CHAPTER 215: Fresh air

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After hours of intense work in the fashion industry, pencils and scissors laid lifeless with the many scraps of fabrics scattered on the tables and on the floor. Mannequins set up in rows in a total of twenty.

Standing in the center of the room, Yue Ling held her chin with one hand while her other hand held the elbow. She pout her lip in thinking.

After she arrived, no one wasted any more time and started working. The designs on each of the twenty mannequins are the first set of designs. They still have two more sets of twenty to finish. However, she wasn't going to make her design team try and finish it all in one night.

Glancing to the time, it was already 2:30am. Looking back at the designs, she was quite satisfied. Everything had turned out exactly like how she had sketched it.

"Alright, we'll call it a-"

She turn away from the mannequins and when she saw what was behind her, she was dumbfounded.


All of her designers were already asleep. The twins, Gui Tian Lan and Gui Zhongming sat on the floor, their backs against each other's and their head tilted back on each other's shoulder. Lian Ni Shang sat on a chair and Ju Suo's petite figure looked like a cat using the woman's thighs as a pillow. Shan Sinan looked like he didn't care about where he is and laid flat on the floor.

Turning her head to another part of Uncle Zhi's shop, Yue Ling was even more dumbfounded. Tang Zhong Hui had somehow taken the other guy's coats for use. One as his bed sheet, the other as a pillow and the third one keeping himself warm. However, that wasn't the reason that made her dumbfounded.

She didn't know when, but Tang Zhong Hui had moved some of Uncle Zhi's expensive items onto the floor and turned that layer of the shelf into his bed.

If someone else was to see this scene, they'd probably think they were inside a homeless shelter.


Liu Shan's voice sounds from the end of the shop catching Yue Ling's attention. Moving her eyes away from her team, she walks towards the two people still awake in the room. However, when she got to them, she suddenly remember something.

"Where is Qi Li?"

"He went out with Uncle Zhi to smoke."

This time, it was Lin Hui who spoke. He leaned against the chair and both hands placed on the back of his head. Yet, his eyes were focused on all the screens in front of him.

Yue Ling nod her head and looks at the screens. She frown when her eyes land on one of the screens. It wasn't moving as if it was put on paused. Arching a brow, she looks at Liu Shan.

"Is this it?"

Nodding his head, Liu Shan taps on his keyboard allowing a few more other videos to show on one screen. Each video showed the same person, a man in a grey suit from different angles.

"He seems to be a hacker too. I don't know his reason, but he seems to be controlling some of the surveillance cameras. I tried hacking into his computer but each time I'm one code away, he somehow manages to decode me out. However, I was able to use the surveillance cameras to capture a few images of him."

Saying this, Liu Shan frown and leans back on his chair. He's a very high tech hacker, yet, this unknown man comes and disrupts his image. Thinking of it, he couldn't help but think about the time they went to save Jingxu and Ting.

The unknown team from the other mountain had a very cunning hacker too. Could these two be the same person? But that can't be possible, right?

While Liu Shan was lost in his thoughts, Lin Hui held in mixed feelings. His skills as a tech was just slightly under Liu Shan's, but if this unknown person is this great... does that mean he's third now?

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