CHAPTER 303: We have guests

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While the situation in City Z turn intense, the grey sky in Imperial also darkened. Raindrops slowly trinkle as they lightly sprinkle against the windows of Jade Condos penthouse 1503.

Inside the living room, Lin Hui laid on his back lazily on one of the white couches. He caresses his bloated stomach and grin with a satisfaction face. He is the happiest when full. It’s the soul reason why he cannot break up with food.

Yue Ling stare at the man and she couldn’t decide whether to laugh or cry. Sometimes, she also can’t help but wonder why the people around her are out of this world.

Seeing how comfortable he is, she sighs inside and shook her head. Lin Hui had clearly made himself at home.

"Lin Hui, it’s going to start pouring soon. When are you leaving?"

Oblivious to his boss’s view on him, Lin Hui close his eyes and continue to casually stroke his stomach with a smile.

"Aiya boss, let me rest for a bit. I ate too much and I drove my bike here so I’ll speed home before it pours heavily. Besides, I need to...."

Suddenly, his eyes shot open and he abruptly sat up.

"B-Boss! I-I suddenly remember something!"


Yue stare at him with a dumbfounded expression. Lin Hui, who sat up quickly was struggling with difficulty, however, she suppresses the urge to laugh and clears her throat.

"Ahem. What is it?"


Lin Hui realize that she had seen him struggle and he blush in embarrassment. Of all people in the world, it had to her who saw him. He takes a deep breath and brush the embarrassing scene away.

"Early this morning, I received a strange call. This person called so early that when I looked out the window, it was still dark outside."

He touches his chin and his words continue.

"The strange thing was, this man asked me to keep a look out."

His head slightly tilt to the side and he sigh.

"When I asked what I was supposed to be keeping a look out for, he hung up on me. I tried to track the call, but I was led into a dead end."

Yue Ling quietly listen and nod her head from start to end. She finds it strange that someone would call Lin Hui. Who made the call that even he could not trace?

Keep a look out... A look out for what?

While Yue Ling and Lin Hui continue their conversation about the subject, they were unaware of the situation right outside.

Surrounding the entire premises of Jade Condos, men in black tactical gears hid in the dark. The sound of fists hiting and silent gunshots can faintly be heard as they take out their opponents.

A man in black tactical gear held the head of a man wearing a mask. With a strong twist, he quickly and swiftly kills the man. Letting the body fall to the ground, the man in black tactical gear lift his hand and touch his earpiece.

"Assistant Xu, South is clear."

On the other side of Jade Condos, Xu Long flips a mask man. Before the person could move or make a sound, he sends a bullet to man’s head. He stood over the man and stare with an expressionless face. Unlike his usual suit attire, he had changed into the same tactical gear as Wolf Team.

When he heard the other person called clear, he touches his earpiece.

"North and West are clear. What about East?"

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