've told you." I held her in my arms, crying for the one I love. I should've told her from the beginning. I should've done so much for her. She's been there for me more than Iris. "I should've told you. I'm so sorry."

I knew I had to defeat Savitar. I ran from her and went to STAR Labs. "Open it!" I yelled to Cisco and Caitlyn, who opened the pipeline, making me run to open the speed force. Once it was open a wraith came out and flew towards who I think was Savitar. 

After a few minutes the wraith had Savitar and someone else in their grasp. It flew towards the opened portal and it finally closed. I ran back to Team Flash finding they were frantically trying to reopen the portal. "What happened? We got Savitar." I said, confused. 

Caitlyn looked at me, while Cisco cried pressing buttons. 

"He got Y/n."

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