CHAPTER 362: Dinner is ready

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"Master Lu, Madam Lu. Dinner is ready."

Entering the room, the Lu family’s butler interrupts the lively atmosphere. The maids had informed him that the food were prepared and ready to be serve.

Old Lu nod his head and gestures to the butler that he can leave. On the other side, when Madam Lu heard the butler’s inform for dinner, her eyes lit up and she reach for Yue Ling’s hand with a smile.

"Yue Ling, I have prepared a delicious meal for you. Come, you can sit next to me."


Yue Ling sighs a smile and allows Madam Lu to guide her to the dining room. She is happy that Madam Lu is comfortable with her and gives her the feeling of home.

Watching both women leave the room, Lu Tian frown with a sulking expression. His mother is being too clinging with his wife. He is the son but he’s being treated like an unwanted guest. Maybe he shouldn’t have brought his wife here. If he didn’t, he would still be able to have her all to himself.

"Son, you will have to get use to this."

From the side, Old Lu chuckles his words. For some reason, he can’t help but pity his son, but he knows this feeling better than anyone. When Lu Tian was first born, his wife had shoved him to the side and forgot all about him. It was as if Lu Tian was the only one in her eyes.

However, after they had Lu Han, both he (Old Lu) and Lu Tian did not get as much attention as Lu Han did.

Thinking this, he pat his son on the shoulder before following after his wife and Yue Ling.

Good thing Lu Tian is never one to fight for attention.

Left with no choice, Lu Tian could only follow behind. He shouldn’t be childish and fight over his wife with his mother.

He also thought it was a good thing Yue Ling did not want to live in Peony Villa. If they did, he is sure his mother will never go home, even worse, she might welcome herself to live with them.

Entering the dining room, half of the long dining table is covered with different dishes. The delicious aroma filled the entire room making one drool inside at its smell.

Madam Lu’s eyes beam with joy. She had spent the entire afternoon preparing these dishes and told the maids to help finish cooking since Yue Ling and Lu Tian were here.

Just as she was about to say something, she did not expect her son to be faster.

"Yue Ling, you sit on this side."

He place a hand behind his wife’s back and pulls her away from his mother’s grasp. Pulling a chair back for her, he motions her to sit down.

So what if he had said he wouldn’t fight for attention, when it involves his wife, he does not care who it is.

Oblivious to his vinegar eating, Yue Ling thanked him and sits down as Lu Tian quickly takes the seat next to her. He thought, if his mother wants, she can sit on the left of his wife.


Left in a speechless state, Madam Lu could not believe that her own son was eating vinegar!

She scoffs inside and decided to do exactly what her son wants. There is enough room for the three of them to sit on one side of the table.

Staring at his wife and son, Old Lu sighs inside. He had just praised that his oldest son did not like to fight for attention and yet, here he is, fighting for attention.

Shaking his head, he reach an arm out to grab his wife who was just about to sit down. He smiles to her and part his lip speak.

"Dear, you sit next to me."

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