CHAPTER 313: Save us

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Xu Long’s eyes scanned the men opposite of them. He was fully awake and sober now. It was as if he was never out drinking. As the assistant of Lu Tian, he was trained to never back down from a fight, even if the other person has a gun.

He slowly gets into a fighting stance, making the aura around him change. He was no longer the pretty boy at the night club, but a tiger. Even the aura he gave felt like an actual tiger had emerge from within him and appeared into the sky above.

Lin Hui nod his head at Xu Long with an impressed expression. He turns away from the man and looks at the other men. His posture slowly change and gets into a fighting stance with fists ready to fight.


The group of men roar in laughter when they saw Lin Hui and Xu Long’s fighting stances. Compare to them, both men were skinnier and looked like kids. Two skinny men thinks they can take them down? When had they ever lost a fight?

Seconds after the men’s laughter echoed into the sky, thunder roars and lightning flashes in the background. The sound of heavy footsteps quickly storm from behind Lin Hui and Xu Long.

The area they were in was already small. However, with the other men now in the alley too, they trapped the two men with no space to run.

Lin Hui stares at the back and he was at a loss for words. He scratch his head in annoyance and curse the heavens. They were already outnumbered and yet, the darn sky wanted to take sides!

However, one end of his lip curls up into a charming smirk, "Xu Long, should we test out who takes down the most men?"

Hearing Lin Hui’s words, Man 1 scoffs in laughter. He points the piece of wood at the boy and roar.

"Kill them!"

At the man’s voice, the massive group of men charges at Lin Hui and Xu Long. Each person ready to beat the living hell out of them.

Lin Hui sighs and turn to the other side to await the men. However, unlike him, Xu Long rushes forward to the men in front.

Two men approach him with fists thrown in direction. He bends his body forward and avoids the hit. His arms swiftly wraps around their neck, slamming both heads together.

"I’ll handle the front. You take the back. Don’t forget to count!"

Lin Hui nods his head with a ’en’ and runs three sprints to meet them. He sends a jumping punch to a man, knocking him out right away. Without pausing, he tackles a man around the waist and slams the man onto another man with a metal stick.


The sound of metal bounce onto the floor. No intentions of stopping, Lin Hui quickly catches the metal stick when it bounce up. He swings the stick like a baseball bat and hits the side of a man’s head as he jump kicks another’s stomach.

At the same time, a man punches his cheek, but he did not wince at the pain. He arms and legs continue to strike back in full force.

On Xu Long’s side, he crouch every so second to dodge the hits. Doing so, he sends punches at the men he passes. Taking down the tenth man, he sends a fist to the eleventh man, but before he could hit the man, another man kicks the side of his waist.

He groans at the sudden pain and slams against the wall.

A man aims the baseball bat at his head, but Xu Long raise his arm to block it. The pain shot through his body, but he ignores it. He sends the man a punch in the stomach and swiftly snatch the baseball bat.

The quiet night began to ease as the heavens above stopped weeping. However, the sound of a fight continues without stopping. Bodies lay unconsciously on the wet ground.

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