Chapter 15: Already

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Your P.O.V.

It has been 8 months since Barry told me those words. It has been 8 months since I last saw him. It has been 8 months since I've seen everyone. I've only talked with my parents after everything that happened, but they were literally the only people I talked to.

The day I talked with him, Barry escaped from the pipeline and fought Zoom. He beat him, but changed everything in the process.

After Zoom was defeated, all my friends became busy with their life, so they couldn't really hang out with me. So, I thought it would've been easier to go back to Starling City. After a while, I found out Iris and Barry had been dating once again. I couldn't help but be upset at him because I was really hoping what he said was true.

I was training with Oliver when Felicity came in and kissed him on the cheek, "You guys are together?!" I screeched in happiness as I hugged them, "Yes, Y/n... We are." Oliver replied shyly. We all laughed as they held each other in a cute embrace.

Two months had passed and I grew more accustomed to my old life. I went back to working with Oliver and I even got another job as a Café manager in a place named Java. I rarely used my speed, but I did use my other power. Throughout the time, I found more powers. So, all together, I had my original power, superspeed, and I personally had the option to read minds. I haven't used it since I found it, but I did find it pretty awesome.

It was Thursday, I had been training all day while Oliver was working at his club. Felicity was examining through her computers for the suspect we had. She quietly spoke out to me, "Oliver and I are going out tonight.." I looked at her with a big smile plastered on my face, "oooOooOoOoOOooh!!" She laughed at my childish actions. "Stop it, I need you to stay here. Don't burn anything down, okay?"

I saluted, "Sir, yes, sir!" She laughed again, "I'm not a sir." We giggled at my stupid joke when Oliver came in and repeated what Felicity told me, "Okay, you guys have fun.."

They left me to train with Diggle for half an hour before he had to go home. I trained with the dummies for another fifteen minutes, until the scarlet speedster showed up. "Y/n?!" He spoke out, shocked to see me.

I went to call Felicity, but she didn't answer. I called Oliver, who finally picked up after seven missed calls. "What?!" He rudely spoke. "Someone's here for you. Pause it for a while and come." He groaned through the phone and replied, "I'll be there in ten."

The Flash and I waited uncomfortably for five minutes before he spoke, "So, how are you?" I simply replied with, "Fine. You?" To my surprise he answered, "Not fine." I looked at his features and wondered why not? "Why? You look fine." His appearance saddened before he answered me again, "I broke a promise to my best friend." Our eyes connected before I quickly looked away.

I didn't look at him for the rest of those five minutes until Oliver and Felicity arrived.

"Hello, Barry. What brings you here?" He spoke walking over to me. He pointed at his head, signaling me to try reading his mind.

If you want to leave, you can. No need to stay.

I nodded my head and walked to Felicity. As I walked further towards Felicity, I heard Barry say the name. I heard him say the name from the newspaper. I turned around and looked Barry dead in the eyes, "What did you just say?" He shook his head, "Y/n, we'll find him. I promise." I looked at him in disbelief and I know he noticed, considering the sadness on his face. "I'll deal with it myself, Bartholomew."

I walked away from the basement and headed my way towards home. When I finally arrived, I unlocked the door to the apartment and set my things down on the floor. For the first time since I moved in the apartment, I sensed a feeling of unsafeness. I turned on my lights and walked to my room very quietly hoping not to disturb anything there. I entered my room looking at everything. Nothing was different, but the aura felt dangerous.

"Hello, Y/n."

I turned to see someone close my room door shut.

"It's great finally being able to see you."

I finally saw a glimpse of who it was, "It's great to finally see you too."

Then and there, I knew my time was up.

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