CHAPTER 290: never last long

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Across the city from Imperial Military Hospital is a residential area with substandard housing that is poorly serviced and overcrowded.

Just one look and one can see how unhealthy, unsafe and socially undesirable this area is.

Amongst the crowd of people wondering in the area, a scrawny man is seen moving in a fast pace.

His head turning side to side as if he is searching for someone, but looking closer, he is actually checking his surroundings.

As he walks to the end of the slum area, he stops in front of an extremely rundown building.

He looks around again and seeing no one is following him, he quickly pushes the door open and enter.

A dark hallway with no windows greets him inside.

The walls are so old that cracks are visible to the eyes. The only light the allows the man to see inside is the light coming in through the door he had entered.

Anyone who enters this building will be reminded of a scene in a horror film, however, the man walks forward.

After walking a distance, he comes to a stop in front the only door inside the rundown building. Hanging over the door is a flickering light that looks like it will blow out in any minute.

Lifting one hand, he knocks on the door, but before his hand can touch the door, he stops.

Turning his head, he checks his surrounding again for confirmation that he was not followed.

After a thorough check, he finally knocks on the door.


He knocks once, then pause.

After counting three seconds in his head, he knocks again, but this time, he did it in a set of three.

*knock knock knock *


Just when he finishes the last knock, the lock on the door unlocks it from the inside.

The door is open ajar and poking from behind the door is half the face of a man.


This person’s voice is deep and hoarse like someone who has inflammation in his vocal cords. The scrawny man does not hesitate and quickly answers the man.


The man standing behind the door opens the door and allow the man name Gonji to enter.

As Gonji enters the room, he is met with a tall bulky man with a deep scar of his left eye.

Stepping away from the door, he sees that the entire room is cover in thick layers of smoke. However, he can see that in every corner of the room is a group of people.

Men laughing as they are either drinking or taking drugs, while prostitutes dance service their needs. Music is playing so loud that he cannot hear what anyone is saying except for their mouth moving.

"This way."

The tall bulky man spoke as his figure walks pass Gongji.

Looking away from the people, Gonji quickly follows the tall bulky man. After all, he did not come here for entertainment.

The two individuals walk pass the groups of people and enter another door in the back of the room.

Instead of entering a room right away, it is another dark hallway with stairs leading down to what looks like a basement.

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